
Our war aim, apart from destroying the English Fleet as the principal means by which Britain controls its Empire, is to reduce its total economy in the quickest possible time, bringing Great Britain to sue for unconditional peace. To achieve this it will be necessary:

To cut off all trade routes to and from the British Isles,

To cripple in all the seven seas, all ships flying the British flag and all ships under neutral flag plying to and from Great Britain,

To destroy military and economic resources and by means of air attack disrupt the trade and commerce in the British Isles, showing its population quite mercilessly the stark realities of war.

German Naval Staff memorandum to the Kaiser, 6 January 1916

For a woman, lying is a protection. She protects the truth, so she protects her chastity.

John le Carré, The Little Drummer Girl

Man has always found it easier to sacrifice his life than to learn the multiplication table.

W. Somerset Maugham, Mr Harrington’s Washing