These readings are hard. They really are. They’re asking you to reach down into yourself and face those things that you’ve been ignoring. I think that the reason they’re so difficult is because if we fix that thing—that one thing that is making our love life seem impossible and forces us to challenge ourselves at work—we get pulled out of apathy and comfort and we’re forced to face new challenges. Doing these readings won’t fix your life. They will give you clarity about the parts of your life that need modification.
If you find that the things you want to work on don’t fit in a specific reading, see if you can modify it. I had a client who was dealing with a great deal of guilt. We talked about both the water and spirit readings, and we decided that spirit would be the right one. She was able to release that pain and guilt—which had become like a religion to her—and face life without it. Instead of looking for a spiritual community, she was looking for spiritual peace. We modified the reading just a little to make it work for her.
The best part of doing these readings is that it puts you in a position of strength in that area of your life. If you are struggling with mental health issues, and this reading motivates you to find a counselor, stay on your meds, and truly live your life, you’re now in charge of your brain. If you can spend six months dating yourself instead of dating the same guy in different skinny jeans, you might find that your standards shift. That you’re no longer afraid of being alone, but instead you are absolutely certain that it’s only worth dating someone when they’re worth your time and energy.
I started doing these readings to help one client. Then I did them for a few more clients, and then a few more. I think that people were looking for a way to use the cards in a clarifying, comforting manner, and I’m so glad that they worked out. I use them myself, when life gets life-y, and even though they make me really angry, they are true—like, capital T True—so I can’t ignore them.
I hope the readings bring you clarity. I hope that they bring you comfort. I hope that can laugh at yourself a little and clear away the obstacles in your path with joy and confidence. Please remember that your habits didn’t happen overnight, and they’re not going to go away overnight. Give yourself time and space to grow and change. This is super important, so I’m going to repeat it in all caps: THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT. Do not place unrealistic goals on yourself. Do not do all the readings in one night and try to change your entire life at the same time. One at a time. Do the whole thing (including the homework) and give yourself space to grow and change. Some of this time might be carefully avoiding the reading and the homework for about a month until you’re ready to get started. That’s okay. It’s actually expected. I don’t know of one of my clients who finished a reading and then hopped off to make the changes. Give yourself a break, would you? And have faith in yourself.
If you can’t have faith in yourself just yet, I’ll believe in you until you can.