
abstract art, modern, 88, 171–72

abstraction, 2, 10, 11, 16, 63, 73, 88, 124, 172

Adams, Alice, 16

Adams, Jill Weinberg, 27

Age of Forgetting, 57

allopathy, Duncan’s delirium, 129–30

American Museum of Natural History, Pacific Northwest Coast, 39

American Women Sculptors, Rubinstein describing Rydingsvard, 16

Anaktoria (Gorchov), 62

Andreadakis, Katya Berger, 162–65

Animal Associations (Winters), 91

apparatuses (Flusser), 89–90

apprenticeship, Haida art, 43–44

“appropriation,” property crime, 71, 73

Artemis, Acrobats, Divas and Dancers (Spero), 120

Artforum, on Hague’s sculptures, 30

art history

academic, 168–69

disciplinary boundaries, 168

Hans Belting and crisis in, 169–70

Preziosi, 167–68

Steinberg, 171–74, 176, 184

Vasari, 168

artifact collecting, “salvage paradigm,” 40

Art Students League in New York, 23

Artwork (Lipski), 78, 79

Ashton, Dore, 21

“assemblage” (Lipski), 77–78

“assisted readymade”

Duchamp, 78

Lipski, 78–79


Haida, 52

question of, 44, 45, 71–72

autonomy, 13, 159, 162

balance, Haida pursuit of, 47

Bearing Witness (Puryear), 7

Beckwourth, Jim, 3–4

Belting, Hans, on crisis in art history, 169–70

Berger, John

art and politics, 161

art critic, 161–62

Booker Prize for G., 161–62

Giacometti’s death, 117

letters by, and daughter Katya, 162–65

photographed drawing on beach, 160

“White Bird, The,” 77

Beuys, Joseph

art understanding labor in creation, 34–35

materials, 11

Secret Block for a Secret Person in Ireland, 35

7,000 Oaks, 32, 33, 34, 35

Social Sculpture, 34, 35

Bidlo, Mike

attraction to Duchamp, 75

copying, 72–75

Duchamp’s readymade urinal, 73

“Fountain Drawings, The,” 74, 73–75

interview, 71

Not Duchamp (Large Fountain, 1917), 70

Big and Little Same (Puryear), 2

Black Canoe, The, on Haida culture, 47

Black Panther movement, 162

Blind Man, The, 77

bodily organs, 19–21

Borges, Jorge Luis

on blackness, 69

director of National Library of Argentine Republic, 67

In Praise of Darkness, 68

Bottle Rack

Bidlo’s replicas, 74

Duchamp, 78, 85

Bourgeois, Louise, 16

Bower (Puryear), 3

“Brain of Europe, The” (Ireland), 35

Brakhage, Stan, 136–37

Brenson, Michael, 21

Bringhurst, Robert, 47

Bui, Phong, 148

Burroughs, John, 145

Calumet City (Gorchov), 62, 63

candles (Lipski), 81

Cantina (Gorchov), 62

Capp Street Project

Rydingsvard, 14

sponsoring Haida Project, 42

Cask Cascade (Puryear), 3

Catholic Church, 10

Cauldron, The (Lipski), 84

cedar beams (Rydingsvard), 10, 15

Chase Street Lounge (Gorchov), 63

Chateau d’If (Gorchov), 62, 63

Chestnut Torso (Hague), 25, 26

Chief Skidegate, at mortuary ceremonies, 48–49

Christ, humanation of, 177–78, 182

“clod,” creation of word “cloud,” 56

cloud-net (Vicuña), 54, 55–59

Codex Artaud (Spero), 102

Colony (Winters), 86, 93

contemporary art, Steinberg on, 174–75, 176

conventional art, traditional vs., 46

Cook, Roger, 84–85


area of art, 72

Bidlo, 72–75

learning, 75

Count of Monte Cristo, The (Gorchov), 63

cow stomach (Rydingsvard), 20

Cri du Coeur (Spero), 118, 119–20

Crow Nation, 4

Cul de Sac (Gorchov), 62

curators and curating

description, 149–52

globalization and art, 158–59

Harald Szeemann, 150–52, 159

“independent curating,” 155–56

respect for and understanding of artists, 156–57

responsibilities, 152–56

Walter Hopps, 150–52, 159

darkness (Rabinovich), 67–69

Davenport, Guy

admiration, 139

Buckminster Fuller, 145

compositio, 137–38

exchange, 141–42

Geography of the Imagination, The, 135, 136, 146

geophagy, 139

John Burroughs, 145

looking, 144–45

paiderastes, 138, 141

photography, 143–44

Stan Brakhage, 136–37

still life, 144

Strauss and Robert Kelly discussing, 135–47

Davidson, Florence

Haida elder, 43, 51

Haida Project, 38

Davidson, Reg

art, culture and spirituality, 51–52

artist vs. craftsman, 46

cousin of Jim Hart, 43

designs on Yaalth Tluu, 49–50

Haida carver, 43

Haida Project, 38

stereotypes in San Francisco, 44

Davidson, Robert, apprenticeship of, 43–44


inquiries, 124

linguistics of, 126–27

“reflexive delirium,” 124

delirium (Duncan), 127–30

Demarco, Richard, 33

Desire (Puryear), 2–3

difference, questions of identity and, 2, 44

“digital,” use of term, 58

Dla Gienka (Rydingsvard), 20

Dreadful Sorry (Rydingsvard), 11, 20

Dream of Pairing (Puryear), 2

Duchamp, Marcel

“assemblage,” 77–78

“assisted readymade,” 78

Bidlo’s drawings, 73–75

Bottle Rack, 78, 84

Green Box, 78

readymades, 78

Duncan, Robert

delirium in hospital, 127–30

Ground Work: Before the War, 123

Homer Club, 122

In the Dark, 123

“Letter to Jack Johnson, A,” 123

letting go of language, 132–33

“Self in Postmodern Poetry, The,” 132–33

“Who Is Hosephat?” 130

“wooden shoes,” 131

Eagle, Haida, 48

eccentric abstraction, 16

Eco, Umberto, 110

Edenshaw, Charles (Haida carver), 41

Egan Gallery, 30

Empire’s Lurch (Puryear), 3

Endgame (Puryear), 2

Ene, Due, Rabe (Rydingsvard), 14, 14–16

Evers, Alf, on Hague’s work, 27

“Explicit Explanation” (Spero), 100–101

Extreme Examples (for Leon & Nancy) (poem), 111

Extreme Examples, Etc. (poem), 112

facture, fine, of Puryear’s works, 2

Fischbach Gallery, 16–17

Five Cones (Rydingsvard), 13

Flannagan, John, 23

flat-bed picture plane, problem of, 93

Flusser, Vilém

apparatuses, 89–90

“art,” 159

defining image, 94

“magic,” 94

“technical images,” 87, 89–90

For Artemis Who Heals Woman’s Pain (Spero), 103

For Beckwourth (Puryear), 3–4

forgery, question of, 71–72


Puryear’s, 2–3

in Self (Puryear), 3

For Paul (Rydingsvard), 8, 14, 16

“Fortress, The” (Rydingsvard’s For Paul), 16

For Weston (Rydingsvard), 12

“found objects” (Lipski’s medium), 77–78

“Fountain Drawings, The” (Bidlo), 74, 73–75

Frank, Robert

photographing Hague’s sculptures, 28–29

Raoul Hague and, 28

at Woodstock house, 22

Free International University, 34, 35

Friedlander, Lee, 29

Fuller, Buckminster, 145

G. (Berger), 161–62

Galería Rioboo, 67

Gathering Dust (Lipski), 80

G.A.Z. (Gruene Aktion Zukunft) (Green Action for the Future), 34

genitals of Christ, Steinberg on, 177–78

Geography of the Imagination, The (Davenport), 135, 136, 146

Gesture III (Golub), 96, 100

Giacometti’s death, 117

Gift, The (Mauss), 45

“Gigantomachy” paintings (Golub), 99–100, 104

Gigantomachy IX (Golub), 99

Gigantomachy V (Golub), 99, 104

Giono, Jean, 36–37

giornata (fresco painter term), 62

Giotto, 11, 14, 71, 144

global instability, political and economic, 87–88

Golub, Leon

character similarities, 98–99

Gesture III, 96, 100

“Gigantomachy” paintings, 99–100

Gigantomachy IX, 99

Gigantomachy V, 99, 104

joint exhibition with Spero, 97–98

lists of image files, 112–13

painting and photography, 91–92

photographic images, 111

portrait by David Reynolds, 114

radical artist, 97

remembering, 115–17

style, 98

Gorchov, Ron

Noli Me Tangere, 60, 63

paintings, 61–63

Graham, Brian, 28

Grand Central Market, 83, 83–84, 85

Greenberg, Clement, 171–72, 176

Green Box (Duchamp), 78

Green Party, 34

Ground Work: Before the War (Duncan), 123

Guston, Philip, 30

Hague, Raoul

abstract artist, 29

Chestnut Torso, 25, 26

John Flannagan, 23

large tree trunks, 24

Lennon, Weinberg Gallery, 25, 26

masculine and feminine, 25

and Robert Frank, 28

“tango sensation,” 27–28

William Zorach, 23

wood as sole material, 24–25

at Woodstock house, 22

Haida context, “mastery of purity,” 47

Haida culture

Black Canoe, The, 47

children in missionary schools, 40–41

Rainbow Creek Dancers, 49

Raven or Eagle, 48

Haida Project

balance, 47

cross-cultural exchange, 52–53

cultural difference, 44

organization and sponsorship, 42–43

payment of commissions, 45–46

photographs, 38

Haida society, traditional, 45

Halpin, Marjorie M., 40

Hart, Jim

apprenticeship, 44

cousin of Reg Davidson, 43

Haida carver, 43

Haida Project, 38

stereotypes in San Francisco, 44

story pole of Rock Pole, 50

Headlands Center for the Arts, sponsoring Haida Project, 42

“heirloom,” 58

Henson, Matthew, 4

Heraklion Museum, Crete (Smith), 134

Hess, Thomas B., on Hague’s sculptures, 30

Hesse, Eva, 16

Hill of Uisneach, 32, 33, 36

Homer Club, 122

Hopps, Walter

conflict, 151–52

cultural exchange, 158–59

death, 150

encouraging young curators, 159

fundamental values, 154

Pasadena Art Museum, 150–51

portrait, 148

respect for and understanding artists, 156–57

risks, 155–56

skills, 153

Hours of the Night, The (Spero), 101, 102

I Am on My Way Running (Spero), 96, 102–3

identity, questions of, and difference, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 52, 158

Iggy’s Pride (Rydingsvard), 13–14

Ignatz Comes Home (Rydingsvard), 20

images, manual and machinic, 89, 90, 91, 94, 111

incarnation of Christ, 177–78, 182

“In Cold Hell, in Thicket” (Olson), 5–6

“independent curating,” 155–56

Indians of Pacific Coast, art by Bill Reid, 41–42

Information Age, 57

In Praise of Darkness (Borges), 68

In the Dark (Duncan), 123

Ireland, 35

It Is So Dark It Is Transparent (Rabinovich), 66

Johns, Jasper

designs, 176

stencils, 68–69

Joyce, James, 25

Kelly, Robert, discussing Guy Davenport with Strauss, 135–47

“Knotted Graphs” (Winters), 93

Koszarawa (Rydingsvard), 12

Krauss, Rosalind, 71–72

Kuspit, Donald

defining modernism, 46

Golub’s work, 117

Hague’s sculptures, 29–30

laborare est orare (labor is prayer) (Rydingsvard), 19–21

Lace Mountains (Rydingsvard), 13

Land Rollers (Rydingsvard), 13

language, letting go of, 132–33

Las Meninas, Steinberg on Velázquez’s, 173–74

Lévi-Strauss, Claude

original Haida art, 40

Pacific Northwest Coast exhibits, 39

Lecercle, Jean-Jacques

linguistics of délire, 126–27

Philosophy through the Looking Glass, 124, 125

Violence of Language, The, 124

Lennon, Weinberg Gallery, 25, 26

Licit Exp (Spero), 100–101

Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth, Mountaineer, Scout, and Pioneer, and Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians, The, 4

Lippard, Lucy, 16–17

Lipski, Donald

Artwork, 78, 79

“assisted readymade,” 78–79

attention to color, 80

Cauldron, The, 84

contemporary postindustrial society, 80–81

Gathering Dust, 80

Half Conceals, Half Discloses, 82

medium, 77–78

relation between symbol and object, 81–82, 85

Sirshasana, 83, 83–84

untitled pieces, 78, 79, 80, 81

version of bottle-rack, 78

wall pieces, 80

Yearling, The, 76, 82–83

lists, 105–9, 110

Eco’s work, 110

Lives of the Most Excellent Italian Architects, Painters, and Sculptors (Vasari), 168

“magic” (Flusser’s use of the word), 94

magic arts (Spero’s use of), 101–2

Maglownica (Rydingsvard), 18, 20–21

Man of Sorrows (van Heemskerck), 166, 181

Man Who Planted Trees, The (Giono), 36–37

“mastery of purity,” pursuit of, 47

Mauss, Marcel, 45

Maverick Horse (Flannagan), 23

Medea (Gorchov), 63


Risen Christ, 178

Steinberg on, Pietá, 173, 184


Lipski’s work, 80–81

“solemn and deadset,” 16

minimalist sculpture, 7

Mistral (Gorchov), 63

modern art, Greenberg on, 171–72, 176

modernism, definition of, 46

Modern Man in Search of a Soul (Jung), 46

mortuary ceremonies, Haida, 48–49

Mother’s Bonnet (Rydingsvard), 11

mourners in Spero’s Cri du Coeur, 118, 119–20

Museum of Modern Art, Hague’s work in, 27

naked eye, technical images, 90–92

Noli Me Tangere (Gorchov), 60, 63

Northwest Coast

collecting artifacts of, 39

European interest in art, 42

Not De Chirico (Bidlo), 72

Not Duchamp (Large Fountain, 1917) (Bidlo), 70

Not Yves Klein Anthropometries (Bidlo), 71

object and symbol, in Lipski’s work, 81–82, 85

objectivity, art, 169, 175, 179, 183

Odyssey, “cloud-gatherer,” 57

Oj Dana Oj Dana (Rydingsvard), 20

Old Mole (Puryear), 3

Olson, Charles

“In Cold Hell, in Thicket,” 5–6

“Praises, The,” 1

Onandaga (Hague), 27

organ incorporation (Rydingsvard), 19–21

originality, question of, 71–72, 74, 176

Originality of the Avant-garde and Other Modernist Myths, The (Krauss), 71–72

Other Criteria, Steinberg on, 174, 175

Pacific Coast Indians, art by Bill Reid, 41–42

“Pacific Cultures,” Golden Gate International Exposition, 42

Painter of Our Time, A (Berger), 161


of Golub, 99, 100, 102, 111, 112, 116

of Gorchov, 60, 61–63

of Rabinovich, 66, 67–69

Renaissance, 136, 137, 177, 180, 182

of Spero, 119,

of Winters, 90, 93, 94

Parkman, Francis, 4

Paternosto, César, 5

Paul’s Shovel (Rydingsvard), 11

Peekamoose (Hague), 27

“Peg’s House,” hymn to modernism, 111

Permanent Red (Berger), 162

Philip Morris, 155–56

Philosophy through the Looking Glass (Lecercle), 124, 125


Davenport, 143–44

relationship with sculptures, 29

Picasso, copies of, 72

Piero, W. S., 11

Pietá, Steinberg on Michelangelo’s, 173, 184

plagiarism, question, 71–72

poetry, of Vicuña, 55

Portrait of Leon Golub (Reynolds), 114

potlatch, Haida culture, 41, 45, 48

Powell, Jim, 122

“Praises, The” (Olson), 1

Preziosi, Donald, 167–68

Puryear, Martin

Bearing Witness, 7

Big and Little Same, 2

Bower, 3

Cask Cascade, 3

constraints of identity, 3

craft in sculptures, 1–2

Desire, 2–3

Dream of Pairing, 2

Empire’s Lurch, 3

Endgame, 2

For Beckwourth, 3–4

form-language, 2–3

metaphorical structures, 5

Minimalist sculpture, 7

Old Mole, 3

red-tailed hawk, 1

Self, 3

Some Lines for Jim Beckwourth, 4–5

Some Tales, 3

Vessel, 2, 6–7, 7

Queen Charlotte Islands, Haida culture, 39, 40, 47

quipu, 5, 57

Rabena, Glen, 52–53

Rabinovich, Raquel

It Is So Dark It Is Transparent, 66

paintings, 67–69

stencils, 68–69

radial asymmetries (Davenport), 135–47

Raging Earth, power of clouds, 57

Rainbow Creek Dancers, Haida culture, 49

Rajchman, John, 93–94

“Raoul & Maria, the Tango Sensation,” 27–28

Raven, Haida, 48

Raven and the First Man, The (Hart and Reid), 44

reciprocity, Haida vs. European systems, 45

Reid, Bill

apprenticeship, 43

Haida artistic legacy, 41

heritage, 41–42

Reynolds, David, 114

Risen Christ (Michelangelo), 178

Rock Pole

Davidson and Hart, 43

photograph of, 51

story pole, 50

Rubinstein, Charlotte S., 16

St. Eulalia (Rydingsvard), 13

St. Martin’s Dream (Rydingsvard), 12

Salt Box (Psychiatrist’s Couch) (Lipski), 78–79

“salvage paradigm,” artifact collecting, 40

Savitri (Sri Aurobindo), 56

Sculptures of Raoul Hague, The, 29

Secret Block for a Secret Person in Ireland (Beuys), 35

Self (Puryear), 3

“Self in Postmodern Poetry, The” (Duncan), 132–33

Seven Mountains (Rydingsvard), 12, 13

Seventh Man, A (Berger), 162

7,000 Oaks project (Beuys), 32, 33, 34, 35

Sexuality of Christ, The (Steinberg), 179–83

Shurin, Aaron, 122

signal and image (Winters), 92–94

signal-to-noise ratio, 92

Sirshasana (Lipski), 83, 83–84

Sky Goddess/Egyptian Acrobat (Spero), 101

Smith, Sterrett, 134, 136

Society for Arts Publications of Americas, 42

Some Lines for Jim Beckwourth (Puryear), 4–5

Some Tales (Puryear), 3, 5

Sommer, Frederick

aesthetics, 79–80

Constellations That Surround Us, The, 77

Song of a Saint (Rydingsvard), 12, 13

“Spade with Two Handles” (Beuys), 36

Spero, Nancy

Artemis, Acrobats, Divas and Dancers, 120

character similarities, 98–99

Codex Artaud, 102

Cri du Coeur, 118, 119–20

“Explicit Explanation,” 100–101

For Artemis Who Heals Woman’s Pain, 103

Hours of the Night, The, 101, 102

I Am on My Way Running, 96, 102–3

joint exhibition with Golub, 97–98

language and symbolism of images, 100

Licit Exp, 100–101

magic arts, 101–2

radical artist, 97

Sky Goddess/Egyptian Acrobat, 101

small panels, 101

style, 98

Sri Aurobindo, 56

Steinberg, Leo

art and architecture, 170–71

award in literature, 170

contemporary art, 174–75

flat-bed picture plane, 93

general reader, 180

Hague’s sculptures, 27, 29

heresy in art history, 171–72

humanation of Christ, 177–78, 182

incarnation of Christ, 177–78

Las Meninas, 173–74

masterful writings on historical subjects, 174

modern art vs. historical art, 176

objecting to reductive approaches, 172

“Objectivity and the Shrinking Self,” 175

opposition to modernist theory, 176–77

“Other Criteria,” 176–77

questioning long-held views, 173

Sexuality of Christ, The, 179–83

Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion, The, 177

social role of art, 172

textism, 183

stencils (Rabinovich and Johns), 68–69

still life (Davenport), 144

Stone and the Thread: Andean Roots of Abstract Art, The (Paternosto), 5

Storm King Art Center, 9, 10, 16

story pole (Rock Pole), 50

Strauss, David Levi

discussing Guy Davenport with Kelly, 135–47

Homer Club, 122

Vicuña and, 55–59

Swift, Jonathan, 123

symbol and object (Lipski), 81–82, 85

Szeemann, Harald

conflict, 151–52

death, 150

exhibition-maker, 152

freelance, 153–54

fundamental values, 154

globalization and art, 158–59

Kunsthalle Bern, 150, 151

portrait, 148

respect for and understanding artists, 156–57

risks, 155–56

Seville Biennale, 155

utopian aspects of art, 159

“tango sensation,” 27–28

“technical images” (Flusser), 87, 89–90

textism (Steinberg), 183

Thoreau, 2

Three Bowls (Rydingsvard), 13

Titian’s works, 162, 163, 164, 165

Titian: Nymph and Shepherd (letters between Berger and daughter), 162–65

totem poles, 40

traditional art, conventional vs., 46

tree trunks (used by Hague), 24–25

Tunnels on the Levee (Rydingsvard), 12

Ulster County, 24

Undo (Rydingsvard), 13

Untitled (Seven Mountains) (Rydingsvard), 12, 13

urinal, Bidlo’s drawings of Duchamp’s, 73–75

Urszulka (Rydingsvard), 11

van Heemskerck, Maerten, 166, 181

Vasari, Giorgio, 168

Vessel (Puryear), 2, 6–7, 7

Vicuña, Cecilia

cloud-net, 54, 55–59

David Levi Strauss and, 55–59

Violence of Language, The (Lecercle), 124

von Ranke, Leopold, 168–69

von Rydingsvard, Ursula

attitude toward labor, 15

bodily organs, 19–21

cedar beams, 10, 15

Dreadful Sorry, 11

Ene, Due, Rabe, 14, 14–16

family and church, 10

Five Cones, 13

For Paul, 8, 14, 16

For Paul in studio as “The Fortress,” 16

Giotto pilgrimage, 11–12

Iggy’s Pride, 13–14

Land Rollers, 13

Maglownica, 18, 20–21

Mother’s Bonnet, 11

outdoor sculptures, 14–16

Paul’s Shovel, 11

Storm King Art Center, 9, 10

tools and materials, 15

Undo, 13

Urszulka, 11

Zakopane, 10

Wallkill Walnut

Frank photographing, 29

Hague, 27

Warhol, Andy, 73, 152

“Who’s Afraid of Red, White & Blue?” (Lipski), 81–82

Winters, Terry

Animal Associations, 91

Colony, 86, 93

naked eye, 90–91

painter, 91–92

show “Knotted Graphs,” 93

signal and image, 92–94

signal to noise, 92

technical images, 90–91

Wölfflin, Heinrich, 169

“wooden shoes” (Duncan), 128, 131

Woodstock house, 22

writers, lists of, 110–11

Yaalth Tluu (Raven Canoe)

Davidson and Hart, 43

Davidson describing designs, 49–50

Glen Rabena assisting Reg, 52–53

Yearling, The (Lipski), 76, 82

Zakopane (Rydingsvard), 10, 20

Zeus, “cloud-gatherer,” 57

Zorach, William, 23