
Chapter 13



I slept peacefully and soundly through the night. Something I haven’t done since Samuel was taken from me that night. I have never been so scared and out of my mind as I was that night when I woke up. Every night and every day have been agony for me. But last night...last night was the best night sleep I’ve had in a while. Just knowing Samuel’s delectable body was pushed up next to mine, his scent in my nostrils, his warm skin touching mine.

Samuel has been silent all night long. He’s changed positions but has always remained within skin contact of me. My beast is rumbling his content in his chest. I love lying next to my mate. I can feel our animals stretching out, letting each other know that they are okay and safe.

I lay here and enjoy the early morning light streaming through the heavy drapes of our hotel room. I couldn’t get a return flight for us until tomorrow and I can’t rent the truck and drive it home. My options: 1- hang out here in the hotel for another day. Or option 2- buy a vehicle, and drive us home myself.

I’m not comfortable with waiting any closer to his family, worried that they might come hunt us down and drag Samuel’s ass back and do who knows what with me. But, do I really want to buy a vehicle that I have no other use for?

Lying here I struggle with my options and my beast grumbles along with me, seeing my options aren’t the best to be dealing with. I can see my beast and Samuel’s beautiful red bird lying together, peacefully, resting and I know I’ve finally found my home. My peace. It’s with Samuel.

After the sun has risen enough that its blinding me in the eyes, I slowly ease away from my mate, and make my way to the bathroom to take care of things. When I’m done, I enter the bedroom again and I can see my mate is restless since I’ve been gone. The blankets are thrown around, his face is pinched in distress and I can hear soft whimpering coming from him. I rush over and slide back into bed with him quietly. Instantly he calms down and snuggles into my chest, my arms wrapping around him once again.

A few minutes later I can feel Samuel stir, and the moment he wakes up. His body tenses up and then relaxes knowing where he is and with whom. He breathes deep and fills his lungs. He shifts and rolls to face me.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?” I ask quietly.

“I did. Very well actually. Did you sleep okay? I know since the whole thing, I’ve become a restless sleeper, but I don’t know if I was last night or not.”

I put his mind at ease and whisper in his ear, “You slept very soundly. You seemed to get a good sleep last night, as well as I did.”

We both inch closer to each other and I kiss him with gentle, tender soft kisses. I don’t want to do anything here in the hotel room, anything further will happen in our own bed at home. All too soon, I ease back and look into his beautiful eyes. Glistening jade jewels looking straight to my very soul. This man is my beginning and my ending.

I lean forward and throw the blanket off me, then glance over at Samuel and give him a slap on his tight, white ass. Somewhat disappointed that the slap is muffled by the thick soft fabric of his pajama pants, I sigh and make my way to my duffel bag. I unzip it and rummage through, searching for clean clothes for the day, then make my way to the shower.

I leave the bathroom door open slightly as I step in. I’m hoping he takes the hint. Maybe I can convince him to shower with me and I can make sure he gets nice and dirty before I wash every inch of his lily-white skin.

I grin as the shower curtain slides back. He’s taken my invitation. As he steps in with me, I lean back and feel the hot water wash over me again, just like last night. The hot caress of the shower peels the stress from my skin and bones; as it melts away, my inner mumblings of today's plan of action come to the surface.

His fingers tickle me around my ribs as he reaches around me in a hug from behind. His fingers barely touching across my wide chest. My cock hardens, but this isn’t about sex or making love to my mate. This is about making him feel safe and protected. Loved.

Slowly his confidence builds up and his hands slowly drop down. I hold my breath in anticipation on how far he will go. Hopefully my mate has found himself comfortable and will reach out for what he wants. He makes his way from my chest, stomach, hips and then finally my very hard, very proud cock. It’s standing at full attention. He slowly uses the soap I’ve used over my body and slides his fingers and hands over the soft skin of the tip. I can’t help but exhale roughly the breath I was holding.

I close my eyes, tip my head back and allow this man to hold my world in his hands, literally. I’m so ready to release, but I bite back the groan and spin around, catching his lips with mine. My arms wrapping around him, trapping his chest to mine.

I kiss him like I can’t get enough of him. I can’t get him close enough to me. I grip him harder and his kisses are passionate, and his lips are on fire against mine. I can feel his legs wrap around me and his arms wrap around my neck, his fingers threading through my short hair.

I lean his back against the shower wall, pushing my hard cock between his thighs. I don’t want to have sex with this man in a hotel. I want to make love to my mate when we are both safe and he can relax. I want him to be comfortable with what we’re doing. I’ve never had sex or made love to anyone. He is my first. I guess I don’t remember if I asked him if he’s had sexual partners either, but right now, he’s mine. Mine forever.

“Jamison, oh God, please. Please make love to me. I can’t wait. I need you.” He moans out in desperation and need for me.

I pull back from kissing his neck and look at him. I want to make sure he’s sure. Sure, of us here in the shower, in the hotel room. I want this to be special for both of us for our first time together.

“Are you sure? We can wait until we get back home and make it special.” I groan as I push once again through his slippery thighs. The hot water from the shower is just doing enough to get some friction.

“Jamison, anywhere we do’s special as long as we’re doing it together.” He looks through my soul and I’m taken aback by his words.

“I just wanted to make sure you were ready and wanted to.”

“Oh, I want to.” He gives me a toothy white grin. His one eyebrow cocked up higher than the other one. My mate is mischievous as well.

I push my body against the wall harder, so I don’t have to use my hands as much. I want to be able to play with him, get him so ready for me, he will be begging for me to make love to him. I wrap my arm around him, his ass cheeks already open from his legs around me, and I use the tip of my finger and slowly push in. Pushing past the muscles, making sure he’s ready for me.

When I know he’s ready, then do I grab my cock and find his hole. I slowly push in and he bears down on me, the tip sinks in and Samuel gasps out loud. I stop and let him get used to the intrusion of me being there.

When I know that he’s relaxed and he shifts slightly, only then do I push slightly further until he’s fully seated on my cock. And I feel like I’m floating. The best feeling ever. I pull out of his heat and push back in, my eyes locked on his face, waiting for any signs of distress.

I see none so I slowly ease in and out faster and continue to watch for him. His eyes are closed, mouth open and his head is tipped up toward the ceiling. His breathing comes out in pants, his grip on my muscular shoulders is sharp but not painful. He’s digging his nails in and I know I’ll have crescent marks from them.

Bringing my hands to grip his ass cheeks in my palms, I guide him up and down on my cock. Between me lifting him and the rocking of my hips, I give us more than enough to go faster. The feeling is nothing I can describe. Heaven. Hell. Being inside of Samuel is my best dream come true and worst nightmare of torture. Loving his body on mine, but hell because it won’t last forever.

I can hear our breaths pull from our lungs and his face is flushed a nice shade of pink. His ass clenches around my dick and I see his eyes pop open, and his mouth pinches closed with a humming squeal locked inside. His dick throbs between us and he grabs it quick, pumps it with his hand a time or two and then he comes all over our stomachs.

Not a moment later, I come inside of him holding him down against me. My hands grip onto his hips, and I push him down further onto my dick. I’m so deep inside of him this way. And I don’t ever want to leave the warmth of his body.

I slowly slip from Samuel and lower his sated body, so his feet touch the floor. Holding him close to me, making sure he’s able to stand on his own. I loosen my hands around him and he leans against the wall of the shower, a slight grin on his lips.

I ask him, “Are you okay? Can you stand here while I shut off the water and get us towels?”

He smiles and grunts and nods.

I chuckle and quickly do what I need to do. I give Samuel his towel, grab his hand and help him from the shower. I dry my body off without words spoken and watch Samuel as he dries his body as well. Hanging our towels up to dry, I take his hand and make my way to the bedroom. I pull back the blankets and let him slide in first, then I go right behind him.

I spoon with him, letting the days exhaustion escape from me and wrap my arm around him, pulling him closer to me.

“Sleep now, mate. We can deal with anything else tomorrow.”

Samuel snuggles against me, wiggling his ass against my dick. I tighten my hold around him and hold him still. He giggles slightly, sleepily. I wait until I hear his breathing slow and even out, knowing he’s asleep. I close my eyes, letting sleep take me into blackness of the night.