see also Oscars
Across 110th Street, 88
affirmative action, 143–4
African-American Vernacular,32–5
Aiello, Danny, 41–2, 43
Alighieri, Dante, 94, 129
Allen, Woody, 17, 192–3
American Beauty, 153
Amos ’n’ Andy, 122, 198 n. 2
anamorphic lens, 119
… And Justice for All, 110
Answer, The, 15
anti-Semitism, 82–6, 142–3
see also Jews; Judaism
Arlington Road, 153
Asians, Asian-Americans, 18, 47–8, 85, 190, 191
Autobiography of Malcolm X, The, 62, 69, 102, 106–7, 110, 114, 147
Baldwin, James, 106, 113
Baptists, see Southern Baptists
see also racism
bin Laden, Osama, 171, 173, 175
Birth of a Nation, The, 15
Black Caesar, 88
Black Muslims, 107, 112, 113
see also Fruit of Islam; Islam; Muslim; Nation of Islam
Black Panther (Party), 45, 103, 168
Black Six, The, 88
Blacula, 88
blocking, see stepping
Boss Nigger, 88
Boston Society of Film Critics, 42, 114
bourgeoisie, 7, 53, 80, 105
see also class
Boyz N the Hood, 129–30
Bradley, David, 106, 112
Bram Stoker’s Dracula, 114
Brawley, Tawana, 63–5, 71
Breslin, Jimmy, 155
Brooklyn neighborhoods
Bensonhurst, 91, 99, 197 n. 3
Crown Heights, 13, 71, 155
Fort Greene, 4, 13, 18–19, 21
Brother, 201 n. 2
Brother from Another Planet, The, 2, 87
Bumpurs, Eleanor, 70–1
Burnett, Charles, 87, 88
Cannes International Film Festival, 4, 41, 44–5, 46, 153, 185
Casino, 124
Chavis, Benjamin, 139
see also bourgeoisie
Cleopatra Jones, 88
Coffy, 88
colorism, 28, 37–8
Color Purple, The, 19, 87
Coltrane, Alice, 78
Coltrane, John, 57, 75–6, 77, 78–9, 195 n. 4
Copland, Aaron, 151–2, 200 n. 3
Cosby, Bill, 113, 139
Cosby Show, The, 161
Cotton Comes to Harlem, 113
see also drugs; heroin
cracking, see stepping
African-American, 4, 6, 8, 13
American, mainstream, 8, 13, 122, 160, 175
urban, 5, 166
Da Brick, 192
Dante, see Alighieri, Dante
Davis Thulani, 21
Days of Glory (Indigènes), 188–9
De Niro, Robert, 54, 108, 124
Diawara, Manthia, 8–9
Dickerson, Ernest, 17, 41, 129–30, 196 n. 1, 201 n. 1
Dinkins, David, 62–3, 72, 99
Dirty Dozen, The, 187, 202 n. 7
Dirty Harry, 7
dope, see drugs
see also crack (cocaine); heroin
Dyson, Michael Eric, 30–1, 37–8, 170
Eastwood, Clint, 7, 76, 185–8
El-Shabazz, El-Hajj Malik, 105, 107
see also X, Malcolm
Emmy Awards, 3–4, 170
Esposito, Giancarlo, 29, 43
Eyes Wide Shut, 153
Face in the Crowd, A, 160
Fanon, Frantz, 31
fascism, 7, 45, 96
Fences, 111
“Fight the Power” (song), 51
Fishburne, Laurence, 29
F.I.S.T., 110
Flags of Our Fathers, 185–8
Foucault, Michel, 127, 198–9 n. 4
4 Little Girls, 3, 163–5
Freak, 165–6 freaking, see stepping
Freeman, Al, Jr., 102, 114
Fruit of Islam, 109
see also Black Muslims; Islam; Muslim; Nation of Islam
Game of Thrones, 201 n. 2
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 81–2, 162
gays, see homosexuals
see also biography, biopic; documentary
George, Nelson, 15
Gerima, Haile, 88
ghettos, ghettoization, 46, 47, 81, 130
Gitlin, Todd, 80–1
Giuliani, Rudolph, 62–3
Glover, Danny, 139
Golden Globe Awards, 4, 42
Goodman, Paul, 75
Gordon, Dexter, 55, 76, 196 n. 4
Greatest Story Ever Told, The, 151
Green Mile, The, 188
Griffith, D.W., 15
Griffith, Michael, 70, 71, 155
Ground Zero, see World Trade Center; 9/11
Guerrero, Ed, 86–7
Haley, Alex, 102, 147
Hamlet, 97
see also New York City
Harlem Nights, 3
Harlem renaissance, 19
Hawkins, Yusuf, 99–100
heroin, 98
see also crack (cocaine); drugs
Hicks, Tommy Redmond, 17, 22
Himes, Chester, 113
see also jazz; music, musicians; rap
Hispanics, 18, 47, 58, 99
see also Latino(s)
Hitler, Adolf, 143, 200 n. 2
Hollywood Shuffle, 2
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, 114
Home of the Brave, 187, 202 n. 7
homophobia, 29, 36
Hoop Dreams, 152
House Party, 3
Howze, Zakee L., 77, 102
Huey P. Newton Story, A, 168–9
Hughes, Albert and Allen, 130
Hurricane, The, 110
If God Is Willing and da Creek Don’t Rise, 170–1, 192
Image Awards, 4, 41, 114, 170
I’m Gonna Git You Sucka, 2
In Country, 110
Independent Spirit Awards, 4
Indians, see Native Americans
In the Heat of the Night, 110
see also Black Muslims(s);
Fruit of Islam; Muslim;
Nation of Islam
Jackson, Janet, 55, 113, 196 n. 4
Jackson, Rev. Jesse, 99, 139
Jackson, Michael, 3
Jackson, Samuel L., 32, 42, 91, 95, 198 n. 8
see also hip-hop; music, musicians; rap
Jazz on a Summer’s Day, 112–13
Jeffersons, The, 161
Jerri curls, 32
Jewison, Norman, 110–12
see also anti-Semitism; Judaism
Jim Brown: All American, 169
Jim Crow, 131
Joe’s Bed-Stuy Barbership: We Cut Heads, 15–17
Johns, Tracy Camilla, 21, 23, 28
Johnson, Magic, 113, 162
Johnson, Victoria E., 50, 54, 195 n. 2
joint, meaning of, 2
Jones, James Earl, 112
Jones, LeRoi, see Baraka, Amiri
Jordan, Michael, 113, 196 n. 5
Judaism, 143
Kael, Pauline, 7
Kaplan-Lee, Susan, 97, 196 n. 2
Keitel, Harvey, 126
Kilik, Jon, 125
Killer of Sheep, 88
King, Rodney, 101
Kite Runner, The, 201 n. 2
Klawans, Stuart, 152, 163
Klein, Joe, 45–6
Kobe Doin’ Work, 182
Koch, Edward I., 62–3
Ku Klux Klan, 143–4
Kunstler, William, 103
language, 31–5, 86
Last Hustle in Brooklyn, 14
Last Temptation of Christ, The, 108
see also Hispanics
Lean on Me, 3
Lee, Arnold, 196 n. 2
Lee, Cinqué, 14, 118
Lee, David, 14, 201 n. 6
Lee, Jacquelyn Shelton, 13–14
Lee, Spike
early life, 13
education, 14–15
legacy, 193
nickname, 13
Lee, Tonya, 19
Leguizamo, John, 153, 165–6
Letters from Iwo Jima, 185–7
Library of Congress, 42, 114
Lindo, Delroy, 118, 125
Little, Malcolm, 105
see also X, Malcolm
Little Richard, 55, 196 n. 4
Los Angeles Film Critics
Association, 41–2
“Love and Hate” (monologue),52, 55, 58–61
Love Supreme, A, 76, 78–9
Lumet, Sidney, 106, 112, 197–8 n. 7
Lumière and Company, 163–4
Mack, The, 88
McKee, Lonette, 91, 102, 150
Maddox, Alton H., 71
magical Negro, 188
Malcolm X (1972 film), 106
Mamet, David, 106, 197–8 n. 7
Mandela, Nelson, 103–4, 127, 196 n. 5
Marsalis, Branford, 32, 195 n. 4
Mason, C. Vernon, 71
Massood, Paula, 127, 129–30
Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York, 104
Menace II Society, 130
Miller, Arthur, 70, 71
Million Dollar Baby, 188
Million Man March, 138–49, 184, 199 n. 1
Mingus, Charles, 79, 196 n. 4
Miracle’s Boys, 169–70
miscegenation, 96
misogyny, 29, 121
Mitchell, W.J.T., 73–4
Monk, Thelonious, 55, 195 n. 4
Morehouse College, 14, 28, 30
Motown, 29
multiculturalism, 54, 121
Murphy, Eddie, 106
see also Black Muslim(s); Fruit of Islam; Islam; Nation of Islam
see also hip-hop; jazz; rap
music videos, 3
see also Black Muslim(s); Fruit of Islam; Islam; Muslim
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 41, 139, 170
National Film Registry, 42, 114
Native Americans, 85
negritude, 16
Network, 160
New York Film Critics Circle, 41, 114
see also Brooklyn; Harlem
New York University, 14–15, 192–3
Night of the Hunter, The, 59
see also World Trade Center
Nobel Peace Prize, 65–6
Nunn, Bill, 32, 43, 52, 59
Obama, Barack and Michelle, 1
Oldboy, 5, 191
Original Kings of Comedy, The, 166
Oscars, 106
see also Academy Awards
Our Town, 200 n. 3
Page, Clarence, 85–6
pan-Africanism, 104, 107
Park, Chan-wook, 191
Parker, Charlie, 76, 186
Parks, Suzan-Lori, 135
Passing Strange, 192
Pavarotti, Luciano, 54, 201 n. 6
Pavarotti & Friends 99 for Guatemala and Kosovo, 201 n. 6
Perez, Rosie, 51
Perl, Arnold, 112–13
Perry, Edmund, 70, 71–2
Phifer, Mekhi, 125
Pierce, Wendell, 140, 170
pigmentocracy, 38
pooh-bahs, 106, 109
polyphony, 50
Poseidon, 191
Producers, The, 160
projects, see housing projects
Pulitzer Prize, 110, 111
Purple Rain, 2
Queens, New York, 18, 71, 72, 154, 172
Quinn, Anthony, 91
racial bias, prejudice, 15, 83
racial epithets, slurs, 11, 46–7, 63, 64, 174
see also bigotry; stereotypes
radical chic, 45
Raging Bull, 108
see also hop-hop; jazz; music, musicians
see also sexual assault
Redding, Otis, 55
Red Hook Summer, 192
riot(s), 45, 101
Robbins Jerome, 46, 195 n. 1
’Round Midnight, 76, 82
saluting, see stepping
Sankofa, 88
Scorsese, Martin, 108, 124–5, 157
Seale, Bobby, 103, 168
separatism, 103
Sesame Street, 46, 81
Sex, Lies, and Videotape, 45
sexual assault, 63-5
see also rape
Shabazz, Attallah, 104–5
Shabazz, Dr. Betty, 104–5, 108
Shabazz, El-Hajj Malik El-, see
El-Shabazz, El-Hajj Malik
Shaft, 88
Sharpton, Rev. Al, 71, 83, 99, 103, 170
Shelton, Zimmie, 14
Simpson, O.J., 140, 143–4
Smallwood, Yvonne, 70, 72
Smith, Roger Guenveur, 54, 140, 154, 168–9
Snipes, Wesley, 77, 91, 140
Soldier’s Story, A, 110
South Africa, 29, 103–4
see also Soweto
Southern Baptists, 108
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 69
Soweto, 104
Spelman College, 14
Spike’s Joint, 84
spontaneity, 90, 92–3
Stay, 201 n. 2
stepping, 35–7
see also race
Stewart, Michael, 70
Straw Dogs, 7
Sucker Free City, 169
taboos, 90–1
Taj Mahal, 95–6, 97
Tarantino, Quentin, 136–7
Thomas, Margaret, 32–5, 93
Till, Emmett, 99
Tisch School of the Arts, 13
To Sleep with Anger, 87
Troy, 201 n. 2
25th Hour, The (novel), 171
Twilight Zone, The, 73
United Front to Preserve the Legacy of Malcolm X, 105–6
Universal Pictures, 3, 76, 79, 84, 180
Vincent, Frank, 96
Walker, Alice, 87
Wallace, Michelle, 24–6, 28, 29–30
Wall of Fame, 43, 54–5, 196 n. 5
Welcome Back, Kotter, 18
West Side Story, 195 n. 1
When the Levees Broke: A
Requiem in Four Acts, 4, 170, 192
Whitaker, Forest, 76
White, Armond, 6, 63
William Morris Agency, 17
Wilson, August, 111–12
Winfrey, Oprah, 113, 162
Wire, The, 128
Wonder, Stevie, 55, 196 n. 4
Woodard, Alfre, 118
World Trade Center, 171, 172, 175–6
see also 9/11
Worth, Marvin, 106, 197–8 n. 7
X-Men Origins: Wolverine, 201 n. 2
Young, Andrew, 69
Zacharek, Stephanie, 10