At the dragon mailbox
I try to keep Buddy from marking his territory.
No cars in the driveway this time.
When we reach the door, Malia opens it wide,
sings, I will be waiting…,
Blankie wrapped around her face like a scarf.
When Buddy sees her he leaps with all four paws right into her arms.
Who’s this little one?
She lifts him high, and Buddy licks her face.
I tell her about Buddy and Mrs. Hershkowitz.
He’s so adorable!
She shuts the door behind her.
Here, let’s take him down to our secret place?
Okay, I say, but I also …
I unzip my backpack.
Ohhhh, you remembered!
She stops at a garden shed
on the side of the house
and pulls out two small
folding knives. Holds them up. For carving!