Soak the beans overnight. Drain and rinse them.

Choose a heavy stockpot (preferably earthenware) and put 2 tablespoons of the olive oil into
it. Heat, add the onion, and after 5 minutes add the carrot, celery, leeks, tomatoes, rosemary
and half the garlic.

Sauté for 10 minutes, stirring very frequently. Add the beans and turn them over and over to
coat them in the oil. Cover with 2 litres of water, add salt and cook, covered, at the gentlest
simmer for at least 2 hours, until the beans are very soft.

Lift out half of the beans and purée them in a food processor. Return the purée to the soup
and stir well. Ideally the soup will now rest overnight, so you can cool and chill it at this point
until you are ready.

Bring the soup back to a simmer, and preheat the oven to 180°C (375°F/fan 160°C/Gas 4).

Heat all but 1 tablespoon of the remaining oil in a small frying pan. Add the remaining garlic,
thyme and chilli and sauté gently for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly and being very careful
not to let the garlic burn.

Mix this into the soup, then add the cavolo nero. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Scatter the
sliced red onion over the top of the soup. Mix the basil pesto with the remaining oil, and drizzle
over the onion.

Place the soup in the oven for about ¾ to 1 hour, or until the onion is soft, and serve.

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