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Eddie closed the door to his bedroom and called Primo.
“Yeah. It’s me.”
“Been over to your sister-in-law’s house a few times,” Eddie said, “and, you’re not gonna’ believe it but, she had me move in.” He paused for Primo’s reaction. After a breath of silence, he added. “Saves money anyways.”
“Good,” Primo said. “My wife will like that you’re there.”
Eddie was pleased he’d given him no pushback.
Primo let out a gurgling cough and then said, “You talk more about the restaurant?”
“Talk about the restaurant? Are you kiddin’ me?” Eddie put his hand on his forehead. “Primo, that’s all she wants ta’ talk about. I don’t think she’s gonna’ let me stop lookin’. I told her there was nothin’ but garbage for locations, but she insists I keep tryin’.”
“She’s a stubborn old broad, that’s for sure.”
“I’m beginnin’ to see that. Her food is unbelievable, though. It could be a great place.”
“Yeah, no doubt she’s got a nice product.”
“Christ, she’s already got me talkin’ about menus and what type-a place she wants. You know, a deli, a bakery, or a full-out dining room?”
“What she say?”
“Full dining.”
“Figures. Jesus. At her age. The whole thing is fuckin’ stupid.”
“She’s no spring chicken, that’s for sure. Seems up to it, though. Tough. I told her I’d try to find a place close to her house. Gotta’ real estate agent workin’ on it now.”
“Jesus. Do your search and forget about this bullshit restaurant. I need you back here. I can’t have Freddy handlin’ your business for too much longer. You were right. He’s a mess.”
“Hey, no disrespect, Primo, but I told you he was a no-good prick.” Eddie stood and started to pace the room. “And, I mean—I hate to remind you—but you was the one that made me come to this piece-a-shit town. Now, I gotta’ at least try to help Micola find a place. I can’t leave yet. It was my big mouth that started all-a this shit.” He paused. For a moment, there was silence on Primo’s end, too.
“Shit,” Primo said. “What a mess, ‘eh? Now, my wife’s all excited about this stupid restaurant, too.”
“I’m sorry, boss. I know this is puttin’ you in a tough spot. And if I’d-a known what I was startin’? I’d-a kept quiet. Believe me. But I didn’t. Now, Micola’s really excited about it. I’d hate to break her heart, know what I mean?”
Eddie continued. “And helpin’ her find a place is gonna’ take time.”
“How much time?”
“I don’t know. Three weeks?” Eddie braced himself for Primo’s wrath.
“Three weeks? Shit, Eddie.”
“I know. I’m sorry, Primo. But she’s your sister-in-law. And, your wife? She’s gonna’ want me to help her, am I right?”
“Don’t try to play me, Eddie. Who do you think you’re talkin’ to, ‘eh?”
“Come on, Primo. You know what I mean. I’m not tryin’ nothin’.”
Silence lingered over the line before Primo spoke. “Alright. You gotta’ finish this.”
Eddie smiled and nodded to himself, surprised he was so happy to be staying. “Okay then. I’ll keep you posted.”
“You do that, Eddie. I mean it.”
“I will, Primo. You got my word.”
“Alright. You-got enough money ta’ last for a while?”
“Yeah. I’ll let you know if things get tight.”
“Good. Did Micola offer to pay you?”
“Naw. Not yet, anyway,” Eddie lied.
“I’ll talk to Micola about payin’ you.”
“No,” Eddie said. “I’ll talk to her. She’ll pay. I’ll let ya’ know when I’m runnin’ low.”
“Alright. Make this quick, Eddie.”
“Right, boss. I’ll be in touch.”
Eddie looked at his phone as the line went dead. Good. Now, he had a little breathin’ room to get things goin’ with the restaurant and work on some extracurricular activities with those punks.
He headed back downstairs and peeked around the corner into the living room.
Micola turned off the vacuum. “Where you go, Eddie?”
He waved his hands down the sides of his body. “Gotta’ get some new clothes. Looks like I’m stayin’ awhile.” He took his jacket from the back of the chair. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Not sure how long things’ll take at this Mall of America. Gotta’ find the place first, know what I mean?”
Micola nodded. “See you, Eddie.”
He waved to her and shut the back door behind him.