
Tarot Card Meanings

The deck used in this book is Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot. Some other decks that I like for beginners include the Numinous Tarot, the After Tarot, Vivid Journey Tarot, and the Dreaming Way Tarot. For folks with more experience, I recommend the Sasuraibito Tarot, the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, the Slow Holler Tarot, the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot, the Raven’s Prophecy Tarot, and the Augenblick Tarot.

If you’d like a book to go along with these short descriptions, have I got a book for you. Kitchen Table Tarot, written by yours truly, an Independent Publisher Book Award winner for Best First Book (bronze!). It’s pretty good. Some others are Reading for Yourself by Courtney Weber, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack, Mary K. Greer’s 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card, The Tarot Coloring Book by Theresa Reed, and Tarot for Beginners by Barbara Moore.

Major Arcana


The Fool

Jump! Take a chance. The universe will catch you. Be bold. Jump even if you’re afraid. If you keep moving forward, you’re winning. Even if you’re only moving by inches. Chaos behind me, and probably chaos ahead. The power of being wholly in the present, though, is what gives us the ability to say “okay then” and move forward anyway. Yes, we’ve screwed up. Sometimes in the most spectacular fashion. So what? We still have today and tomorrow and all the rest of our lives. Let’s decide. Let’s stop defining ourselves by our lowest moments and focus on the shiny parts. Let’s jump.

The Fool Reversed

Just because you can just doesn’t mean you should. Just because the ledge is there doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look over the edge and double check your parachute. The Fool reversed throws caution to the wind. And common sense, a sense of pride, decency, and intellect. Just blundering stupidly into the next mistake.


The Magician

Have confidence. You have all the tools you need to get ahead. Make it happen. You put in the time. You are experienced. You are talented. You’ve got secrets up your sleeves and in your pockets and behind your back. Now is the time to act like the expert you are and stop hiding behind false modesty. There is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Find it.

The Magician Reversed

A Magician flipped on his head cannot be trusted. (And his rabbit is totally stuck in his hat.) This is the sleight of hand in conversation that makes you believe that something is your fault, even though it isn’t. Presenting half-truths and illusions to get away with something. Stirring up confusion and intrigue.


The High Priestess

Look into the deeper mysteries for the truth. Look within yourself for the answers. This is the card for those with the Knowing of the Ways. Ask your questions. Be ready for your answers. Be honest, because she can see right through you. Be brave, because the truth is hard. Be joyful, because you can absolutely design your destiny with her on your side.

The High Priestess Reversed

Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone. You’re either in the dark or you’re the one who blew out the candle. Someone is making space for dishonesty and tricksiness to abound. Someone is holding room for nefarious deeds, and they might not get caught. The only thing you can see is cloaked in shadows. Don’t trust it.



he Empress

Warmth, sex, and sensuality. This lady holds the answers in her impulses and intuition. Can you love and love fiercely? Can you promise your children that your only job is to keep them safe and mean it? Can you promise your partner that you will fight for them when they can’t fight for themselves? Can you stand up for yourself with integrity and compassion?

The Empress Reversed

Things are not working out. You don’t feel safe, loved, or protected. You feel the steady itch of vulnerability and anxiety. There are problems that aren’t going away and that you’re not able to shift or improve on your own. The connection to yourself or to your partner is worn thin and near breaking. Attend to yourself and your needs.


The Emperor

Time to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Be precise. Consider briefly the emotional impact of the decision, and then decide what is practical and smart. Sometimes you have to do the right and difficult thing. Even though it might break you a little bit. The Emperor wants you to be okay but realizes that sometimes the path to okay is painful (but necessary). He is willing to go through the pain to make things happen for the greater good.

The Emperor Reversed

This indicates a puppet master who is a solid core of fear with a thick crust of bullying. Do as I say because I say it. I can do what I want because I’m in charge. The type of energy that makes you wince. This person isn’t a leader, they are a tyrant. They aren’t strong—they are reactive and bombastic. They aren’t respected—they are feared.


The Hierophant

You may need to find a teacher or counselor to unlock the mysteries. Remember that you are not always the smartest person in the room. Every person has something to teach you. You have to study—people, nature, feelings, whatever—so you can open the world. The world doesn’t open to the lazy, and with immersion in a subject, you can begin to own it.

The Hierophant Reversed

Those priests who violated trust. Those folks in power who caused the #MeToo avalanche with their callous violations of others. Those predators. Those shameful excuses for people. Those who would use their position for their own benefit and drive it over the people they were meant to protect and lead. Those partners who would dominate the people they are meant to love.


The Lovers

Passion, love, and intense feelings. The important part of this card is where the two hands are almost touching. That hot, electric spark means chemistry is present. Hot damn. This doesn’t always last, but it’s always memorable. Think of Thelma and Louise or Romeo and Juliet. The magnetism is absolutely there. The chemistry, physics … all the science, really, except for geology, because they’re certainly not grounded. Anyway, this is that pull between two people. It’s bananas and usually short lived.

The Lovers Reversed

Somebody is cheating on somebody. Somebody has lied. Someone has put their promises aside and has started putting their phone face down all the time and deleting their messages as soon as they get them. Someone is putting off the hard conversation about unhappiness and loneliness and someone catching their eye and has already left the relationship in one way or another. They’ve got at least one foot out the door.


The Chariot

Use your drive and devotion to get out of the rut. You’ve got stuff to do. Remember that you’re in charge of you. Move forward. Don’t stop. The two steeds in front of the chariot will do what you ask, but you have to ask. Otherwise, they’ll just start wandering down the paths of habit and take you where you’ve already been. It’s important to focus on the destination and then do everything you can to pull yourself in that direction.

The Chariot Reversed

If you don’t believe in yourself and in your goals, you will drive your chariot in circles. You will spin and wander and sit down suddenly, wondering what the next step is. If you have this vehicle for change, whether it be a life decision or a new job or a new partner—you have to really focus on what’s good for you and what isn’t. Pay attention. You’re spinning.



Things are going to be fair. You might not like the outcome, but it will be even. And it will likely suck a little bit. The weight must be shared equally. The emotions must be removed from the decision, and we can move forward knowing that at the end of the day balance must be found. It’s important to remember that fair doesn’t mean good or bad. It just is. Justice will consider all your past mistakes and triumphs and will balance the scales accordingly.

Justice Reversed

Patently unfair. Whether it’s your treatment of others, their treatment of you, or your treatment of yourself, it’s off and slanted and distorted. There are lies here, and there is danger of the disingenuity taking over and covering everything in an oily film that will rot and mold. There is trouble here. Be alert.


The Hermit

Find your quiet space. Shut out the sounds of the outside world. The star in his lantern shines brightly like the Star card. He carries a gentle, soft light with him to find his answers. He wants to go where no one can reach him. If this isn’t possible for you, try to find this peace within. Close your eyes. Breathe in and out. Allow yourself to be alone, and in that solitude listen for the voice inside you to tell you what is next. Sometimes what is next is more breathing and solitude.

The Hermit Reversed

It’s normal to pull away from folks when you’re feeling sad. Absolutely normal. It is not normal to make it a long-term thing. If you find you are isolating yourself unhappily (some people are just fine with solitude!), you should ask yourself why. What is making you push folks away, and what are you seeking in your self-inflicted exile?


The Wheel of Fortune

Either you’ll ride the top of the wheel or go to the shadow side for a while. Remember that you’re in charge of how you behave regardless of where the wheel takes you. There is power in knowing where you stand. There is value in all these positions. The only constant is change, so if you’re being smushed into puddin’ by life right now, wait till you feel the weight to start to lift and scramble to get back on top.

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Absolutely going backward. Likely falling down and getting run over by your own life in the process. And then the wheel rolls again and traps you underneath it, and you can’t reach your phone, and when you finally do, you see that it has also been smashed. This is a bad time. This isn’t a bad life or a bad existence. It will pass, but you still need to take it seriously.



Strength takes many forms. Figure out what yours is and feed it. You have reserves you might not be aware of. Use your strengths—compassion, kindness, humor, resting bitch face, active bitch face. Use your gifts to remain strong—whatever that means for you. Sometimes it means sitting still until you can stand up under your own power. Sometimes it means faking it till you’re making it. Sometimes it means saying no and making that a complete sentence. No.

Strength Reversed

Screw it, it’s just one more drink. Screw it, I really need some connection and she seems nice enough. Screw it, I’ll finish this project late. It doesn’t really matter. If you say “screw it” often enough, you’re going to be screwed. If you have an elevated view of yourself and see yourself as untouchable or unique, you’ll find that you’re the only one who holds that opinion. Your spine is for more than holding your head up. It’s also for giving a damn about something … anything.


The Hanged Man

Sometimes you need to unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth, relax all your muscles, and just be. You will not dissolve if you aren’t moving forward for a few minutes. Take a beat. Catch your breath. Take time to assess the entire situation. Even though we are seeking opportunities, opportunity is seeking us as well. Sometimes our job is to remain still and calm so that when it finds us, we are ready.

The Hanged Man Reversed

You are your problem. You and your inflated sense of self are getting in your way so often you don’t know which way is up anymore. You are rigid and unwilling to look at anyone else’s point of view. This isn’t going to work out well for you unless you can decide that you’re not the only person in the world whose opinion matters. You have got to stop trying to be so perfect. It’s making you miss everything because you’re wearing gigantic, self-inflicted blinders.



“But I don’t want to change.” Welp. Tough. If Death shows up for you, you either change or get changed. The “getting changed” part stinks. You don’t get to have a voice or choose a direction. You get moved around like a chess piece. If you pull death, the universe is giving you until the count of five to stop dragging yourself around and start moving forward. Remember that you used to be afraid of now, and someday you’ll forget that you were afraid of the decisions you’ll make tomorrow. Just move forward, certain that you’re right, and may you never find that you’re wrong.

Death Reversed

This is depression and living an uninspired life. And you’re living it so carelessly that you don’t even notice how depressed you really are. You’ve gotten so used to feeling flat and listless that you think it’s the new normal. Your status quo has dropped to dangerous levels and you need to get some help. Reach out to a friend to see if they’ve noticed a change, and then do something to fix it. Right away, please.



Balance in all things. Mind, body, and spirit. If one is out of whack, the others will soon follow. I made a checklist in my head that I follow every day to find balance. Have I tended to my altar? Did I move my body? Am I writing or reading or having on-fire discussions? These things keep me balanced. Find your things. Also, stop letting your brain feed you a litany of have tos and calm down and do one thing at a time. Simmer down.

Temperance Reversed

I imagine the angel in this card listing to one side and falling in the water. She is ill. She is disenchanted. She has lost her balance and fallen down hard. Sometimes you see this coming and sometimes it sneaks up behind you and knocks the breath right out of you. You are falling. You have fallen. You are down.


The Devil

Listen, you know what your demons are and what tempts you. Identify your personal devil and be aware of it. Don’t let it get the upper hand. Just because you can sit on your phone all day doesn’t mean you should. If you do, there will be consequences, and they’ll suck pretty hard. If you know that a thing/person/cyclical thought process isn’t good for you, put it down. You are a precious, shining treasure, and that thing/person/cyclical thought process is dimming your shine. So quit it.

The Devil Reversed

You have severed the chain that bound you to poison. Whatever your poison is, you’ve drained it of its power. A divorce, a rehabilitation, or a reckoning. You have decided not to drink the poison and not to self-sabotage any more. This is very, very difficult and you should be very proud of yourself. Stay vigilant, though. Your poison knows your weak spots and will wait for them.


The Tower

Everything is going to fall down. It needs to. This doesn’t mean you have to be buried under it. Sometimes things need to fall so new things can grow. Batten down the hatches, and collar those new emotions that come with change and inspect them. Make sure they’re yours and you’re not borrowing stress. Sometimes you need to set the past on fire and let it light the way to the future. It’s not comfortable, but it’s a lot more comfortable than cuddling up with decay. Get in right relations with the things that serve you so you can move forward with alacrity.

The Tower Reversed

This can be a very tense situation that feels like it’s going to explode at any second. It can sustain itself for years, though. I once gave a reading to a wealthy, beautiful couple with a beautiful house and beautiful children. They were also both addicts, both cheating, and both ignoring their children (and in debt up to their eyeballs). That level of delusion can only last so long. Holding your hands against the tower to keep it from falling will only leave you with bruised and bloodied hands.


The Star

Gentle, gentle, all is well. Allow yourself to be soothed and pampered. The star tells you to rest. Be still and all will be well. Her gentle, cool hand rests on your fevered brow and she tells you to drink. When your life falls apart, sometimes you have the urge to jump back up and get into the fight. The Star tells you to be still. There is no hurry in putting your feet steadily beneath you and rising once again, slowly, to stand. You’re not broken, just bent. The branches that bend have marks where the stress occurred, but they keep growing afterward.

The Star Reversed

A feeling of sickness. Of body, of mind, or of soul. The grace that you had has left you and you feel empty and powerless. You need a hand. You need help. This card comes up when the universe is doing everything it can to let you know that help is around you except for dialing 911 for you. You have to reach out to rescue yourself here. No one knows that you’re screaming if it’s silent.


The Moon

Sometimes you should be afraid. Be sure to get a mental health check and make sure your depression/anxiety isn’t lying to you. Walk your path carefully because you are not in charge right now. Listen to your intuition. You can be a warrior when you’re strong again. I promise.

The Moon Reversed

I’m afraid of spiders. One time, my dad (who is also afraid of spiders) stomped on one in front of me, and thousands of baby spiders just exploded out of it. Jesus effing Christ, Mary, and Joseph, and all their carpenter friends. I nearly fainted. What this did was give me a new thing to be afraid of and a healthy respect for letting spiders outside. Sometimes your fears get eclipsed by something new and fade into the background. This is okay. They weren’t helping you anyway.


The Sun

It’s all okay. The sun has a way of shining light into all the dark corners of our lives. All the shadows and mistakes and flaws are illuminated. Those broken bits of you catch the light and make you shine. Be confident that the world is waiting to shower you with blessings. Know that things will be okay even if the situation is ambiguous. Feel the support of your people and of spirit, and share this light with everyone who comes into its warmth. Remember that fire burns away the darkness and that you are a strong and gifted fire dancer.

The Sun Reversed

Eh. Even reversed this is a temporary downswing. This is a cloud passing over the sun. You’ll have a bad day or a bad week. You’re going to feel a little blue, but it’s not long term and it’s not deeply rooted. Recognizing the difference between a bad day and depression can be difficult sometimes, but just breathe through it and wait for the sunshine to peek through again.



Let the sun shine in and burn all the shadows away. Honesty and truth are here. See yourself in a place of power, just where you are. All those nicks and bruises are part of the tapestry of your life, and they enhance the you-ness. Accepting truth puts you in a position of power. Yes, institutional racism exists. Yes, you should quit smoking. No, he’s not coming back. Find a truth that you’ve been avoiding and make peace with it. Only then can you start to fix it. Your discomfort with the truth tells you where you need the most medicine.

Judgement Reversed

The lack of confidence that comes from being told that you’re wrong and believing it. Allowing all the criticism to sink so deeply into you that it feels embedded in your skin and tattooed on your soul. You can’t be right because you’ve never been right so you’ll never be right. This self-defeating card is trying to tell you to pick your chin up.


The World

This is the card of the in-betweens. Remember that the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end. If we do not keep growing and moving forward, part of our soul dies. Endings are just the tail end. Beginnings start right after them. You’ll find that the less stuff you drag into your new beginning, the happier you’ll be. Take time to put things away, even if it hurts. Even if these emotional weights give you comfort, that comfort might be costing you freedom.

The World Reversed

There is no ending. There is no new beginning. There is only the timeless slog of marching in place. Working at a thankless job for years on end with no upward mobility or financial gains. Staying in a marriage in which you have no love, no touch, no affection. Allowing your life to become monotonous and beige.



Ace of Pentacles

The universe is handing you the keys to success. You only need to reach out and take them. This is a boost to security and feeling grounded. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you get to win the lottery but that you get a good night’s sleep so you can be more focused. Or that you get a raise. Or that you’re able to help someone out and, in doing so, help yourself.

Ace of Pentacles Reversed

It’s not going to happen. The raise, the new house, the business plan. It’s not going to come to fruition right now. It could be that it’s not time or that you planned poorly. It could be because someone is actively working against you. Whatever it is, you need to walk away from the project and try again another time. Banging yourself against the gate that’s closed against you will only leave you bruised.


Two of Pentacles

You often get this card when you’re keeping your balance well amid rough weather. Keep light on your feet and don’t lose sight of your goals. Regardless of how crazy the world can be, as long as you maintain your balance, you’ll be just fine. Remember, the Buddha said be kind to everyone. You are part of everyone. Don’t involve yourself in other people’s issues. Just mind your business and reach out if your business involves getting assistance.

Two of Pentacles Reversed

If you are pulled in too many directions, you’re going to end up stuck. You want to lose weight but don’t want to exercise. You want to stop drinking but still buy that bottle. You want to be a good friend but still gossip about your people. It’s human nature and it’s habit, but it can also be changed if you really want to change it. If you’re feeling conflict, there is a reason for that. It usually means that you’re on the wrong path. Here’s a secret, though: you can always hop over to a new path.


Three of Pentacles

Teamwork makes the dream work. Cheesy, but true. Collaborate and join up with like-minded people to make things happen. We are stronger together. Put your heads together and make magic happen.

Three of Pentacles Reversed

You have a group project and you’re the only one who does the work, but everyone takes credit. You’d think that that kind of thing would stop in middle school, but you’d be mistaken. Don’t be afraid to speak out. Don’t allow yourself to be caught in workplace conflicts or drama. You’re there to work, not make friends. Be professional, yes, but be strong, too.


Four of Pentacles

Hold on to those things that belong to you and be generous when you can. Be sure that you have everything you need before you share. Be sure that you come first. This card also indicates that you should keep an eye on the things that belong to you. Watch your money. Watch your possessions. Be safe.

Four of Pentacles Reversed

Could you be any stingier? Honestly. The Grinch ain’t got nothin’ on you. Charity is a part of the human condition. Seeing someone who needs something and then facilitating that exchange is part of what makes us human. If your soul has dried up and your heart has been replaced with tar and an old cell phone battery, you can still adjust your sights and do the right thing.


Five of Pentacles

Shelter and sanctuary exist, but you have to look for them. If you keep your head down, you’ll miss all the good stuff. Sometimes you get pulled so far into your own darkness that you miss the lights shining near you. Sanctuary is available. You are not alone. Stop walking into the unknown and find your resources. It’s going to be okay, but you have to let it be okay.

Five of Pentacles Reversed

You are nearly finished with the hard part. You’ve almost made it. You persevered and you’re going to be able to breathe again so very soon. Just keep going. Keep saving. Keep working. Don’t stop until the shadow falls short of you and you’re standing in the sunshine again. Good job.


Six of Pentacles

There is an exchange here. Giving and receiving. Be sure that the balance remains. Can you give gracefully? Can you receive with equal grace? Can you allow balance and generosity into your life? Care. We all do better when we all do better. You have to invest in yourself first, then your family, and then your community. It has to flow outward. If it sticks with just you, your riches spoil and stagnate. If they flow out to only your family, they puddle and pool. If they reach your community, however, they flow and flow and flow. A rising tide raises all boats.

Six of Pentacles Reversed

Remember that three hundred dollars you loaned to your friend? Yeah, that’s gone now. You invested something in someone (love, money, time), and you’re not going to see it again. This is a hard lesson to learn, but part of being an adult is realizing that you can’t know for sure if someone is trustworthy until they screw you over. It sucks, but it teaches a great lesson that you shouldn’t loan out money (or love or time) that you’re going to need back. Ever.


Seven of Pentacles

You’ve worked so hard, but you’re not finished yet. Keep going—don’t give up! Work. Practice. Get better. Decide that the status is not quo. Work until you make it look easy. Your life goes in cycles like the harvest. You prepare the fields, plant the seeds, tend your crops, and then you get the payoff. Do your work. Get your reward.

Seven of Pentacles Reversed

This card follows the script “stupid job, stupid house, stupid town.” You are working hard and are underappreciated. You are trying to pay off debt and something keeps coming up. You can’t catch up, no matter how hard you try, and something’s got to give before you give up entirely.


Eight of Pentacles

It’s said that you have to work at something for ten thousand hours before you master it. Put in the time and work so you can succeed. Hope only gets you halfway; work will bring you home. Don’t be afraid of hard work. Be afraid of mediocrity. You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to hurt people and yourself. You’re going to do and say stupid stuff and regret your words. And then you’ll keep growing and learning, and as you know better, you’ll do better. It’s okay to screw up, as long as you learn.

Eight of Pentacles Reversed

You can half ass a lot of things before you get caught or tripped up. I’ve known of people who went to work every day and did two hours of work and got paid for eight. They did this for years before someone caught on and they got super-fired. It is possible to skate through life. It’s pretty shady, though, and it never lasts long. Be careful here.


Nine of Pentacles

Appreciation of what you have and fulfillment of your wishes. A time to give thanks and swim around in your happiness for a while. Part of being comfortable in the skin you’re in is moving away from a mindset of scarcity to one of enough. What you have now? Be grateful for it. If you seek more, be grateful for the ability to find it. You have worked hard and you deserve good things. There is no shame or blame in being comfortable. Just remember to help those still on the path.

Nine of Pentacles Reversed

My father always said, “Stop spending money like you have it.” I need you to accept these truths: (1) credit cards are stealing money from future you; (2) if you can’t afford it, you don’t need it; and (3) no one cares how big your TV is. Now, fold those into your life and stop living a champagne life on a beer budget. (That’s one of my dad’s sayings, too. I used to suck at handling money. He had to say these things a lot.)


en of Pentacles

This is about good fortune and financial success. High fives all around. You get the thing. You get peace of mind. You get what you need. This is security. The Ten of Pentacles is a wonderful card to get, because it is the ribbon at the finish line. Be sure you take time to enjoy it and pat yourself on the back.

Ten of Pentacles Reversed

Your money has fallen away from you. This happens, and it’s okay. It’s something that you can recover from. The most important part of falling on hard times is that you recognize and acknowledge the turn in your fortunes. If you don’t look at your bank balance because you’re afraid, you’re going to be in an even bigger mess down the line. You can fix this, but you have to see it first.


Page of Pentacles

Making your dreams come true. Focusing on your hopes and how to make them a reality. Also, you’re probably going to drop that ball. That’s okay. Just be sure to pick it up again. This is the time to make things happen. That energy and joy is absolutely contagious, and you’ll be able to recover beautifully from any fumbles.

Page of Pentacles Reversed

You not only dropped the ball, but you dropped it, kicked it, and then looked away before you saw where it landed. No good, man. You’ve got to get back on track. If you’re disillusioned or disheartened, it is absolutely okay to take a small break, but then you need to realign yourself with your goals and try again. No one is going to chase your dreams for you. Move it.


Knight of Pentacles

Absolutely focused on his goals. Moving forward relentlessly and completely dedicated to finishing what they started. Put your feet on the ground. Focus on what is right in front of you. Do the dishes. This dude is solid, dependable, and grounded. Look for that calming, Zen influence who will guide you through the situation.

Knight of Pentacles Reversed

If you are too “nose to the grindstone,” you’re going to wear that nose right off your face. You have got to look up and around. You have to stop the sleep/work/eat/watch TV pattern that you’ve fallen into. Snap out of it and start looking around at your life. Are you happy? Are you bored? Figure that out. Also, stop looking at your goddamned phone so much.


Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles welcomes you into her lap for a snuggle. Comforting, loving, and compassionate. She is calm wherever she is because she chooses to be there. She doesn’t overreact. She doesn’t lose her balance. She decides how she’s going to feel, how she’s going to act, and who she’s going to allow in her life. She has the BEST BOUNDARIES EVER. Feet on the ground, steady and reliable.

Queen of Pentacles Reversed

It’s good to work hard, but you can’t just work hard. It’s good to be organized and focused, but if you focus too much, you’ll start ignoring everything that isn’t a responsibility. The pentacles tend to get heavy when they’re reversed, so this card will come up when folks need to ease off the till a little bit so they can relax.


King of Pentacles

Security and reliability. He makes things happen and always has his eye on the ball. This is a hard worker. You’re dedicated to your family and believe that if you’re paid for eight hours of work and you don’t deliver, you’re a thief. He’s not always forgiving but is always earnest and will always be there. You have to be aware of your weaknesses and compensate for those. When you figure that out, you’ll have solid ground on which to build.

King of Pentacles Reversed

The forty-year-old man who still boasts about his college days. The woman who maintains the same haircut that she’s had for thirty years because it fits the ideal self that her mother decided was appropriate. The woman who fake smiles and has fake friends because her self-protective wall is so high that no one can get in. At all. This is a person with excellent camouflage who does such a good job of obscuring their true self that they aren’t really sure anymore who they really are.



Ace of Swords

Follow your great idea. You’re being given inspiration. The aces are the heart of their suit. The Ace of Swords is the brain of the tarot. Allow yourself to be inspired and enlightened. Be open to influences and your muse and be sure to follow this fantastic head start to its (already lucky) conclusion.

Ace of Swords Reversed

When I get this card, I always think of a dog my friend had when I was little. My friend’s dad called the dog Dummy. “Hey Dummy, you can’t eat cardboard.” “Hey Dummy, you can’t walk through that wall.” The dog was lovely but, bless her, just as dumb as a box of hair. The problem was that she didn’t think she was being stupid. She was just wandering about, eating cardboard. Double check with yourself (maybe ask a friend) if you’re behaving like an idiot.


Two of Swords

The “shut up so I can hear myself think” card. Listen to yourself. No one else. Lock the door of your office, get rid of distractions, and focus. Sit with your thoughts and ideas until you are calm and focused. And quit asking everybody else about their opinions. Other people’s opinions are none of your business.

Two of Swords Reversed

Listen, if you don’t want to decide, you don’t get to complain. There are a lot of reasons to remain in stasis, and you can for a while, but if you allow your decision-making to fall to other people, you get to experience their path. Do you want that? Do you want to walk someone else’s road? Even if they love you and mean the best for you, it will still be inauthentic.


Three of Swords

Ouch. Pain. Like, searing, heart-falling-out pain. The thing about pain this severe is that it’s purifying. That’s literally the only good thing about this card. Sometimes you have to feel all the pain before it will go away. Remember that holding pain inside can cut you to pieces. Releasing it, even if only to yourself in a journal, is one of the most amazing things you can do. If you don’t want those words lying around, write them down and burn them.

Three of Swords Reversed

You’ve pulled the last sword out and can rest. You couldn’t start healing until you got to this point, right here. Now that you’re free of the swords, you need to tend to yourself. Sleep. Eat good food. Drink water. Sleep some more. Remember, you just had three swords going through your heart. You need some downtime.


Four of Swords

Put your thoughts at ease. Relax. Learn how to meditate. Remember that worry is a waste of time. It burns through the present and makes the future seem grim. Shh. It’s okay. Not worrying will make you feel better. I remember reading that worrying is just praying for bad things to happen. Figure out what you can fix and leave the rest to sort itself out. Use the rest of the time you would have spent worrying on stuff like reading and love and naps and cat videos.

Four of Swords Reversed

If you try to do all the things perfectly, you’ll end up either screwing each one up a little bit, or doing none of the things and locking up a little bit. Stop with the frantic activity and make a list. Then take a nap. Then do one thing on the list and probably take another nap. Seriously, you gotta chill.


Five of Swords

Stop paying attention to what other people say and pay attention to what you say. Stop bickering, gossiping, trying to convince people to change their minds. It’s a waste of time. This is the tarot equivalent of “don’t start nothin’, won’t be nothin’. ” Stand up for yourself and be absolutely clear about what you will and will not allow. It starts with controlling the words that come out of your mouth and those that enter your ears.

Five of Swords Reversed

I have this ex who keeps popping up in my periphery. He makes me angry every single time I see him. It’s been decades, and I still just want to slap the taste out of his mouth. Now, is this his problem? No. It’s mine. It’s not even about him, really. I get angry because I allowed him behave so poorly and still dated him, and the shame of that is what makes me so mad. I have to forgive myself and check that my boundaries are being enforced now. And then get over it. I’m working on it. Figure out what you’re really mad about and then how to get over it. (Then get over it.)


Six of Swords

Focus on where you’re going and get out of where you are now. Don’t look back. You don’t live there anymore. Part of going from rough waters into smooth is that you don’t always trust that transition. You wait for the other shoe to drop, and in doing so, sometimes you manifest that shoe right on your head. Trust that you’re going to be okay. Trust that when okay comes, you might not know what it looks like right away. Trust that if you feel threatened, you can grab one of those swords to protect yourself. We never go backward. I know it’s hard, and I know you’re tired. Just keep going.

Six of Swords Reversed

It’s all well and good to say that you’re going to move on, but sometimes you just can’t. The past sticks to you like glue and won’t give you peace. The answer is not to just deal with it. The answer is to confront it—in counseling, with ritual, or with prayer. Deal with the problem of yester-you. Forgive yourself and let yourself heal.


Seven of Swords

You’re being sneaky. Stop avoiding those things you need to figure out. They’re going to be there when you start paying attention again. Be sure of who you trust and why. This includes you, by the way. Watch your steps and confidences. Remember that everything done in the dark will come to light eventually and that if you always tell the truth, you don’t have to remember what you’ve said.

Seven of Swords Reversed

If you’ve built a lie and have lived in that lie for a while, it starts to feel right. The thing about lies, though, is that they crumble around the edges and become transparent. The lie that you shelter yourself with will start leaking and then you have to deal with the mess and with the tattered bits of dishonesty that litter the floor around you. Give up the ghost and let the lie die.


Eight of Swords

I know that change can be scary, but it’s a lot scarier to stay still. Better to change and have some pain than stay still and be paralyzed. Are you stuck, or do you think that you’re stuck, which is then making you stuck? Fear will eat your dreams and leave you cold, still, and small. It lives in our brains and tells us we’re not enough. Don’t believe it. If you find yourself panicked, first control your breathing, then your mental state, and then your body. After those are still, become part of the conversation. How long will fear hold you?

Eight of Swords Reversed

Eddie Murphy has this joke about skeletons in a closet. “You got skeletons in your closet? I thought I seen a bone in your shoe. Whose skeleton was that?” It’s okay to have done foolish things in the past. We all have skeletons. The elaborate charade of pretending that you’re perfect is so exhausting. Wouldn’t it be easier to just acknowledge your messy past and come to peace with it? Take time to forgive yourself for being human.


Nine of Swords

Anxiety lives here. Remember that stupid thing that you did in 2001? Well, so does your brain, and it’s going to mess with you every now and again to remind you of it. The fix for this is remember how much further along you’ve come since then. If I am in an anxious place, the anxieties that rush in mostly have nothing to do with reality. It’s hard to discern what is real and what is just your brain poking at you. Luckily, you can rationalize your way out of this and stab your brain with Q-tips if necessary.

Nine of Swords Reversed

A little bit of stress can motivate you. A lot of stress can cause you anxiety. Too much stress can shut you down entirely. This is where self-care comes in. This is when you ask for help. From a friend or from a doctor. From a counselor or from your higher power. This is the time to hold your hand out and ask, sweetheart.


Ten of Swords

Oof. You just got stomped on quite a bit. Do us all a favor and stay down for a while. Watch Broad City and eat comfort food. You’ll stop bleeding eventually. The great part about this card is that you have actually reached rock bottom. Congratulations. Only one way to go from here.

Ten of Swords Reversed

Kill your darlings, said Faulkner. He was talking about killing the characters and ideas in writing that you loved so that you could grow as an author. This applies to life, too. Kill those things that you embrace that are keeping you from your potential. Let them die and embrace entropy as a pathway to change.


Page of Swords

This card has so much potential. It is the idea that wakes you. The lightning bolt whose afterimage lingers like a neon light behind your eyes. The 4 a.m. scribble on the piece of paper by your bed that says “moon cheese” and nothing else. You’ve got the seed. You just have to give it care and space to grow, and it’s going to change the world.

Page of Swords Reversed

There is a twinkle in your eye, because you’re just about to act on an idea that you just had and haven’t thought it through even a little bit.


Knight of Swords

Be bold. Be brash. Move with alacrity and be engaging. Don’t, however, knock people over on the way to your goal. You can say whatever you want, but you’re probably going to hurt someone’s feelings. Remember that assertive isn’t the same as aggressive and that throwing your words out like knives hurts you, too.

Knight of Swords Reversed

If you have a lot of energy and no focus, you end up running around like a chicken with its head cut off. You make a lot of noise and appear to be very industrious, but you are actually just bouncing around and freaking everyone out. Stop that. Find a better outlet for your energy and channel it.


Queen of Swords

Be as direct as possible. No emotions come into this decision, just a sense of fairness and of what is the right thing to do. To quote my friend Sara Benincasa, “I gave up nice a long time ago. Nice did me no good as a woman. Niceness is a lie they teach you to keep you sweet and compliant while you’re screaming inside. You know what I picked instead? Kindness. I chose to be kind. Kind means I respect your boundaries and you respect mine.”

Queen of Swords Reversed

I think that women have a bad rap when it comes to gossip. I think that men gossip, too, but our society allows them to criticize other people and situations without having to cloak it in secrecy or meanness. This is the way it is right now, though, and you’re being a gossip. Don’t use your words to hurt—use them to help. If you have some criticism to hand out, do it with your head up and meet their eyes. Don’t be sneaky about it. That says more about you than it does about them.


King of Swords

You don’t always have to be nice. You just have to be honest with yourself and with others. Move forward with focus and take no prisoners. This card reminds you to get your ducks in a row or the ducks will be fired and replaced with better, stronger ducks. Not even ducks, geese. Highly trained, efficient attack geese. Get to work—it will be worth it.

King of Swords Reversed

Okay, well now you’re just being mean. Honestly. You don’t get to treat people like things. You don’t get to push your agendas on other people. You don’t get to be a bully. Whatever your tool was, you’ve turned it into a weapon and you’re bludgeoning other people with it. Stop that. Mind your manners and stop talking until you have something nice to say.



Ace of Wands

Move. The universe is giving you a window for action. Take it. It only takes one match to light a fire. Whether that’s a controlled burn or a wildfire is up to you. This is the universe’s hand on the small of your back, urging you forward. Sometimes it shoves you. Move forward with confidence. Know that you’re where you are for a reason. If you grow roots at the starting gate, the finish line will never come closer.

Ace of Wands Reversed

Stuck, stuckity, stuck stuck stuck. You’re stuck. Whether it’s writer’s block or inertia in finding a job or a new partner or a new house, you’re just stuck. That’s okay. You can be stuck for one more week, and then you have to follow whatever plan you can put together to get yourself unstuck. Stuck is helpful sometimes and helps you heal sometimes, but you don’t get to live.


Two of Wands

Stay put. Sometimes if you don’t know where to go, the best thing to do is to sit down. Be thoughtful and make a plan that helps you find balance. Get some rest. Plan your next move. You’re not going to turn into dust if you don’t go right now. If you truly feel pulled to move forward, break your goal into tiny, achievable goals and do those steps instead. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. One egg per basket, please.

Two of Wands Reversed

You’ve missed something in the planning stage. Something is not quite right, and you need to reevaluate. Get your toolbox out, lay out all your tools, and really look at them. Do you have everything you need to succeed? Are they the right size or shape for the job? Be sure that your attention to detail is honed so you don’t have to go back and fix something.


Three of Wands

It’s good to be open to opportunities and moving outside your comfort area. Keep your head on straight and realize that a bigger, better box is still a box. Time to move forward to freedom and happiness. People outgrow their dreams all the time, but those dreams have been a fixed ideal that it’s difficult to see past.

Three of Wands Reversed

This is the epitome of Murphy’s Law. Getting stuck, dropping the ball, dropping the ball on your foot and then tripping over it. If Mercury retrograde had a card, this would be it. Just do yourself a favor and sit on your hands until you feel like the chaos has passed. Usually this comes up when it’s not a good time to start new ventures. The universe drops blockades in front of you so you can wait for a more auspicious time.


Four of Wands

You are on the path to success. You are pointed in the right direction. You can pick up more tools on the way if you need them, but I tell you it’s time to start walking up the hill. Do not stop. Do not get to the end of your life and realize you didn’t finish that book because you were screwing around on Facebook. Do your Job. Not your Muggle job, your real Job. The one you were put here to do.

Four of Wands Reversed

How do you expect to take care of your business when your nose is all up in everyone else’s? You have got to step away from the drama and minutiae that is Not Your Business. You are not allowed to fiddle with other people’s existence. I get it—if you’re involved with other people’s stuff, you won’t have time to deal with yours, but it’s not going to last for long and then your problems will be right there in your face. And they’ll be bigger.


Five of Wands

Nothing good can come of this. Decide if you want to be right or if you want to be happy. Being in conflict with other people won’t get you any closer to your goals. Some debate is good and healthy, but if you start raising your voice, you’ve already lost. Recognize why you’re in the conflict to begin with, and if it can’t be solved right away, leave it. You can always revisit it later when people aren’t arguing. This card is telling you that you picked the wrong time and place for discord. Regroup and try again later.

Five of Wands Reversed

If you avoid conflict at every opportunity, you’re going to lead a pretty miserable life. You’ll go along with ideas you disagree with. You’ll cave whenever someone challenges you, and you won’t have any boundaries to speak of. You will go backward on your promises—to yourself and other people. If you cave on everything, you cannot possibly have moral standards or principles. You just can’t.


Six of Wands

Celebration! You did the thing! Well done. Go have a nice dinner. Be gracious, but still accept praise. Don’t slap it away. Just say thank you. Remember to sit still in this moment and actually feel it. Don’t speed into the next goal or spend time regretting what didn’t work out. Just enjoy the thing and don’t let other people cast a shadow on your sunshine, Sunshine. Shine, shine, shine.

Six of Wands Reversed

To quote Captain America from Spider-Man: Homecoming, “So, you got detention. You screwed up. You know what you did was wrong. The question is, how are you gonna make things right? Maybe you were trying to be cool. But take it from a guy who’s been frozen for sixty-five years—the only way to really be cool is to follow the rules.” Cap is right: if you drop the ball, you gotta figure out how to pick it up again.


Seven of Wands

Tenacious. Literally, this exchange: “Are you done being sassy?” “No.” This is the honey badger card of the tarot. Not backing down. Not asking permission. Not going away or sitting down.

Seven of Wands Reversed

Don’t tell me what to do! (Even though you’re right.) Don’t criticize me! (Because it’s true and it hurts.) Don’t make me feel wrong, please, because if you do, I’ll have to admit that I’m human and don’t know everything. It is hard and jarring to be wrong, and I don’t like it or want it. Please don’t make me doubt myself because if I start now, I won’t stop.


Eight of Wands

Time to make a move. Don’t let doubt get you trapped. Decide. If it’s the wrong decision, make another one. You decide your course of action. Which obstacles will you step over and which will stop you? How badly do you want to move forward? Break free of stasis. You have to understand that if you don’t decide the course of your life, the universe will decide for you.

Eight of Wands Reversed

I understand that it’s very easy to be comfortable. I really do. I understand that it’s less scary to stay in that relationship, at that job, or in your dream instead of making it a reality. I understand. I also understand that if you don’t move away from your comfort zone you’re not going to grow or change or challenge yourself. You are going to sit exactly where you are, and mold will grow on you.


Nine of Wands

Do not let the same people who messed with you before do it again. Protect yourself. Remember that people always tell you who they are. Your job is to listen, believe them, and then take care of yourself. You have done this before, you know. You know how to set boundaries and you know how to enforce them, but knowing how to do it and actually doing it are two very different things.

Nine of Wands Reversed

You have no boundaries. You are not just acting like a doormat—you’re voluntarily lying down in front of people and asking them to walk on you. The martyr side effect can be nice for a while, but it quickly spoils under the weight of being chronically unhappy. Look at your life—look at the places where you are happy and unhappy and then stop doing the things that make you sad. It is just that easy. And just that hard.


Ten of Wands

You are doing it wrong. All of it. Even the things you think you’re doing right are actually getting overshadowed by the things that you’re doing wrong. Put down everything, get some advice from someone you love, then try to pick up just a few things and see how it works out. Baby steps. Decide what your priorities are, say no to everything else, and move forward. And please stop carrying other people’s expectations around—they’re surprisingly heavy.

Ten of Wands Reversed

When you end a relationship, the shadow of that person follows you around for a while. When you get hurt, the shadow of that pain lingers. This card reversed asks you to sever the connection to the things that weigh you down. Have a ceremony. Write it/them a letter and burn it. Do something that tells the universe that you are finished with that person, the booze, that habit. Make a statement and then have a funeral for the thing that no longer serves you.


Page of Wands

Use your creativity and energy to parkour out of tricky situations and into a new direction. Be nimble. Be feisty. Put this energy to good use with a home project or hike or have a good make-out session. Have fun! And be sure to plan for the next step or ask for help so you don’t drop your stick. You contain multitudes and can do hard things, even if you’re afraid. If you bring your whole self forward, your whole self will succeed. Think Hermione Granger.

Page of Wands Reversed

Be sure to be sure. This whole “doing things and then regretting them 80 percent of the way to the destination” is not always the best way to go. Sometimes if you really want something and you really try to do it, it still doesn’t work out. It just doesn’t. This does not mean that you’re stupid or have bad luck or don’t deserve good things. This means that this thing wasn’t the right thing, or it wasn’t the right time or the right place. Regroup. Pull it together and try again. Try a new thing, a new time, or a new place.


Knight of Wands

Do you even joust, bro? This guy is a bit of a blowhard. Be sure you’re going in the right direction and check your sources. There is a scene in Big Hero Six in which the main heroes sneak into the bad guy’s lair, and Fred, the team goofball, starts singing a song about leading his intrepid friends into danger. Fred is the Knight of Wands. He’s going to be the first person to jump up and help you, and he will probably trip over his feet on the way. His intent is solid. He’s got your back.

Knight of Wands Reversed

Things will stop and go and stop and go. And then they’ll get delayed. And then you’ll totally be on the way again! And then you’ll get a flat tire. This is a card of inconsistency. Not bad, exactly, but frustrating, and a good opportunity to check your equipment, your plan, and your team. Do you have everything you need to continue on? Are you sure?


Queen of Wands

Queen of sass and motivation. Tough love is important, but remembering the “love” part is the most important thing. She offers peace and beauty in one hand and a shoe with which to smack you in the other. Go with confidence. Guide those who need your influence but don’t be a jerk about it. Remember that shepherds guide their flocks with their staff—they don’t club them over the head with it.

Queen of Wands Reversed

Okay, this one will club you over the head with it. The Queen of Wands reversed is the worst kind of confidence: ill placed. She believes in herself and her rightness so much that she’ll do whatever she can to get what she wants. Regardless of the truth, or fairness, or what’s good for all. She’s bossy and pushy and sometimes duplicitous. This card comes up when you’re being railroaded. Or you’re railroading someone.


King of Wands

Those boundaries you are working on have to remain strong. Your job is to keep Negative Nellies away and protect those things most valuable to you. This king suggests that you stop half-assing everything and start whole-assing one thing at a time. Finish what you started. Close your circle. Recognize that even though you want to be friends with everyone, you need to have a pretty keen eye for recognizing who people really are. When they show you—with their behavior, their promises, and their accountability—who they are, you need to believe them.

King of Wands Reversed

Do you remember how Wile E. Coyote would run and run with a pole and stab it into the ground, hoping to launch himself over the canyon and finally get Road Runner? What usually happened was that he first got stuck—one of those boi-yoi-yoing, back-and-forth stucks—then he would slowly go forward, nearly hitting the ground, and then BLAM—he shot backward like a rocket.



Ace of Cups

Your cup runneth over with blessings. Be sure to be grateful. Happiness is afoot. Blessings abound. Accept them, acknowledge them, and say thank you. The universe conspires to shower you with blessings. Let it. If you’re not in a place to say thank you, start with “at least.” At least you have power. At least you woke up today. If things are solid, kick into the thank yous. Thank you for the little things and the big things, too.

Ace of Cups Reversed

When you feel empty emotionally, that’s usually an indication that you’re about to start filling up again. It doesn’t do any good to bemoan your life and worry that you’ve lost people, peace of mind, and emotional balance without realizing that this is a cycle. There is no full without an empty. There is no safe without a challenge to that safety. When you have an awful day, time, relationship—somewhere in the back of your mind (behind the pain) you need to know that good is following it. It has to.


Two of Cups

You have support in the relationship that’s most prominent in your life. Allow this person to help you find the right way. Equal partnership. Respect. Esteem. No one is lacking here. No one is wondering. This love is enough. This relationship—with work, friend, sweetheart, whatever—is enough. And you can feel it.

Two of Cups Reversed

One of the problems with getting close to people is that they become close enough to see where your insecurities are. When you let your guard down, it’s down for everyone and all the time. Sometimes, letting your heart show a little makes it into a target. Be careful with yourself. Be careful with your heart. Don’t be careless with it, and don’t let other people be careless with it either.


Three of Cups

Find your community! Do what you can to surround yourself with like-minded people and enjoy the companionship. Lean on them, be silly with them. Call your bestie right now and make plans to hang out. It’s good for you. Sometimes you have to dance because the real world has gotten so dark that if you don’t chase down a spark and make it grow, you’ll become part of the darkness. Don’t join the darkness.

Three of Cups Reversed

Sometimes friendships turn upside down. You get a sour feeling in your stomach when the person reaches out. You text less, find yourself faking a laugh or a smile more often. It could be that you grew apart or that they’ve done something that chews on the back of your thoughts every time you see them. You can continue being friends, but push them into the acquaintance category. You can ghost them, which is a little shady but spares you a hard conversation. You can also have that hard break-up conversation with them, which is the worst/best call. Friends shouldn’t make you feel gross.


Four of Cups

Don’t settle. Don’t pout either, but make sure that this is what you really want. Fussy and ripe for hissy fits and eye rolling. Apathy is easy to ignore. Don’t wanna. Don’t want to change, don’t want to take my medicine, whatever that medicine may be. You have to look deeper than the apathy. Why don’t you want to change? You know these behaviors make you sad, and yet you won’t put them down. Consider the why of holding on to the listlessness and figure out how that’s paying off for you. There’s a payoff for “meh.” Whether it’s the reward of not failing (you can’t fail if you don’t try) or the reward of being comfortable, decide if it’s worth being stuck.

Four of Cups Reversed

This always reminds me of when you’ve been lying on the floor for a bit and you try to sit up without using your arms. You lean forward, fall back, lean forward, fall back, lean forward, and now you can stand. Just because you’ve been asleep for a while doesn’t mean you can’t wake up. It’ll take a second to knock the sleepies out of your eyes and stretch, but you’ll get there.


Five of Cups

Remember to give your old heartaches respect and grieve them properly. Honor that time, and then move forward without them. It’s okay to grieve, really. You can miss what you had and mourn what could have been. You can feel sorry for yourself, but you can’t live there. You are seeing the world through lenses of pain and will interpret it incorrectly. If you find yourself here, make only small decisions. Drink some tea. Take a nap. Wait for the pain-shaped hole in you to heal. Let it get to a place where you can breathe without pulling strands of the past into your lungs. Don’t stay in the in-betweens for too long.

Five of Cups Reversed

You’ve been through some rough times. Do me a favor and sit down for a bit. Then, you gotta get up. If you’re coming out of depression and still living as if you’re depressed, those behaviors don’t serve you anymore. As you’re able, go outside. Breathe fresh air. Get out of your house. Go see your friends. Move in the direction you want your life to go—not where it was when you needed to be still.


Six of Cups

Seek joy and don’t stop until you find it. Be sure that you’re taking time to live in the present. Warmth, happiness, and silliness abound. Remember to accept blessings given without being paranoid. Innocence is not always a bad thing. Trust that the universe calls you beloved. When we were small, we didn’t chase happiness—we just found it.

Six of Cups Reversed

If you are in the middle of having a temper tantrum, it’s really hard to see it unless you’re seven years old. You have to look around you. Are people being really, really quiet? Shooting you furtive glances? Are you saying no to everything? Does EVERYTHING suck? All of it? Okay, well, simmer down and go back to the last time you remember hearing yes. What happened? Can you deal with it without throwing things? Give it a shot.


Seven of Cups

If wishes were fishes, you’d never go hungry. If you have dreams, take the time to write them down and make an action plan to make them happen. It’s a vital place to visit, but you can’t live there. This is the card that shows you where you could go. You need to clarify your dream, create a plan, and manifest the hell out of it.

Seven of Cups Reversed

Congratulations, you finally know what you want. That’s a huge step. Now that you want, get to gettin’. It’s really important, now that you know which direction to go, that you go now. This card shows up as the green light, and ignoring it means that you’ll go back to that mushy, indistinct thing where you can’t decide. It was a struggle to get here, and dawdling will only make it into a struggle again.


Eight of Cups

Take only what you need and leave the rest. Excess in anything is not a good idea. Time on your phone, watching TV, daydreaming. Make sure that you spend more time on things that serve you rather than those that just fill the space. This card is an indicator that you need to dive deeper, find what is truly meaningful to you and makes your soul sing. This the card of a seeker, trying to find diamonds among the coal.

Eight of Cups Reversed

You know that thing when you get really angry at work and start planning out exactly what you’ll be wearing when you quit and exactly what you’ll say and ALL their jaws will drop and you will walk out like Angela Bassett’s character walking away from her husband’s flaming car in Waiting to Exhale? Yeah, don’t let that be a real thing. If you’re unhappy, take a second to make sure that you actually want to leave the situation and aren’t just really pissed off.


Nine of Cups

Being present, grateful, and satisfied with what you have. Take a moment to consider how lucky you are and move forward with your shoulders back and your head high. The fella in this card is the tarot equivalent of finger guns. All is well in his world. He has no worries, and those he does have are so insignificant they can’t wipe that smile off his face.

Nine of Cups Reversed

There is an element of smugness here. Eddie Murphy has a joke about kids getting ice cream and immediately teasing the one kid who didn’t get any: “You can’t afford it, you can’t afffooooord it.” Grown-ups do this, too. Usually they’re not slick about it either, and they’ll gleefully rub their hands together like Mr. Burns while crooning, “Excellent.” Okay, not that bad, but you know when someone is acting as if what they have is more important than who they are? That’s this thing. Sometimes they’re right, but it doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable.


Ten of Cups

Yes. Just a page full of yeses and happiness and joy. You are there. You’ve made it. Leave your scarcity thinking behind, and you’ll get what you need and want. Don’t let the celebration stop your progress to your most authentic self. There is an absolute joy in setting your intentions, working your tail off, and then achieving your goals. Whether it’s finishing the dishes before you go to bed every night or finishing that book that you’ve stayed up till after midnight for like a year and a half in order to finish, the joy is real. The accomplishment is there.

Ten of Cups Reversed

This card is joy interrupted. You can see the happy. You remember what happy was and how good it felt. Right now, though? Not so much. There is something between you and the rainbow, and it feels like you can run and run after it and never catch it. There is a sadness here in that most folks who get this card stop chasing the rainbow right before they would have caught it.


Page of Cups

The pages are messengers, and the Page of Cups brings good news! Romance, sweetness, and emotional availability. It’s called a crush for a reason. Whether it’s a piece of music or a book or a person, whatever makes your heart leap out of your chest is found here. Now, is it going to be forever? Probably not, but it’s going to be a hell of a ride.

Page of Cups Reversed

He fell in love and broke his heart, but he got back up to fall in love again. Even reversed, there is a sense of optimism to the pages. These guys are so flippin’ earnest. They will absolutely fall down but are just as certain to get back up again. There is an element of self-pity, of delayed recovery, and of complaining to your friends for like a week about how terrible your life is. Then you get over it.


Knight of Cups

Romantic but fickle. Use your heart but keep your head on your shoulders. This knight is sweet and emotional. He can be shy and introverted but is also a flirt. When you get this card, remember that you can keep things light in love. You don’t have to get married after the first date. Have fun and relax.

Knight of Cups Reversed

Have you ever met someone who is all dark and broody, but not in a romantic, James Dean way? More like a creepy a-hole who lurks in the coffee shop, scribbling in a notebook and glaring at everyone for no reason. Instead of this love flowing out, it gets stuck and sours. He couldn’t find anyone to accept his love, so he turned it on its head. The energy with this card reversed is sulky, pouty, and immature.


Queen of Cups

The queen of emotion. She’s in control of her feelings and surrounded by love. You can love someone but not so much that you lose your mind about it. Can you be near drama without being in drama? Can you shed those emotions that no longer serve you? She loves everyone, but I’m 100 percent sure that she loves herself first. She holds sacred space for herself and takes care of herself without apologies.

Queen of Cups Reversed

This is that kind of cloying, sticky love that you see in movies like Mommie Dearest. It usually starts innocently enough, but then it deepens into an obsession of sorts, pinning the object of affection like a butterfly on Styrofoam. It won’t grow away from her that way. It won’t grow at all, and she doesn’t have to worry about losing it.


King of Cups

Composed and in control, emotionally grounded and caring. You decide what will rock your boat and what may not rock your boat. You decide. The King of Cups is a benevolent dictator. He’s doing the work, too, and throws in with his people. He doesn’t do the work because he loves the work. He does it because it makes people happy. Say it with me, though: “Other people’s drama is none of my business. Amen.”

King of Cups Reversed

All the intensity and power of the king’s emotion flooding out of control. This is drama, you guys. Temper tantrum, hissy fit, manipulative, Real Housewives of Wherever They Are Now drama. The worst part of this is the power that the king has. He can make things really bad for you. He can trample cities under his feet. It’s not a good thing, and unless this card represents a true crisis, you should seriously take cover. Egad, the drama.
