The Things That Happen Next

When Mrs. Hershkowitz

is all set in her chair

and she’s kissed us all on the cheek,

and the neighbors give her a glass of water,

with Buddy happily coiled at her feet,

we head downstairs.

By now I can’t stop thinking about

my parents, but every phone line is busy.

When we get outside,

Jordan comes over,

and then,

all of a sudden,

he wraps an arm around me.

Sorry about everything, Etan.

The boys start to head up the street

but just before, Martin looks over

like he might say sorry, or something else,

but he just looks at me,

then Malia.

See you at school sometime I guess?

I mean when you come back.

Yep! she says,

and the thought of school

suddenly seems

like the very place we want to be.