There are a great many people who helped me along this process, and I need to take a minute to thank them.
Firstly, Marya, Courtney, and Rebecca from CTP, you gals are amazing. Thanks for taking a chance on my strange little idea and for the stunning covers, marketing, formatting, and general hand-holding you did the whole way. You are amazing!
For my editor, Cynthia Shepp and her team, you guys are the best. If people could see what my first drafts look like, they would fall at your feet because you make my words shine and it wouldn’t be half the book it is without you.
For the wonderful bloggers who continue to support me, you are so amazing and I am a very lucky girl to have such amazing friends in my life.
For my writers group, thanks for always being there to listen to my crazy ideas and first-world problems. Thanks for all the caffeine, love, and support. Thank you.
As always, thanks to my family, who prop me up and make me reach for the stars. Especially thanks to my husband, who knows when to bring home tacos and when to just get out of the house for a few days. I LOVE YOU, babe!
And finally, thank you to all the readers who picked up these books and took this journey with me. This isn’t just Catherine’s story anymore, it’s our story now too, and I hope that a little bit of Catherine’s courageous spirit lives on inside of each of us.
Chin up. Crown On. Move forward.