Can a person who used to wear a Ban the Bomb button

And a Free Angela Davis button

And an Uppity Women Unite button

And a Get Out of Viet Nam button

Find happiness being a person with a

Set of fondue forks, a fish poacher, and a wok?

Is there an economic rule that says

No matter how much we earn and how little we spend.

There’s no such thing as getting out of hock?

How do I know if the time has come to

Accept my limitations.

Or whether I still ought to try to

Fulfill my promise?

How come I’m reading articles

With names like A Woman’s Guide to Cosmetic Surgery

More than I’m reading the poems of Dylan Thomas?

If I had an either/or choice

Would I prefer to be deservedly respected,

Or would I prefer to be mindlessly adored?

If we totally take the blame when our children

Stutter and wet their beds.

And are busted and maladjusted and drop out of school.

Do we get to take the credit if our children

Grow up to be brilliant, plus very nice people.

Plus mentally healthy and chairmen of the board?

When, instead of vice versa.

Did I start to pick investments over adventure.

And clean over scenic, and comfortable over intense?

Why does a relationship

Between an older woman and younger man

Suddenly seem to make a lot of sense?

Why am I always dressed in styles

Which I swear, when they first come out,

Nothing on earth could possibly make me buy?

What are the things which.

Even though people won’t be upset (they swear)

If I’ll only admit,

I should always deny?

Are some human beings

Intellectually and emotionally incapable

Of ever reading a road map,

Or could I still learn to?

If six days a week I’m responsible

And self-sufficient and competent and mature,

On the seventh could I go find a womb to return to?

Couldn’t a person who isn’t expecting

Praise for what she’s doing

At least expect some praise for not expecting it?

If I think that the fellow next door

Is attempting to give me a kiss in the kitchen,

Am I first allowed to be kissed before rejecting it?

How can I learn to relate to marijuana

And bisexuality

When I’m more at home with The Anniversary Waltz?

How come I’ve got these incredible insights

Into all of my faults,

And I’ve still got my faults?

Why couldn’t somebody tell me

That I haven’t changed since college

Without being practically blind or

A terrible liar?

Why, since I’ve never had any intention

Of going out on the street and selling my body,

Is it hard to be reaching an age where

I won’t find a buyer?

How come a charter member of NOW

Is afraid to confess to her husband

That the first day she drove their new car

She dented the fender?

How will I ever be able to tell

If what I achieve in life

Ought to be called serenity—not surrender?