

1: Reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown, London, on behalf of the Estate of Sir Winston Churchill. Copyright © Winston S. Churchill.

2: Speech by Harry Hopkins to British upon arrival in London, July 27, 1941, George T. McJimsey Papers, Grinnell College. Printed by permission of George T. McJimsey.


1: © Bettmann/CORBIS.

2: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.

3: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.

4: Harris & Ewing Collection, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-hec-28141.

5: Harris & Ewing Collection, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-hec-28631.

6: Harris & Ewing Collection, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-hec-28404.

7: © Bettman/CORBIS.

8: Topical Press Agency/Getty Images.

9: National Archives, Photo No. 111-SC-25158.

10: AP Photo/Associated Press.

11: AP Photo/Associated Press.

12: Harris & Ewing Collection, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-hec-28064.

13: NYWT&S Collection, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-135306.

14: AP Photo/Associated Press.

15: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.

16: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.

17: Harris & Ewing Collection, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-hec-28898.

18: Courtesy of Churchill Archives Centre of Churchill College, Cambridge. Churchill Additional Papers, WCHL 13/1.

19: Courtesy of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

20: AP Photo/Eddie Worth.

21: AP Photo/Eddie Worth.

22: Chicago Daily Tribune, Feb. 7, 1941.

23: Richard C. Wood/Getty Images.

24: AP Photo/Graphic Photo Union.

25: National Archives, Photo No. 208-PU-89FF-27.

26: Bettmann/CORBIS.

27: Margaret Bourke-White/Getty Images.

28: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.

29: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.

30: Courtesy of the Imperial War Museum.

31: National Archives, Photo No. 80-G-26865.

32: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.

33: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.