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Eddie slammed the snooze button on the screaming alarm clock and squinted to check the time. Eight-forty-five. He rolled onto his back and grunted. It was an early wake-up call for any day, let alone a Sunday morning. He dragged himself out of bed and peeked out the window. The weather showed promise. The clouds had broken up and the sun was shining.
He showered quickly and donned one of his new ensembles from the many he’d purchased the day before during his shopping spree at the Mall of America. He’d blown a ton of cash on the clothes, but impeccable style builds reputation, and reputation was what he was after.
He didn’t want to waste a suit on this morning’s simple warehouse viewing, but he did want to impress the beautiful realtor.
He paused to relive that first moment yesterday. Her hair had swirled over her head. He’d never seen anything like it. So spontaneous. Like it was meant for him to see. She’d swept him up right then.
He flipped through his new selections, now hung neatly in the closet, and chose some designer jeans and a cherry and white paisley dress shirt. He put on his usual chain, ring and bracelet, and this time, he added a splash of new cologne. Couldn’t hurt.
He arrived at the warehouse a few minutes early. As he sat in his car waiting for Kate, he checked out the surrounding area. The place was directly on Payne Avenue, just as Micola had hoped. The rest of the area was pretty rundown. Old brick buildings lined both sides of Payne, and Swede Hollow Park was behind him.
The stand-alone building before him had a rust-colored brick exterior, stood two stories tall, with a flat roof. The old but solid structure appeared to be in good condition, although the tan painted windowsills were chipped and faded.
Kate pulled in behind him, and he again watched her from his rearview mirror. He admired her beauty as she stepped out of her car. As it did yesterday, a brief gust encircled her walnut-colored hair and flew it wildly about her face, not quite like the vision of yesterday, but he couldn’t believe it had happened again. He watched her quickly brush it down and push it behind her. She bent back into her car and Eddie smiled as her high-heeled foot lifted.
He could look at her all day long. Unfortunately, the moment was brief. Kate had stepped back out of her car, briefcase in hand. She closed the door and gave him a smile and a quick wave as she walked toward him, her cream-colored raincoat blowing behind her. He opened his car door and tried not to scan her body. He did admire her legs under the black, pencil-thin skirt. Her blazer hid the prize package up top.
She called out to him. “Good morning.”
“Mornin’, Kate.”
She shook his hand as they turned to face the front of the building. Eddie felt a twitch of pleasure at her touch.
She opened her arms to the building.
“Well? This is it. Let’s check it out. And just to warn you, I have not seen this one yet.”
As they approached, Eddie peered through one of the glass windows, noting the beat-up cement floor. Kate unlocked the lockbox and opened the front door. She waved her hand. “After you, Mr. Bracchio.”
Eddie leaned back and put out his hand to stop her. “Please. Call me ‘Eddie,’ remember?”
“Right. ‘Eddie’ it is.”
Eddie bowed and waved his hand across his waist. “After you.”
Except for the light from the front windows, the main room was shrouded in darkness. Kate moved along the nearest wall to her right, searching for a light switch. When she found one, she flipped it up and fluorescent bulbs popped to life overhead.
“Okay!” she said. “Let’s explore!”
As they moved to the center of the front area, Kate put her hand to her nose. “It seems this place hasn’t held fresh air in a while.”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah. It sure don’t smell like a restaurant, know what I mean?” He laughed and Kate smiled at him as they continued the tour.
Those blue eyes. Like crystals.
He tried not to stare.
They toured the empty, hollowed interior, their shoes clicking on the cold, cement floor. There was something Eddie liked about the place. Though the framework was unfinished and the plumbing exposed, he loved the high ceiling and the spaciousness of the front room. And after talking money with Micola, it seemed the price was right, too.
As they returned to the front of the building near the corner door, Eddie swung his hands open wide. “Now this place, I like.”
Kate nodded. “I know what you mean. I’m pleasantly surprised. There’s something about it, right? It has character. Potential.”
“It does. I’d like to show my client. Can we come back this afternoon?”
She looked at her watch. “I have a couple of personal matters in the next couple of hours. How about three-thirty? Will that work?”
She turned to exit the building and Eddie followed.
“Sure,” he said. “We can do that. My client lives a few blocks away. I think she’s gonna’ like it.”
“Well,” Kate said, “now that I have the keys, I can bring you in anytime you’d like.”
Eddie loved the sound of her voice.
“That’s great,” he said.
She locked the door and they walked to their cars.
He turned to her. “Three-thirty then?”
Kate nodded and smiled as she reached out her hand. “See you then, Eddie.”
He took her hand and shook it gently. “Lookin’ forward to it, Kate. And thanks for your help.”
“You’re welcome.”
He watched as she walked to her car and drove off.
No matter what happens, meetin’ her was worth it.
He drove back to the house, excited to tell Micola about her new ristorante. He walked in through the front entrance and called out to her.
“In the kitchen, Eddie.”
Eddie walked down the hallway to the kitchen. Micola stood at the stove, stirring something creamy that smelled of garlic and onion.
He peeked over her shoulder. “Smells delicious. More sauce?”
She set down the spoon and turned to see him smiling. She clapped her hands. “You find my ristorante, Eddie?”
He took her by her elbow and led her to the table. “I think so, Mrs. F. Wait ta’ ya’ see it. I think this might be the place.”
She put her hands to her mouth.
“You okay, Mrs. F.?”
She nodded. He could see a smile form across her cheeks as her eyes began to glisten.
“I don’t know what to do—I’m so excited—my heart—” She patted her chest with one hand. “I thought it stopped.” She giggled and Eddie laughed.
“Alright. Calm down. Take a breath, ‘eh?”
“I can’t wait to see it. When? When can we go?” She moved to stand. “I’m ready. Anytime.”
“We go at three-thirty this afternoon. We’ll leave a few minutes before that. The place is that close.”
“Today? That’s wonderful, Eddie. Tell me—what is this place? Beautiful, no?”
He shook his head. “No.”
She gave him a sharp look. “No?”
He smiled. “Not yet.” He pinched his thumb and forefinger together, shaking them in front of her face. “But it’s got potential. Capisci? So I need you to be prepared. It’s gonna need a lotta’ work, okay?”
“Now, go finish your sauce. I got calls to make and a few errands to run. I’ll meet you back here at three-twenty.”
They rose from the table and Micola embraced him.
“Okay, Eddie. See you soon.”