“We all have strength enough to endure the troubles of others.”
Why learn from our own mistakes when we can learn from those of others? That, essentially, is the premise of this book. No artist should ever be ashamed to make mistakes. The only thing to be ashamed of is not learning from them.
Here, then, are 179 meditations inspired by works-in-progress— interesting works that have one thing in common: There’s something wrong with them. These meditations collate and condense the advice of over a thousand critiques that I’ve given in my years as an editor and a teacher of works by well-published writers as well as beginners. Through their mistakes we all stand to learn.
The meditations are grouped under six headings: Substance; Structure; Symbol, Myth & Metaphor; Style; Soul; and Other Matters. You may enjoy dipping into the book at random when in need of nonspecific advice, inspiration, or criticism. In that case I hope reading it will feel something like sitting down at your favorite tapas bar and letting the waiter serve you at his whim and pleasure.
Or read the book straight through, since both sections and individual meditations are also arranged to play off and enhance each other.
However you encounter them, these meditations aren’t intended to add up to a how-to book. Their purpose is to challenge, to inspire, to provoke—and occasionally to tickle or annoy—but mainly to awaken a deeper awareness of the fiction writer’s many challenges and thorny choices.
Finally, this book isn’t just for writers. It’s for readers of novels and stories who want to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the fiction writer’s craft and art.