Dyson’s Drop

Paul Collins sold his first professional fantasy story in 1977 to the US magazine ‘Weirdbook’. The best of his short stories have been collected in The Government in Exile (1994). A later collection, Stalking Midnight, was published by cosmos.com.

His first fantasy novel for younger readers was The Wizard’s Torment.

Paul also edited the young adult anthology Dream Weavers, Australia’s first heroic fantasy anthology. Fantastic Worlds, and Tales from the Wasteland followed.

Together with Michael Pryor, Paul is the co-editor of the highly successful fantasy series, The Quentaris Chronicles; he has also contributed seven titles to the series as an author. Paul’s other works include The Jelindel Chronicles, The Earthborn Wars trilogy and The World of Grrym trilogy written in collaboration with Danny Willis.

Paul has been the recipient of four literary awards, the A Bertram Chandler, the inaugural Peter McNamara, the Aurealis and the William Atheling. He has been short-listed for many others, including the Speech Pathology Australia, Chronos and Ditmar awards.

Paul has worked as a pub bouncer, served time in the commandos, has a black belt in both tae kwon do and jujitsu, was a kickboxer, and trained with the Los Angeles Hell Drivers.

Visit him at www.paulcollins.com.au and www.quentaris.com