


Kate had already showered when Marco entered the bathroom and kissed her neck.

“Morning,” he said, his voice gravelly.

“Morning, sleepy-head.”

He stood at the toilet while she worked on her hair at the bathroom mirror, makeup, hairspray and brushes strewn across the tiny sink.

“So, who’s the new client?” Marco asked.

“Someone interested in that crappy old building down on Payne and Petit.”

“You’re kiddin’.”

With her curling iron locked up near her head, Kate smiled.


“God. You’ve had that place for a long time and no nibbles.”

“Don’t remind me. He called just as I was packing up yesterday. He’s looking for a place to open a little Italian restaurant. I told him I wasn’t sure this place was a good fit, but he was very specific about the location. There are only a couple of places that might work in that area.”

Marco laughed. “Jesus. You get all kinds, don’t cha’? Do you think this guy’s serious?”

Kate shrugged. “Who knows? It’ll probably be a waste of time.”

She turned to the mirror and ran her fingers through her long curls finishing her look. “Interesting-sounding guy, though. Thick Brooklyn accent. Like yours.”

She gave him an exaggerated bopping of her head as she produced her best Brooklyn accent, her finger and thumb pinched together as she waved it at Marco.

“He said, ‘Yeah. How you’se doin’ ta-day? You got any buildins’ I coo-look at?”

She shrugged her shoulders and wiped her nose with her thumb.

Marco laughed. “Hey, that’s a good impression!”

She grabbed her crotch. “Hey. What-aya’ gonna’ do? ‘Eh?”

He shook his head. “Jesus. Will ya’ stop?”

She laughed and sighed, returning to her reflection in the mirror.

“I love my job.”

With a quick motion, he moved her hair from her face. “Be positive. I know it’s a sore subject, but we could use a break. I mean—you could use a break. You’ve made half of what you made last year.”

She pushed him away. “Yeah, so you’ve reminded me.”

“Come on, babe. I’m sorry. I’m just sayin’—maybe this is it. The break we’ve been waitin’ for. I mean, with my new job, and, ya’ know, maybe this turns out for you, who knows? Maybe we’ll be in Fat-City.”

She gave him a flat smile. “I hope you’re right.”

“What time’s the meeting?”

“I told you. Ten.” She leaned out of the bathroom door to check the clock on the nightstand.

“Right. I forgot. The wine, ya’ know?”

“Yeah, I know. Me too.”

She pressed her navy skirt and white blouse into place and walked back into the bedroom.

Marco flopped onto the bed, his arms folded under his head, watching Kate run around the room searching for her shoes and digging through her bag.

She walked to the edge of the bed, the sheets and blankets in a tousled mess from their lovemaking the night before.

“I’m off,” she said, bending to kiss him.

He pulled her down on top of him and she screamed and laughed. He muffled her with a passionate kiss, lingering for a couple of seconds. Kate melted into him, but he teasingly yanked her away.

“Have a great day. Sell lots-a stuff.”

She gave him a fake frown. “Now I have to fix my lipstick.”

She returned to the bathroom to adjust her hair and lipstick and walked back into the bedroom, grabbing her bag and jacket.

As she hurried down the stairs, Marco called out to her.

“Bye gorgeous. See you in a couple hours.”

Kate hurried out the back door to her car, the chilly wind penetrating her unbuttoned, cream-colored raincoat. She scowled at the looming gray clouds.

Who says April in Minnesota is nice? It’s never nice.

She backed down the driveway and headed for the first rental location on Payne Avenue.