The fifty-six cards of the minor arcana depict several experiences and emotional states that are common for many people. A brand new set of tarot cards is usually presented in order of wands, cups, swords, then pentacles. Many tarot books use this same ordering when presenting card interpretations. In this book I’ve put the cards in numerical order instead, to highlight the similarities and differences between cards of the same number.
Ace of Wands
General Associations
Number: Beginnings, potential, opportunity, gift, root causes.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
An opportunity for a new creation, a successful enterprise, ambition, enthusiasm for a new beginning, passion, willpower, a time of great energy.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is starting a new business.
• is optimistic, passionate, and ambitious.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves an unexpected opportunity.
• involves an effort that takes a lot of planning.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find the energy to get started (or restarted) on their project.
• Please help me make the most out of this opportunity.
Manifestation form:
• The bank loan has come through, and our business is getting off the ground.
• Our team knows what our goals are and we’re eager to get started.
My Promise:
• I will humbly accept any encouragement from my coach, friends, and acquaintances.
• I will get on the ball and act quickly in this situation.
• I will support my partner’s ambitions.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the opportunities I have.
• I am grateful for the chance to influence this situation.
• I am grateful for the beginning spark from my muse.
Ace of Cups
General Associations
Number: Beginnings, potential, opportunity, gift, root causes.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
An opportunity for a new relationship or emotional experience, a spiritual awakening, creativity, understanding, a reconciliation that allows new beginnings.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person/people I’m concerned about
• has just gotten married.
• is in touch with their emotions and interprets most things through an emotional lens.
The situation I’m focused on
• is a romantic or creative opportunity.
• involves a group that needs to get along better.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find happiness in this situation.
• Please help bring love into my life.
Manifestation form:
• My friend has found a good counselor and is addressing their depression.
• The new employee or committee member is a great fit with our team.
My Promise:
• I will ask this person on a date.
• I will surprise my partner with a little gift of love.
• I will reach out to someone who is sad.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my passion about the art I create.
• I am grateful for all the happiness in my life.
• I am grateful for all the ways I have been truly loved.
Ace of Swords
General Associations
Number: Beginnings, potential, opportunity, gift, root causes.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
A brilliant idea, a flash of insight, an opportunity to know the truth, mental clarity, thinking outside the box, power, reason.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• has a great idea for something new.
• is sharp and clever, knows how to cut through confusion down to the core of an issue.
The situation I’m focused on
• is the beginning of a new school year.
• needs to go in a whole new direction.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend get accepted into the school of their choice.
• Please help me figure out a solution to this problem.
Manifestation form:
• My friend can see the truth of their situation and knows what changes need to happen.
• Our leadership is seeking out the facts of the situation and is developing a plan to respond appropriately.
My Promise:
• I will seek out the truth and act on it quickly.
• I will make sure my ideas are included in the final output.
• I will speak truth to power.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful that a decision has finally been made.
• I am grateful for the influence I have.
Ace of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Beginnings, potential, opportunity, gift, root causes.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Opportunity for financial advancement, winning, good luck, tangible results, abundance, good things to come, a seed to invest.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• seems to be very lucky.
• knows how to cultivate donors or financial backers.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a windfall or unexpected financial gift.
• could turn out to be enormously successful.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend overcome their financial difficulty.
• Please help my child reach all their potential.
Manifestation form:
• Our organization’s main benefactor continues to generously support our goals.
• I am taking advantage of the opportunity to meet with the person who is a leader in my chosen profession.
My Promise:
• I will humbly accept any financial help from my parents in this situation.
• I will be generous.
• I will act quickly on this opportunity.
• I will cultivate a healthy lifestyle.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the gifts I’ve been given.
• I am grateful for the opportunities in this situation.
Two of Wands
General Associations
Number: Choices, balance, partnership, duality, union.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
Gathering energy, choosing the next step, looking to the future, determination, raising your consciousness, making your mark.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• always has many ideas for our projects.
• is passionate about their vision and the ways it can be realized.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves our group making decisions for the future.
• involves gathering the resources that I need to achieve my goal.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my child get the feedback they need from their teachers.
• Please help my friend get their new company or project up and running.
Manifestation form:
• Our organization is coordinating all the volunteers, and everyone understands how to discuss the campaign’s platform.
• Our new manager has many good ideas and is bringing much needed energy into the office.
My Promise:
• I will take time to be pleased with my past work before I move on.
• I will make my intentions clear in this situation.
• I will balance my dreams with my ability to get them accepted.
• I will trust that my path is wherever my feet are.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for all the interesting potential projects coming my way at work.
• I am grateful that I’ve accomplished my vision for my recent project.
Two of Cups
General Associations
Number: Choices, balance, partnership, duality, union.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
Being loved, loving another, your beloved, close friends, emotional connection, partnering, harmony, connections, union and reunion.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is falling in love.
• is excited about a new interest or hobby.
The situation I’m focused on
• is a wedding.
• involves a business merger.
• involves an event where friends from different areas of my life are together.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help bring a romantic relationship into my life.
• Please help my child develop good relationships with the teachers and students in school.
• Please help this newly married couple have a long and happy life together.
Manifestation form:
• My partner and I are working through our issues and our relationship is becoming stronger.
• My friend and I are finding more time to be able to do things together.
My Promise:
• I will do something special for my partner/friend today.
• I will keep my heart open to a new romance.
• I will welcome our new corporate partners with open arms.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my love.
• I am grateful that my business partner is honest and hard working.
Two of Swords
General Associations
Number: Choices, balance, partnership, duality, union.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Thinking through a decision logically, over-thinking things, deciding not to decide, feeling conflicted, at a stalemate.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is deliberately closing their eyes to the situation they are in.
• is feeling conflicted between what their heart wants and what their head knows.
• is overthinking the situation.
The situation I’m focused on
• has many issues and contradictions that need to be sorted through.
• is not progressing or evolving, is in a paralyzed state.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help me listen to my heart when logic is telling me what I “should” be doing.
• Please help me think logically when I’m overcome with emotions.
Manifestation form:
• The key decision has finally been made and our project can move forward.
My Promise:
• I will consider letting my guard down in safe situations.
• I will be patient and wait for the situation to resolve.
• I will decide not to decide.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the extra time to think things through.
• I am grateful that the stalemate is finally over.
Two of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Choices, balance, partnership, duality, union.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Weighing practical options, being adaptable, controlling an unsettled situation, multitasking, prioritizing, keeping everything balanced.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is doing a balancing act with different areas of their life.
• has many hobbies and activities they enjoy doing.
• is transitioning from one job or home to another.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a status quo that needs to change.
• involves something that is just about to go out of control.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend make the best life choice for themselves in this situation.
• Please help my parents face the choices they need to make for the future with calmness and certainty.
Manifestation form:
• My life is in harmony with the universe and I am comfortable with the flow of events.
• Our organization is skillfully restructuring its finances and all the numbers balance.
My Promise:
• I will relax and enjoy the dance.
• I will ride the waves of whatever the circumstances bring.
• I will try to enjoy the variety of tasks in my daily life.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful that my partner is being flexible about the situation.
• I am grateful for having choices available.
Three of Wands
General Associations
Number: Growth, completion of a stage, creativity, results.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
Waiting for results, opportunities on the horizon, the law of attraction, expectation, foresight, seeing the big picture, awareness of potential.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is good at attracting friends and supporters.
• is wise with investments.
• feels confident and secure in their place in the world.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves projects nearing completion.
• involves waiting for the results of an investment or a medical test.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend exhibit the maturity and insight needed in this situation.
• Please help our group accomplish our full potential.
Manifestation form:
• Our organization is learning from past successes and trying new ways to serve our members.
• My child has completed her college application forms and is waiting for acceptance letters.
My Promise:
• I will practice “active waiting” until the situation resolves.
• I will consider the bigger picture.
• I will “keep my eyes on the prize.”
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the chances to explore new ideas.
• I am grateful for the ability to see ahead.
• I am grateful to work with accurate and detailed plans for my project.
Three of Cups
General Associations
Number: Growth, completion of a stage, creativity, results.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
Friendship, fun, community connections, compromise, mutual support, spontaneous joy, celebrations, the ties that bind.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person/people I’m concerned about
• wish they could get together more often.
• are the best of friends.
• are old friends from school.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a joyful celebration.
• is our regular monthly game night or annual camping trip.
• is a time of intense happiness, even if temporary.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help our team/committee get along and perform well together.
• Please help me find a nice group of friends.
Manifestation form:
• When my adult children go out with friends they always have a designated driver.
• Even though things are changing, my group of friends remains close and communicates regularly.
My Promise:
• I will make the time to have fun with people I care about.
• I will get some people together to do something fun.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my friends.
• I am grateful I have people to share this experience with.
• I am grateful for this deep moment of happiness right now.
• I am grateful for the arts.
Three of Swords
General Associations
Number: Growth, completion of a stage, creativity, results.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Heartbreak, rejection, learning something hurtful, ending in sadness, betrayal, alone-ness, pain.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is very sad.
• is facing surgery.
• has been betrayed.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves something heartbreaking.
• involves unfulfilled promises.
• involves the breakup of a romantic relationship.
• involves something physically broken or dangerous.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find ways to balance pain with hope.
• Please help me heal my heart over the loss of my love.
Manifestation form:
• The damage has been done but we are dealing with it the best we can.
• I have let go of the thing I loved and am letting new things grow in the space left behind.
My Promise:
• I will accept this pain into my heart and learn from it.
• I will help my friend with the truth, even if they don’t want to hear it.
• I will be there for my friend.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the good times that often balance out the negative times.
• I am grateful for the transformation that came about due to my unfortunate circumstances.
• I am grateful to have loved someone so deeply that the ending hurts so much.
Three of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Growth, completion of a stage, creativity, results.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Competence in a skill, master craftsperson, progress, teamwork, contributions, recognition for good work, manifestation.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is a craftsperson, architect, or artist.
• is being observed, perhaps too closely.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a multi-disciplinary group effort.
• involves a project that is not yet finished.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find a job in their field of interest.
• Please help our team communicate and work well together.
Manifestation form:
• The project is finished, and the correct people are being recognized and rewarded.
• The mentor program is helping people become highly skilled.
My Promise:
• I will give constructive feedback in this situation.
• I will listen to the advice of my peers.
• I will take steps to avoid delays in this situation.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the constructive camaraderie at my workplace.
• I am grateful for the skills of our team members.
• I am grateful for the ability to learn, read, and study without distraction.
Four of Wands
General Associations
Number: Structure, stability, inward self, the end of the beginning.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
Celebrating a group effort, happy gatherings, pausing to admire accomplishments, a wedding, a holiday, parties with friends.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is about to be married.
• is planning a big event.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves people celebrating together; a graduation, wedding, completion of a course of medical treatment, etc.
• involves an event that has made the community come together.
• involves buying a house.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend leave their comfort zone and find ways to meet more people.
• Please help me relax and enjoy the moment.
Manifestation form:
• Our wedding was a joyful event, everyone had a great time.
• Everyone I work with is getting along really well.
My Promise:
• I will encourage my friend to attend the party.
• I will watch my finances so that I can contribute to my child’s wedding celebration.
• I will join the planning committee and help make the event a success.
• I will cherish these happy times, even if they are only temporary.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the joy my club or organization brings into my life.
• I am grateful for my friends and family.
• I am grateful for my home.
• I am grateful for a strong foundation in loving my own life.
Four of Cups
General Associations
Number: Structure, stability, inward self, the end of the beginning.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
Dissatisfaction, a state of ennui, retreat due to weariness, apathy, depression, introspection, brooding on an interior world, bored.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is bored and dissatisfied.
• enjoys spending their time with video games and other electronic pursuits.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a decrease in customer interest for our products or services.
• trying to get people excited about something.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find something to spark their interests again.
• Please help me find a new idea to get my project back on track.
Manifestation form:
• Our organization has developed several new ways to engage with our customers/clients.
• My child is in control of their time spent in video games and is responsive to our efforts to try other interests.
My Promise:
• I will resist getting involved with another cause and will focus on my current efforts.
• I will resist going on social media too much.
• I will take a chance with something new.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my imagination.
• I am grateful for being given options.
• I am grateful for the time to figure out the difference between what I want and what I need.
Four of Swords
General Associations
Number: Structure, stability, inward self, the end of the beginning.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Resting after stressful efforts, retreating from troubles, going on vacation, recovery, hesitation, drawing from reserves.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• responds to some things by withdrawing into their shell.
• needs to take a step back from some of the things they’re involved with.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a time of rest and recuperation.
• is on hold for now.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend recover from their surgery.
• Please help our vacation go smoothly and be relaxing for everyone.
Manifestation form:
• The jury is deliberating and is reaching a just decision.
• I am enjoying this period of down time and trust that business will pick up again soon.
• My parents are enjoying their well-deserved retirement.
My Promise:
• I will take time just to relax.
• I will do some soul-searching about this situation.
• I will practice meditation regularly.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful when I can have the house to myself.
• I am grateful for my inner wisdom.
Four of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Structure, stability, inward self, the end of the beginning.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Trying to hold onto things, miserliness, stubbornness, self-centeredness, hiding money in the mattress, stagnant energies.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• tends to be rather selfish or to hoard things.
• does not feel secure.
• has closed themselves off from others.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a hiring freeze or budget restrictions at work.
• involves a forgotten password or lost keys.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my child learn to budget their resources wisely.
• Please help me protect my energies from outside forces.
Manifestation form:
• The bank is considering our loan application and will soon decide to release the funds.
• Our company is restructuring effectively and is working hard to keep all employees on staff.
My Promise:
• I will be mindful of my spending habits.
• I will delegate more responsibilities.
• I will know when to say “No.”
• I will purge all that I do not use or need.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the resources I still have.
• I am grateful for the control I have over my choices.
Five of Wands
General Associations
Number: Loss, chaos, instability, powerless seeking power.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
Conflict, strife, simple competition, differing agendas, messy confrontation, internal battles, mind games.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• loves sports.
• is immature and doesn’t yet understand the rules of society.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a conflict that might not seem like a big deal but it’s a big deal to me.
• involves a competition.
• involves Thanksgiving dinner with family.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help this situation unfold with fairness.
• Please help the dinner table conversation to remain civil.
Manifestation form:
• Everyone on the project is on the same page and is providing useful input.
• I have all the facts needed and am coming to a decision without much struggle.
My Promise:
• I will contribute my fair share to the group effort.
• I will listen to others’ opinions with an open heart.
• I will not let petty arguments get under my skin.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the energy of my team members.
• I am grateful for being able to play my favorite sports.
Five of Cups
General Associations
Number: Loss, chaos, instability, powerless seeking power.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
Blinding grief, loss, unstable emotions, frustration, solitude, regret, dwelling on the negative, unseen options.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is working through the stages of grief.
• is exhausted from hearing so much unwelcome news.
• has been immobilized by their feelings.
The situation I’m focused on
• is sad and distressing.
• involves something precious that has been vandalized.
• involves an election that has been lost.
• involves a relationship that has ended in bitterness.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend see that all is not lost.
Manifestation form:
• I am working through my sorrow and disappointment. I will soon re-channel my energies.
My Promise:
• I will accept that things are the way they are.
• I will look for reasons to be hopeful in this situation.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the areas of stability in my life.
• I am grateful for the ability to weep.
Five of Swords
General Associations
Number: Loss, chaos, instability, powerless seeking power.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Defeat, deception, difficulties, dishonor, winning at any cost, unfair methods, humiliation, lost integrity, unethical manipulation.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• has caused a disastrous situation.
• has been cluelessly cruel, has made enemies.
• has been humiliated.
• has become discouraged and has lost heart.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves treachery or a defeat.
• is numbingly frustrating.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend recover from their despair.
• Please help me learn how to overcome my self-defeating attitudes.
Manifestation form:
• We have studied the cost of victory in this situation and it factors in to our decision.
My Promise:
• I will be a gracious winner.
• I will carefully consider my attitude toward revenge in this situation.
• I will let go of all ways of being covert.
• I will draw strong boundaries.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful that I’ve been raised to behave with honor.
• I am grateful to honor my integrity even if unseen by others.
Five of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Loss, chaos, instability, powerless seeking power.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Financial or health difficulties, failure, despair, loneliness, marginalization, help is near at hand but unseen.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is in trouble financially.
• is lonely.
• has been rejected by someone or by a job opportunity.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves the needy in our community.
• involves someone seeking sanctuary.
• involves someone’s failing health.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find avenues out of their loneliness.
• Please help me overcome my financial problems.
Manifestation form:
• The refugees have escaped the war zone and have been accepted into a place of safety.
• My friend is facing their health struggle with hope and optimism.
My Promise:
• I will look for opportunities to help myself.
• I will send a contribution to a relief organization.
• I will help my friend in any way I can.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the social safety net.
• I am grateful that my partner is sticking out these hard times with me.
Six of Wands
General Associations
Number: Collaboration, harmony, relationships, reconciliation.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
Victory, celebrating someone, pride in accomplishments, being recognized for achievements, success, validation.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• has accomplished something to celebrate.
• is in the military.
• has survived an ordeal.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a public event that many are excited about attending.
• involves someone in the public eye.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help protect the military and bring them home safely.
• Please help us win this legal battle.
Manifestation form:
• Our leadership is competent and working for the greater good.
• My friend is proud of their much-deserved promotion.
My Promise:
• I will celebrate my successes.
• When this project is over, we will have a party.
• I will be careful about getting too caught up in the moment.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the efforts of those who work so hard for the common good.
• I am grateful for the support I’ve been given.
Six of Cups
General Associations
Number: Collaboration, harmony, relationships, reconciliation.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
Family ties, happy memories, a visit home, the feeling of simpler times, nostalgia, sweetness, innocent wonder, childhood.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is someone from my past.
• is a mentor or person being mentored.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a class/family reunion, birthday party, anniversary.
• involves a sweet gesture on someone’s part.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my brother(s) and sister(s) stay safe and healthy.
• Please help this home I’m setting up be a place of joy and happy memories.
Manifestation form:
• My vacation is relaxing and we are making wonderful memories.
• My friend has someone to protect them and stand up for them.
My Promise:
• I will connect with someone from my past.
• I will reflect on how my past is influencing this situation.
• I will give a donation in honor of someone in my past.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my family.
• I am grateful for my memories of this person or situation.
Six of Swords
General Associations
Number: Collaboration, harmony, relationships, reconciliation.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Escaping a bad situation, getting help in adversity, achieving calmness, protection, taking a journey, crossing into a new world.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person/people I’m concerned about
• is in mourning for someone or something.
• can’t see what their actual problems really are.
• are refugees or immigrants.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves an escape or retreat from something troubling.
• involves a relationship that has become irreconcilable.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend move on to a better situation.
• Please help the people who have been laid off find new jobs.
• Please help the refugees find acceptance and stability.
Manifestation form:
• My family is moving to a new home and a better life.
• The medical treatment is working, and we will be leaving the hospital soon.
My Promise:
• I will stay calm.
• I will cultivate a better attitude and leave my bitterness behind.
• I will help my friend leave their difficult situation.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the assistance I’m receiving.
• I am grateful for this opportunity to move on.
Six of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Collaboration, harmony, relationships, reconciliation.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Generosity, doing a favor, being helpful or asking for help, balanced giving and receiving, loans and scholarships.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is generous with their resources.
• has imposed conditions on the gift they are offering.
• is finally ready to ask for assistance.
• has fallen out of favor, is being judged and ignored.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves providing for the needy.
• involves a grant proposal.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend recover from the losses they have had.
• Please help me learn how to manage my resources efficiently.
• Please help our fund drive be successful.
Manifestation form:
• They have completed the paperwork and the materials we’ve been waiting for have been shipped.
• Our business is making a sustainable profit.
My Promise:
• I will make a donation to an organization related to this situation.
• I will not judge those whom I give charity to.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for what I received in the times I most needed it.
• I am grateful to have experienced both giving and receiving.
Seven of Wands
General Associations
Number: Reflection, assessment, independent action, chance.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
Defensiveness, courage, facing a challenge, taking a stand, taking the high ground, sticking to your principles.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is on the right side of the argument yet is still being misunderstood and attacked.
• frequently offers lame excuses in their defense.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a confrontation.
• involves an organization that is fighting to continue to exist.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help us have the strength to keep up the fight.
• Please help my friend believe in themselves.
Manifestation form:
• We are confident in our stance and what we believe in.
• The person attacking me at work is backing off and our conflicts have been resolved.
My Promise:
• I will stand up for the person in this situation.
• I will defend my rights and the rights of others.
• I will determine where I can be of the most help in this situation.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my advantages in this situation.
• I am grateful for having a keen sense of purpose and having something worth defending.
• I am grateful for the lively discussions I have with my partner about important topics.
• I am grateful for the opportunities that bring me to the growing edge.
Seven of Cups
General Associations
Number: Reflection, assessment, independent action, chance.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
Too many options, wishes and dreams, being tested, escapism, lost focus, mistaking fantasies for reality.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
The person I’m concerned about
• may be feeling overwhelmed about something.
• is a daydreamer or a conspiracy theorist.
The situation I’m focused on
• could end up with many possible results.
• involves an organization waiting for someone to make a decision.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend understand what really motivates them.
• Please help this situation resolve in the best possible manner.
Manifestation form:
• The speakers we selected for the convention are all interesting and available.
• I have had several job offers and am evaluating my options carefully.
My Promise:
• I will contribute to the decision-making process in this situation.
• I will work to make my dream come true.
• I will regulate my consumption of escapist entertainment and stay involved in the outside world.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the choices I have.
• I am grateful for what my dreams are teaching me.
• I am grateful for having many options.
Seven of Swords
General Associations
Number: Reflection, assessment, independent action, chance.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Betrayal, theft, unwitting stupidity, dishonesty, deception, guilt, being separate, cunning, strategizing.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is acting carelessly, without a plan.
• doesn’t fit in with the group, makes everyone feel uneasy.
• believes they have gotten away with something.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a betrayal of our group.
• has not been well thought out.
• is illegal.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend understand they are neglecting some critical areas of their life.
Manifestation form:
• The items that were stolen have been recovered and returned to us.
My Promise:
• I will be a team player in this situation.
• I will name the shadow in the room.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for being a part of a community.
• I am grateful for those who challenge me respectfully and truthfully.
Seven of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Reflection, assessment, independent action, chance.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Evaluating our efforts, managing expectations, taking a break, making a decision, documenting, reflecting, “pause for the cause.”
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• always wants just a little bit more.
• is considering their options, deciding what to do next.
• isn’t living up to our expectations.
• is reflecting on the work they are putting into their relationship.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves re-assessing our project now that we’re at the mid-way point.
• involves deciding if we want to organize the big annual event again this year.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my partner understand all the good they have done and how much they are appreciated.
• Please help me get my project to a point where I can take a step back from it.
Manifestation form:
• The building inspection is going well, permits are being approved.
• My organization is examining our workflow and we are making many improvements to our processes.
• The surgery team knows exactly what to do during the operation.
My Promise:
• I will help someone take a break from their tasks.
• I will examine my expectations.
• I will prepare for the next phase of the situation.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my team’s ability to get things done.
• I am grateful for having work I find satisfying.
• I am grateful for those who advised me to rest and be kind to myself.
Eight of Wands
General Associations
Number: Progress, power, mystery, prioritizing, cause and effect.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
Events unfolding quickly, powerful influences getting results, rapid movement, now is the time to act, travel, messages.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is on a journey.
• is coming into our project from outside the company.
The situation I’m focused on
• is evolving quickly; we don’t seem to have much control.
• involves a message that could change everything.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend know when they should take the action they are considering.
• Please help these sudden events have a positive impact.
Manifestation form:
• I have arrived at the airport with everything I need and the flight is on time.
• Everything is falling into place and the situation can be resolved quickly.
My Promise:
• I will be ready for whatever happens.
• I will give up the need to control the situation.
• I will reach out and connect with this person.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the light at the end of the tunnel.
• I am grateful that things are progressing so smoothly.
Eight of Cups
General Associations
Number: Progress, power, mystery, prioritizing, cause and effect.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
Being guided by strong feelings, dissatisfaction, emotional stagnation, leaving the known for the unknown, seeking for something missing, a spiritual journey.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is feeling discontented with their situation.
• is leaving our organization and starting a new job.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a stable situation that needs some finishing touches.
• involves something missing that must be found.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend have the strength to change their situation.
• Please help my child with their transition to college life.
Manifestation form:
• My organization is finding new products and services to offer our clients/customers.
• I am ready and eager to make the move that I’ve been thinking about.
My Promise:
• I will help my friend with their remodeling project.
• I will find ways to improve the situation at hand.
• I will quit my job.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the freedom to try new things.
• I am grateful for this new situation I’ve found.
Eight of Swords
General Associations
Number: Progress, power, mystery, prioritizing, cause and effect.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Perception of danger, feeling trapped, lack of options, roadblocks, powerlessness, finding a way out, your own worst enemy.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• doesn’t seem to notice some valuable resources they have.
• has been humiliated.
• seems to be repressed or restricted.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a person or group that has been brainwashed into “learned helplessness.”
• involves unnecessary road blocks which are hindering a project.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find a way out of their unpleasant situation.
• Please help those who are vulnerable and in isolation.
Manifestation form:
• Our group has overcome the impasse and is now progressing toward our goals.
• I have found ways to take agency in my situation and I am untangling the mess that surrounds me.
My Promise:
• I will reassess the things that I think are holding me back.
• I will help this person help themselves.
• I will take a stand and speak up for myself.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the pathways available to me during this dark time.
• I am grateful for those who rescue others.
• I am grateful for all the times I have overcome my own sense of powerlessness.
Eight of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Progress, power, mystery, prioritizing, cause and effect.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Mastering a talent, hard work, dedication, diligence, practice, patience, attention to details, pride in improvement.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is diligent at their job, music practice, volunteer efforts, etc.
• is (or wants to be) a master craftsperson.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a big task ahead of us.
• involves something that is mass produced.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help me be patient with tasks that seem repetitive.
• Please help my child learn how to do well in school.
Manifestation form:
• My partner and I enjoy working on our relationship and having regular date nights.
• Our organization is becoming known for the excellence of what we make or do.
My Promise:
• I will pay closer attention to details.
• I will keep working on this project.
• I will help my child organize their time so they can study/practice efficiently.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for having the tools I need for my craft.
• I am grateful for being able to concentrate on my interests.
• I am grateful to be able to make money doing the work that I love.
Nine of Wands
General Associations
Number: Transition, near completion, limits, patience, solitude, fate, experience.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
Gathering strength after a battle, vigilance, stamina, awaiting the coming conflict, discipline, readiness, almost there.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• tends to respond defensively to many situations.
• feels beset by problems.
The situation I’m focused on
• has been going on for far too long.
• involves a returning medical condition.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend be ready for what they are up against next.
• Please help my partner understand that they don’t have to always be looking for a fight.
Manifestation form:
• Our organization is fighting the good fight and won’t give up.
• My child and I are learning how to deal with our problems.
My Promise:
• I will consider if it’s time to give up the fight.
• I will have courage in this situation.
• I will be ready for whatever happens.
• I will offer support to those in need.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful that my efforts have made me strong.
Nine of Cups
General Associations
Number: Transition, near completion, limits, patience, solitude, fate, experience.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
Good fortune, good health, happiness, extending a welcome, fulfillment of wishes, pleasure, emotional contentment.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is a gracious host.
• is focused on achieving their heart’s desire.
• enjoys going out and having a good time.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves the planning stages of a big celebration.
• involves our annual holiday gathering.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend get what they’ve been wishing for.
• Please help me make the party I’m planning turn out to be a wonderful time for everyone.
Manifestation form:
• Our hotel is even nicer than we expected.
• My friend is enjoying good health and financial stability.
My Promise:
• I will take time to relax with friends.
• I will try to enjoy life more.
• I will invite people over to my home.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the fun events on my calendar.
• I am grateful for having everything I really need.
• I am grateful for this time of contentment.
Nine of Swords
General Associations
Number: Transition, near completion, limits, patience, solitude, fate, experience.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Oppressive thoughts, worry, expecting the worst, nightmares, depression, vulnerability.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is depressed, is focused on their regrets.
• is having trouble sleeping.
• spends a lot of time reading the arguments on social media.
• is being “gaslighted” by a cruel person. (Gaslighting means to manipulate someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.)
The situation I’m focused on
• seems inescapable.
• is all that I can think about right now.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend forgive themselves.
• Please help remove the causes of all these oppressive thoughts.
Manifestation form:
• My friend understands what is going on and is removing themselves from the situation.
• I am in control of my thoughts and worries. I’m making them take their appropriate proportion of my attention.
My Promise:
• I will spend less time on social media.
• I will take some responsibility for this unfortunate situation.
• I will transform worry into wish.
• I will change my nighttime habits to improve my sleep patterns.
• I will make time to concentrate on my gifts each day.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my parents, even when they worry about me too much.
• I am grateful that I can be forgiven for the careless words I said.
Nine of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Transition, near completion, limits, patience, solitude, fate, experience.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Abundance, personal satisfaction, independence, attainment, in control of resources, self-confidence.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is self-confident and self-disciplined.
• is financially comfortable.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves cultivating a rich environment.
• involves a garden, farm, or vineyard.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my parents achieve the comfortable retirement they deserve.
• Please help me know the compromises necessary for the success I’m working toward.
Manifestation form:
• My friend is making good decisions for their long-term financial success.
• My organization has reached their fund-raising goals for the year.
My Promise:
• I will subdue the impulses that distract me from my path.
• I will not look for external validation of my goals.
• I will be self-reliant and confident.
• I will use my privilege or entitlement in service to those without any.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for knowing how to be alone but not lonely.
• I am grateful for being able to enjoy the fruits of my labors.
Ten of Wands
General Associations
Number: Resolution, completion, results, consolidation, fulfillment.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
Feeling overcommitted, overextended, persisting with responsibilities, obligations, maintenance mode after a big project.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is burdened with too many responsibilities.
• loves to have many irons in the fire, to be active with many causes and organizations.
• feels they are taking the weight of the world on their shoulders.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a patient with difficult medical problems or their caregiver.
• involves a person who might not be handling their stress well.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend decide what things they can let go of.
• Please help me walk the path I am on and handle the responsibilities I must bear.
Manifestation form:
• Our organization is effectively balancing everyone’s work load.
• My friends are managing their financial situation effectively.
My Promise:
• I will try to take some responsibilities from someone who is overwhelmed.
• I will look for ways to be better organized and efficient.
• I will step back from some of my involvements.
• I will be open to true intimacy rather than hide in busy-ness.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the person who has relieved me of so many stressful burdens.
• I am grateful for the many ways I can be of service to others.
Ten of Cups
General Associations
Number: Resolution, completion, results, consolidation, fulfillment.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
A happy home, tranquility, contentment, strong affection, attaining happiness, good family relationships.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• comes from a happy, stable home.
• always sees the rainbow, finds the best out of any situation.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves my home and family.
• seems to be one of complete joy and happiness.
• represents what others expect of me: marriage and children.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find the happiness they deserve.
• Please help me feel complete and content with what I have.
Manifestation form:
• The promise has been fulfilled.
• My family gets along well and loves each other very much.
• I have never been so happy in my life.
My Promise:
• I will look for ways to bring joy into my life.
• I will provide my family with unconditional love.
• I will nurture the relationships I have.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my family.
• I am grateful to be able to experience security and tranquility.
Ten of Swords
General Associations
Number: Resolution, completion, results, consolidation, fulfillment.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
The ultimate attack, betrayal, disaster, final endings, beyond hope, surrendering to misfortune, making the worst of a bad situation, a new dawn on the horizon.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• has given up hope.
• might be overreacting to the situation.
• has been the victim of a violent act or malicious gossip.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a personal disaster.
• is one of the worst times I’ve ever gone through.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help us understand what has happened and how things could have turned out so badly.
• Please help my friend see that further efforts will probably end badly for them.
Manifestation form:
• After several unsuccessful applications I have finally gotten a job offer.
My Promise:
• I will try to know when enough is enough.
• I will not act on my revenge fantasies.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the hope on the horizon.
• I am grateful for those who helped me escape from my looping self-deprecating thoughts.
Ten of Pentacles
General Associations
Number: Resolution, completion, results, consolidation, fulfillment.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
A prosperous home, joy, abundance, stability, inheritance, tradition, security, excess.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person/people I’m concerned about
• are members of my family.
• is a member of a large or well-to-do family.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a mysterious visitor, stranger, customer, or client.
• involves an inheritance.
• involves a vital community.
• involves great wealth and/or excellent health.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my family prosper.
• Please help me be able to remain in my home.
Manifestation form:
• My parents are comfortable in their current living arrangements and are well looked after.
• Our leaders are making laws and rules that support family needs.
My Promise:
• I will honor my family’s traditions and values.
• I will clean my house regularly and keep up with repairs.
• I will welcome guests into my home and community.
• I will find ways to live that show respect to the earth.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the home comforts I have.
• I am grateful for the good things I see all around me.
• I am grateful for the struggles of my ancestors.
Page of Wands
General Associations
Rank: New ideas, receptive, optimistic, exploring, vulnerable, inexperienced, student, messenger.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
A promising protégé, enjoys being the center of attention, energetic, innovative, enthusiastic, spontaneous, something new to be passionate about.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is enthusiastic about many things in their life.
• is a faithful friend.
• likes to be the center of attention.
• is taking a spontaneous new direction in their life.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a new product that must be tested before going on the market.
• involves a spur of the moment, fun experience.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend be decisive when it’s time to act on opportunities.
• Please help my child feel validated and appreciated.
Manifestation form:
• The message I’ve been waiting for has arrived and I’m eager to take the next steps.
• Our group is excited about our new ideas and we are ready to get going.
My Promise:
• I will live in the moment and enjoy this time for now.
• I will think through many options for this situation.
• I will mentor a person who is starting out.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the simple joys in life.
• I am grateful for the fresh energy of our new co-worker.
• I am grateful for the risks I have taken.
Page of Cups
General Associations
Rank: New ideas, receptive, optimistic, exploring, vulnerable, inexperienced, student, messenger.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
A loyal friend, enjoys dreams and stories, responsive, comforting, new creative ideas, romantic, sentimental, can be sensitive and full of angst.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is kind, sensitive, and/or vulnerable.
• has been working on their psychic abilities.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a secret or a surprise.
• involves video games, role playing games, and other “nerdy” fun.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my child stay focused on their studies.
• Please help my friend find the romance they’ve been talking about.
Manifestation form:
• I finally understand something about my partner that I’ve wondered about.
• The message I’ve been waiting for has arrived and the news is as I expected.
My Promise:
• I will examine my heart before deciding about this situation.
• I will try something new.
• I will be helpful and loyal.
• I will risk showing my feelings.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for having someone so wonderful to love.
• I am grateful that my child is so passionate about their interests.
Page of Swords
General Associations
Rank: New ideas, receptive, optimistic, exploring, vulnerable, inexperienced, student, messenger.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Enjoys making lists and spreadsheets, a new way of thinking, analyzing, contemplating, easily bored, street smart, truth seeker, book lover.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• has been faced with a new way of thinking.
• is good at games and contests.
• is concerned with avoiding conflict.
• has become detached from their studies.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves people gossiping or spying on each other.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my child effectively manage their time for all their different pursuits.
• Please help me learn all the details of the new software so I can feel comfortable about the new way of doing things.
Manifestation form:
• The message I’ve been waiting for has arrived, and the information is helpful.
• During the negotiations, both groups are remaining flexible and adaptable around the solution.
• People have embraced the power of being a voter.
My Promise:
• I will welcome challenges and figure out the right thing to do.
• I will try not to get involved with the conflict between my co-workers.
• I will take time to get used to a new situation before I judge.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful that my child has a teacher who helps them feel challenged.
• I am grateful for all the interesting activities that fill my week.
• I am grateful for the opportunities that stretch my abilities in new ways.
Page of Pentacles
General Associations
Rank: New ideas, receptive, optimistic, exploring, vulnerable, inexperienced, student, messenger.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
A loyal helper, enjoys making and selling crafts, aspiring, learning to use resources, down-to-earth, deliberate.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is a student.
• is quiet, thoughtful, and efficient.
• has new software, art materials, or tools, and is learning how to use them.
• always gets the most potential out of whatever they are given.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a precious gift.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend develop realistic goals.
• Please help my child understand all the long-term implications involved with the things they are acquiring.
Manifestation form:
• The message I’ve been waiting for has arrived and my lost item has been found.
• My students have been studying effectively and are ready for the exam.
My Promise:
• I will remember that my partner needs to study and will not be available to do things with me.
• I will treat my things carefully so they last a long time.
• I will try to be practical in this situation.
• I will try to be realistic about my goals.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the chance to go to school.
• I am grateful for what my students are teaching me.
• I am grateful for my resources of time, energy, focus, money, and health.
Knight of Wands
General Associations
Rank: Active, responsible, on a quest, committed, energetic.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
A favorite teacher or author, a fearless leader, daring, outgoing, energetic, warm personality, passionately pursuing a goal or adventure, impulsive, reckless.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is eagerly focused on something specific.
• is certain they are right and is taking over the project.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves intense movement such as an explosion or a tornado.
• involves an adventure or an exciting new activity.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find the guidance needed to channel their energies appropriately.
• Please help my child feel comfortable about being around more people.
Manifestation form:
• Our team captain is inspiring, and we are playing the best we ever have.
• Our work load has been reconfigured and we are much more focused on a few important things.
My Promise:
• I will keep working on the situation and not let things get stagnant.
• I will speak up and make sure my contributions are listened to.
• I will renew my energies on things I’m passionate about.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for having the energy I need to get things done.
• I am grateful for being able to participate in my favorite sports.
• I am grateful for the true creative focus surfacing in my life.
Knight of Cups
General Associations
Rank: Active, responsible, on a quest, committed, energetic.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
A dreamy romantic, artistic, receptive, sensitive, idealistic, honest, loyal, following your heart’s desire.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is thinking about committing to a relationship.
• enjoys philosophical discussions.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a dream or a goal.
• is a romantic event.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend succeed at what they are passionate about.
• Please help me remember the differences between dreams and fantasies.
Manifestation form:
• I have learned how to love and be a caring partner.
• My partner balances times of going out with friends and times focused on our relationship.
My Promise:
• I will shower my love with affection and try to make them happy.
• I will act with compassion and tenderness in this situation.
• I will be steadfast in working on my art.
• I will follow where my emotions lead me with care and deliberation.
• I will follow my heart’s curiosity.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful to be able to be of help to someone.
• I am grateful for the times of romance in my life.
Knight of Swords
General Associations
Rank: Active, responsible, on a quest, committed, energetic.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
A systems analyst or administrator, highly focused on a plan or goal, direct communicator, evidenced-based ideas, a “knight in shining armor,” aggressive, confrontational, heedless of feelings.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is sometimes insensitive to others’ feelings.
• is opinionated and sure of themselves.
• is a workaholic.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves important software that is not working, and requires a good programmer to come in and fix it.
• involves something unexpected and sudden; quick decisions must be made.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend find a career that is interesting and useful.
• Please help me deal effectively with the person who has been confrontational with me.
Manifestation form:
• The new employee or volunteer is a welcome addition to our team and is helping us catch up on our back-load of projects.
• My partner has finished their military deployment and is returning home safely.
My Promise:
• I will do whatever I can to be useful in this situation.
• I will mentor an energetic young person.
• I will try to communicate more clearly.
• I will let go of being a perfectionist.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for my friend who is always charging in to my defense.
• I am grateful that my problem was resolved quickly.
Knight of Pentacles
General Associations
Rank: Active, responsible, on a quest, committed, energetic.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Actions that promote financial security, a reliable accountant or investment manager, the security of routines, methodical, cautious, efficient, a realist.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is strong and hard working.
• is a person (or team) that is training for an important event.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a construction project.
• requires a steady, reliable, thoughtful leader.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help me have the patience to wait for the right moment to act in this situation.
• Please help my friend get the construction or manufacturing job they want.
Manifestation form:
• The new person at work/church/volunteer organization is being a significant help with practical and useful tasks.
• Our team has been steadfast in chipping away at this large task that needs to get done.
My Promise:
• I will forge ahead on this situation in a steady, calm manner.
• I will consider all factors around this situation.
• I will be a loyal and considerate friend.
• I will wait for clear instructions on what to do.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the strengths I have.
• I am grateful for the help I’m getting on this project.
Queen of Wands
General Associations
Rank: Influential, mentor, supportive, persuasive, inner control.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
A performer or public speaker, a passionate supporter, inspirational, a sunny attitude, confident, creative, intuitive, dramatic, love of the home and family.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is energetic, passionate, good natured.
• has been helpful and inspiring.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves my house or apartment.
• involves doing something outside of one’s comfort zone.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend be more confident.
• Please help keep the forest fires away from my house and neighborhood.
Manifestation form:
• My house is sturdy, all the repairs have gone well.
• My pet has recovered from surgery and is healthy.
My Promise:
• I will stop procrastinating and just get started.
• I will put renewed focus on my career.
• I will counsel those who ask for advice.
• I will honor my sensuality.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the strong women in my life.
• I am grateful for my home and pets.
• I am grateful to have creative skills and talents.
Queen of Cups
General Associations
Rank: Influential, mentor, supportive, persuasive, inner control.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
A psychologist or a psychic, spiritual, approachable, instinctual, a painter or poet, harmony, tranquility, sensitivity, imagination.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is sensitive, empathetic, and loving.
• is an artist, psychic, therapist, or yoga teacher.
• is raising a child/children.
• has a lot of friends and many people cherish their friendship.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a project that is progressing smoothly.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend direct their imagination into something that can be actualized.
• Please help me find an objective listener to help me understand my relationship problems.
Manifestation form:
• My mother is taking a well-deserved rest from her generous care of others.
• We have found a patron to support our creative efforts.
My Promise:
• I will act in this situation with love, looking to the needs of others.
• I will focus my art with directed creative energies.
• I will nurture my romantic relationship.
• I will take time to meditate regularly.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful that I can pour my heart out to my friends.
• I am grateful for my creative impulses and abilities.
Queen of Swords
General Associations
Rank: Influential, mentor, supportive, persuasive, inner control.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
An effective project manager, a good communicator, highly intelligent, unemotional, efficient, brutally honest, impartial.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is an intelligent person who has had many intense experiences in their life.
• is someone known for “kicking butt and taking names.”
• is a strong-willed matriarch, “an iron fist in a velvet glove.”
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a new manager with many plans that will affect my workplace.
• involves the passing of someone’s spouse.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my child continue to learn how to be independent.
• Please help me cut through the red tape and just get things done.
Manifestation form:
• The new manager at the civil agency I have to deal with is effectively straightening out their disorganized situation.
• The journalist has received awards for their reporting of the facts.
My Promise:
• I will listen to the advice I’m given, even if it seems harsh.
• I will let my head rule my heart in this situation.
• I will contribute what I can to the plans being made.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for someone who can be honest with me.
• I am grateful that I can live an independent life.
• I am grateful for my experiences, both good and bad.
Queen of Pentacles
General Associations
Rank: Influential, mentor, supportive, persuasive, inner control.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
A patron of the arts or event coordinator, practical, resourceful, care for the physical environment, the love of beautiful things.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• loves being in nature.
• works at helping others reach their best potential.
• is responsible and financially secure.
• is creative and practical.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a store or a restaurant.
• involves leadership with feminine energy.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help us sell our house.
• Please help my friend with her efforts to get pregnant.
• Please help my friend get the job they applied for.
Manifestation form:
• My friend has found their confidence and knows that life is good.
• Our organization is dependable and useful to the people who rely on what we provide.
• I have the resources I need and am financially comfortable.
My Promise:
• I will make the effort to spend more time outdoors.
• I will visualize achieving my goals.
• I will make the most of an unpleasant situation.
• I will help my friend plan their big event.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for our public open spaces.
• I am grateful for the abundance of the marketplace and the options we have to buy things.
• I am grateful for getting my home to look just the way I want.
King of Wands
General Associations
Rank: Authority, success, experience, decisiveness, external control.
Suit: Fire, will, passion, intuition, soul/spirit, lion, spring.
Interpretations and Keywords
A charismatic leader, strong willed, charming, enterprising, passionate, inspires creativity.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is a business person, entrepreneur, or politician.
• is strong minded, always thinks they’re right.
• loves being in nature.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves a political campaign.
• involves someone who needs a spark of inspiration.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help us influence the investors with our passion for our project.
• Please help my friend learn how to control their energies.
Manifestation form:
• The job interview went well and the interviewers were impressed with my passion for the work.
• The votes are all in and our candidate has won the election.
My Promise:
• I will actively support this person’s political campaign.
• I will try to keep my energy flowing in this situation.
• I will mentor someone who needs encouragement.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the services this person has provided to the community.
• I am grateful for the passion my team is putting toward the project.
King of Cups
General Associations
Rank: Authority, success, experience, decisiveness, external control.
Suit: Water, emotions, relationships, feeling, heart/soul, human/angel, summer.
Interpretations and Keywords
Protective, affectionate, diplomatic, spiritual, a counselor, a medical or artistic professional, empathy, sincerity.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is a doctor, counselor, or patron of the arts.
• is a confident sensitive person in touch with their feelings.
• can be persuaded by a good sob story.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves an organization that tries to do the right thing, treats their clients/customers with respect and dignity.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend stay connected to their creative side.
• Please help me find the right doctor for my condition.
Manifestation form:
• Our new manager at work is sincere and emotionally well balanced.
• The news media is reporting the true impact of the situation’s effects on people, and the public is becoming engaged in the issue.
My Promise:
• I will learn to be more expressive with my emotions.
• I will keep my passions under control.
• I will try to be a wise listener.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the excellent medical care available to me.
• I am grateful for the moral courage of some of our leaders.
King of Swords
General Associations
Rank: Authority, success, experience, decisiveness, external control.
Suit: Air, ideas, information, thinking, mind, eagle, autumn.
Interpretations and Keywords
Makes decisions based on reasoning and logic, truthful, witty, decisive, calculating, a scientist, analyst, or lawyer.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is an authority with a sharp mind.
• can be cold and aloof sometimes.
• has been through a lot and has learned life’s lessons.
The situation I’m focused on
• involves uncovering facts and making decisions.
• involves acting on one’s principles.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend recognize the truth about this situation.
• Please help law enforcement officials keep everyone safe.
Manifestation form:
• My surgeon is highly skilled, and the operation has been a success.
• The investigator has uncovered all the facts they need to make a valid case.
My Promise:
• I will prepare for talking with this person by getting all my facts straight.
• I will take a step back from this situation and look at the whole picture.
• I will talk to my parent about treating people with gentleness.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for community leaders who understand society’s problems and are acting to correct them.
• I am grateful that my organization is strong enough to advocate for what is right.
• I am grateful for those who have shown me how to effectively hold my own power.
King of Pentacles
General Associations
Rank: Authority, success, experience, decisiveness, external control.
Suit: Earth, things, money, sensation, body, ox, winter.
Interpretations and Keywords
Focused on the bottom line, a business leader or collector, generous, practical, stable, traditional, love of the earth.
Example Intentions Using the Intentional Tarot Layout
My Understanding:
The person I’m concerned about
• is a realtor, engineer, or business professional.
• loves the outdoors.
• is generous and has a lot to give.
• is skeptical of the esoteric arts.
The situation I’m focused on
• requires hard work and perseverance.
• involves a home security company or system or a hacking situation.
My Goal:
Supplication form:
• Please help my friend appreciate and enjoy their accomplishments.
• Please help us see all the potential possibilities in the opportunity before us.
Manifestation form:
• My organization is in a good financial position and the employees, volunteers, or members are feeling well rewarded.
• The patriarch is learning to treat their family gently and to respect everyone’s opinions.
My Promise:
• I will acknowledge the privileges I have.
• I will make the best out of whatever resources are available.
• I will commit to managing what resources I have in a vital way.
My Gratitude:
• I am grateful for the good things I have.
• I am grateful for the reliability of my friends.