The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the e-Book. Please use the search function on your e-Reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Chamber works
Harold in Italie (Berlioz, arr. viola andpiano)
Hymne à Sainte Cecile (Gounod, arr.viola and piano)
Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth
Don Sanche
Orchestral works
Symphonic poems
Ce qu’on entend sur la montagne
Héroïde funèbre
Die Ideale
Les Préludes
Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe
Dante Symphony
Piano and orchestra
Fantasie über Motive aus Beethovens Ruinen von Athen
Lélio Fantasy (Berlioz)
Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat major
Piano works
Fantasies and arrangements
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Élégie sur des motifs de Prince Louis Ferdinand
Erlkönig (Schubert)
Fantaisie des Huguenots (Meyerbeer)
Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses
Fantaisie sur des motifs favoris de l’opéra la Sonnambula (Bellini)
Fantaisie sur la Fiancée (Auber)
Fantasie über Motive aus Figaro und Don Juan (Mozart)
Fantasy on motives from Soirées musicales (Rossini)
Grande fantaisie sur des motifs de Niobe (Pacini)
Lob der Thränen (Schubert)
Melodies hongroises (Schubert)
Miserere du Trovatore (Verdi)
Ouverture de l’opéra Guillaume Tell (Rossini)
Ouverture des Francs-Juges (Berlioz)
Ouverture du Roi Lear (Berlioz)
Die Post (Schubert)
Réminiscences de Don Juan (Mozart)
Réminiscences de la Juive (Halévy)
Réminiscences de la Scala
Réminiscences de Lucia di Lammermoor (Donizetti)
Réminiscences de Norma (Bellini)
Réminiscences de Robert le diable (Meyerbeer)
Réminiscences des Puritains (Bellini)
Rigoletto: Paraphrase de Concert (Verdi)
La Rose (Schubert)
Sey mir gegrüsst (Schubert)
Ständchen (Schubert)
Symphonie fantastique
Original works
Années de pèlerinage
Après une lecture du Dante (Fantasia quasi Sonata)
Elegie I: Schlummerlied im Grabe
Études d’éxécution transcendente pour le piano
Etude in A-flat
Grand Étude in G Minor
Grandes Études de Paganini
Grande Valse di bravura
Grand Galop chromatique
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses
Hungarian Rhapsodies
Petite valse favorite
Prélude omnitonique
Rondeau fantastique
Sonata in B minor
Ungarischer Sturmmarsch
Venezia e Napoli
Sacred choral works
Coronation Mass
Die Glocken des Strassburger Münsters
Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth
Hymne de l’enfant à son réveil
Missa solennis (“Gran” Mass)
Ossa Arida
Tantum ergo
Via Crucis
Secular choral works
Beethoven-Cantate (1870)
Bonner Beethoven-Kantate (1845)
Chor der Engel aus Goethes Faust
Das deutsche Vaterland
Le Forgeron
“Anfangs wollt’ ich fast verzagen”
“Angiolin dal biondo crin”
“Die drei Zigeuner”
“Die Loreley”
“Drei Lieder aus Schillers Wilhelm Tell”
“Du bist wie eine Blume”
“Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam”
“Il m’aimait tant,”
“Jeanne d’Arc au bûcher,”
“Kling’ leise, mein Lied,”
“Mignons Lied”
“Mild wie ein Lufthauch”
“Morgens steh’ ich auf und frage”
Petrarch Sonnets
“Poésies lyriques”
Page numbers followed by n
indicatenotes; italicized
page numbers indicatematerial in tables, figures, or musicalexamples. Also see
separate Index to List of Works.
Abel, Carl
absolute music
Adami, Heinrich
Adorno, T. W.
d’Agoult, Marie
children of FL and
correspondence with FL
relationship with FL
in Italy
memoirs of
pen names of
writings of FL and
Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung (Leipzig)
Allgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein (ADMV)
Allgemeine Theaterzeitung (Vienna)
Allitsen, Mary Francis
Amadé, Thaddeus
amateurism. See also music education
Anders, August
Anzeiger (Vienna)
aristocratic patronage
Auber, Daniel-François-Esprit La Muette de Portici
Auden, W. H.
augmented triad
Bach, Carl Philipp Emmanuel
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Backer-Gröndahl, Agathe
Bailey, Robert
Ballanche, Pierre-Simon
Balzac, Honoré de
bar-form (Lorenz)
Barnett, Morris
Barrault, M.
Bartók, Béla
Bartolini, Lorenzo
Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre
Bäuerle, Adolph
Beethoven, Ludwig van
commemorations of
FL “meets”
FL performance of works of
influences on FL
“Archduke” Trio
Ballet Music for Four Hands
Coriolanus Overture
Egmont Overture
Leonore Overture
Missa Solemnis
Piano Concerto No. 5 “Emperor”
Piano Sonata No. 23 “Appassionata”
Piano Sonata No. 27 “Moonlight”
Piano Sonata No. 29, “Hammerklavier”
Prometheus Overture
String Trios
Symphony No. 3 “Eroica”
Symphony No. 4
Symphony No. 5
Symphony No. 6 “Pastoral”
Symphony No. 7
Symphony No. 9 “Choral”
Three Trios
Violin Sonata
Wellington’s Victory
Beethoven-Album (1846)
Belgiojoso, Princess Cristina
Bellini, Vincenzo
Belloni, Gaetano
Benjamin, Walter
Berger, Ludwig
Bériot, Charles de
Berliner allgemeine musikalische Zeitung
Berlioz, Hector
influences on FL
Harold en Italie
Symphonie fantastique
Biegeleben, Ludwig van
Bizet, Georges
Blahetka, Leopoldine
Bloom, Harold
Bloom, Peter
Boccella, Marchese
Bocella, Césare
Bocklet, Carl Maria von
Bodenstedt, Friedrich von
Böhm, Joseph
Böhme, Jacob
Boiste, Pierre-Claude-Victoire
Bonn commemoration of Beethoven (1845)
Bononcini, Giovanni Battista
Borodin, Alexander
Borzaga, Aegid
Botstein, Leon
Bourdieu, Pierre
Bowen, José Antonio
Brahms, Johannes
Brahms-Joachim Manifesto (1860)
Breguet, Abraham-Louis
Breidenstein, H. K.
Breitkopf & Härtel
Brendel, Franz
Bronsart, Hans Schellendorf von
Bruch, Max
Bruchmann, Franz von
Budapest Conservatory
Bülow, Cosima Liszt von. See Wagner, Cosima Liszt von Bülow (daughter)
Bülow, Hans von
Burghersh, Lord
Burgmüller, Norbert
Burke, Edmund
Burney, Charles
Byron, Lord
C. F. Peters
Carl Alexander, Grand Duke of Weimar
Castelli, Ignaz
Catholicism and FL
Celenza, Anna Harwell
Cellini, Benvenuto
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Chantavoine, Jean
charity concerts
Chateaubriand M. de
Cherubini, Luigi
Chopin, Frédéric
influences on FL
Chorley, Henry
Chotek, Franz
Christern, Johann Wilhelmnl
Christian Socialism
Congress of Berlin
Cornelius, Peter
Coronini, Rudolfo
Cramer, Henri
Criticism of FL
Crotch, William
Czerny, Carl
Dahlhaus, Carl
Dante (Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy )
David, Félicien
Davidsbund (League of David)
Davison, J. W.
Deaville, James
Delack, Nina
Delavigne, Germain
Dessauer, Joseph
De Ville, James
Diabelli, Anton
Dietrichstein, Franz Joseph von
Dietrichstein, Moritz von
Döhler, Theodor
Donizetti, Gaetano
Doppler, Franz
Draeseke, Felix
Dreyshock, Alexander
Dudevant, Mme, See George Sand
Dumas, Alexandre, père
Dupêchez, Charles
Dussek, Ladislav
Duverger, J. (pen name of Marie d’Agoult)
Eckhardt, Mária
Ehrlich, Heinrich
Eliot, George
Daniel Deronda
Elizabeth, Queen of England
Esterházy, Prince
extramusical significance of music
Fay, Amy
Fétis, François-Joseph
Ficino, Marsilio
Fink, Gottfried W.
Finson, John
Fischhof, Joseph
Fontaine, Mortier la
Fossombroni, Madame Patersi de
Franchomme, Auguste
Francis of Assisi
Franco—Prussian War
French Academy (Rome)
French Revolution (1789)
Freud, Sigmund
Friedlowsky, Anton
Gall, Franz
Garrick, David
Gay, Peter
Gazette musicale de Paris . See also Revue et Gazettemusicale de Paris.
Geiger, Joseph
Genast, Emilie
gender. See sexuality and gender
Generali, Pietro
Gerson, Jean de Charlier de
Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde
Ghislain de Mérode, Frédéric-François-Xavier
Gibbs, Christopher H.
Giroud, Vincent
Gluck, Christoph Willibald
Gobineau, Arthur de
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gollmick, Carl
Gooley, Dana
Gordon, Beverly
Gottschalg, Alexander Wilhelm
Götze, Franz von
Gounod, Charles
Graf, Conrad
Granzin, Ludwig
Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Grieg, Edvard
Grillparzer, Franz
Grinzweil, Norbert
Gross, Benedict
Gustav Bosse Verlag
Gut, Serge
Habsburg monarchy
Hähnel, Ernst Julius
Handel, George Frideric
Hanslick, Eduard
harmonic experimentation
Haslinger, Tobias
Haydn, Franz Joseph
influences on FL
Hegel, G. W. F.
Heine, Heinrich
Hellmesberger, Georg
Henselt, Adolph
Herbeck, Johann von
Herder, Johann Gottfried
Herrschmann, Caroline
Herwegh, George
Herz, Henri
Hill, Aaron
Hiller, Ferdinand
Hirschbach, Heinrich
Hoffmann, E. T. A.
Hofmeister (publishers)
Hofmeister, Adolph Moritz
Hofmeister, Friedrich
Hofmeister, Heinrich
Hofmeister, Wilhelm
Hogarth, George
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Prince Cardinal Gustav Adolf von
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Prince Konstantine von
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Princess Marie von
Hohl, Susan
Hollander, Robert
Holz, Karl
Howard, Leslie
Hugo, Victor
“Après une lecture de Dante”
Humboldt, Alexander von
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk
Humorist (Vienna)
Hünten, Franz
Hunter, Mary
Imperial Court Theater (Vienna)
Index libororum prohibitorum
Ingres, Jean-August
Iris im Gebiete der Tonkunst
Izenberg, Gerald
Jacobus of Voragine
Jansa, Leopold
Jauss, Hans Robert
Jean-Paul (Johann Paul Friedrich Richter)
Jenger, Johann Baptist
Joachim, Josephn
Josefstadt Theater (Vienna)
Joseph II
July Revolution (1830). See
Paris and FL.
Kahlert, August
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich
Kaufmann, Philip
Keiler, Allan
Kempis, Thomas à
Kenney, Charles
keyboard. See organ; piano
keys, extramusical significance of
Khayll, Aloys
Khvostenko, V.
Kiesewetter, Raphael Georg
k.k. Kammervirtuoso (Imperial and Royal Chamber Virtuoso)
Klein, Bernhard
Kleinertz, Rainer
Kneisel, E. M.
König, Eduard
Kontski, Antoine de
Koreff, Johann Ferdinand
Kregor, Jonathan
Kreutzer, Léon
Kriehuber, Joseph
Krüger, Eduard
Kuranda, Ignaz
Labitzky, Joseph
Lachner, Franz
Lacombe, Louis
Lacy, Angelica
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lafont, Charles
Lamartine, Alphonse de
Lamennais, Félicité Robert de
Lehmann, Henri
Portrait of Liszt
Lehmann, J. T.
Lenau, Nikolaus
Lettres d’un bachelier ès musique (Liszt)
Lewy, Carl
Lewy, Eduard Constantin
Lewy, Richard
Lichnowsky, Felix von
Lickl, Georg
Lincke, Joseph
Lind, Jenny
Lipsius, Ida Marie
Liszt, Adam (father)
influence on FL
Liszt, Anna Lager (mother)
Liszt, Blandine-Rachel (daughter). See Ollivier, Blandine-Rachel Liszt (daughter)
Liszt, Daniel (son)
Liszt, Eduard
Liszt, Francesca Gaetana Cosima (daughter). See Wagner, Cosima Liszt von Bülow
Liszt, Franz
biographies of
birth of
Beethoven commemorations and
catalogue of works
childhood of
children of. See also Wagner, Cosima Liszt von Bülow(daughter) death of
early performances of
family background of
honors and awards
literary interests of
musical studies of
philosophical outlook of
portraits and sculpture of
publishers of
pupils and protégés of
Saint-Simonian movement
Thalberg and
as virtuoso
women and. See d’Agoult, Marie; Saint—Cricq, Caroline de; Sayn—Wittgenstein, Carolyne von;Street—Klindworth, Agnes; womenand FL
writings of. See writings of FL
Lisztiana (Ramann)
Liszt-Museum (Weimar)
Liszt Pädagogium (Ramann)
Litolff, Henry
Locke, Ralph P.
Löwe, Sophie
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Loos, Helmut
Lorenz, Alfred
Louis Ferdinand, Prince (Friedrich Christian Ludwig Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia)
Louis Philippe
Lubincki, Count Leon
Ludwig II of Bavaria
Luther, Martin
Lutzer, Jenny
MacDowell, Edward
Magyar aristocracy
Mahler, Gustav
Maistre, Joseph de
Malibran (née Maria Felicita Garcia)
Mann, Michael
Mann, Thomas
Marschner, Heinrich
Marx, A. B.
Mason, Daniel Gregory
Massart, Lambert
Mayer, Charles
Mayseder, Joseph
Mechetti, Pietro
Medici, Giuliano de’, Duke of Nemours
Medici, Lorenzo de’, Duke of Urbino
Mehlig-Falk, Anna
Melody, thematic implications of
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix
Menter, Sophie
Mercadante, Saverio
Merckel, Friedrich
Merk, Joseph
Merrick, Paul
Metternich, Princess
Metternich, Prince von
Meyer, Gottfried
Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Milde, Feodor von
Milde, Rosa von
Milstein, Jacob
Minor, Ryan
Mirandola, Pico della
Montez, Lola
Morgan, Lady
Moscheles, Ignaz
Möser, Carl
Mouchanoff-Kalergis, Marie
Mozart, Leopold
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
influences on FL
Don Giovanni
Mueller, Rena Charnin
Müller, Wilhelm
Müller, Wolfgang
music education
music periodicals. See also names of specific periodicals
essays on virtuosity
Musikverein. See Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde
Musikverlag Zimmermann
Nafisi, Azar
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon III
Nelson, Thomas Keith
Neue musikalische Zeitung für Berlin
Neue Zeitschrift für Musik m
Neumann, Philipp von
New German School
Newman, Ernst
Nicholas I, Czar of Russia
Niecks, Friedrich
Nourrit, Adolphe
Novello, Clara
Ollivier, Blandine-Rachel Liszt (daughter)
Ollivier, Emile
Onitsch, Nina
Onslow, George “On the Situation of Artists” (Liszt)
operaopéra comique
ordre omnitonique
Orleans, Duke of d’Ortigue, Joseph
Paër, Ferdinand
Pacini, Giovanni
Paganini, Nicolò
in Vienna
as virtuoso
Pahlen-Samoyloff, Julia
Panini, Giovanni Paolo
Panofka, Heinrich
Paris and FL
July Revolution of 1830
music politics and
Pasta, Giuditta
Pavlovna, Grand Duchess Marie
Pellico, Silvio
Persiani, Giuseppe
Pfaller, Albin
Pfeiffer, Adolph
Philharmonic Society of London
as consumer item
orchestral sound and
virtuosi of. See also Liszt, Franz; Schumann, Clara Wieck;Thalberg, Sigismund Picardy third
Pictet de Rochemont, Adolphe
Pius IX, Pope
Pixis, Johann
Plachy, Wenzel
Pleyel, Ignaz
Plotényi, Nándor
Pohl, Richard
Poniatowski, Prince
Proch, Heinrich
program music. See also
symphonic poems of FL
Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review
Raabe, Peter
Raff, Joachim
Ramann, Lina
Randhartinger, Benedict
realism, descriptive
Rehding, Alexander
Reicha, M.
Reimer, Erich
Rellstab, Ludwig
Rettich, Julie
Revolution of 1848
Revue et Gazette musicale de Paris
La Revue musicale
Richter, Jean-Paul See Jean-Paul Ricordi, Giovanni
Ries, Ferdinand
Rollinat, Charles
Rollinat, François
Romberg, Bernhard
Rome and FL
French Academy
Ronchaud, Louis de
Rosa, Salvator
Rosen, Charles
Rosenhain, Jacques
Rosenhain, Jakob
Rossini, Gioacchino
influences on FL
works: Il pianto delle muse in morte di Lord Byron
Wilhelm Tell
Rószavölgyi, Gyula
Royal Academy of Music (Pest)
Rózsavölgyi (music publisher)
Saffle, Michael
Saint—Cricq, Caroline de St. Paul’s Cathedral (London)
St. Petersburg
Saint-Saëns, Camille
Saint-Simon, Henri de
Saint-Simonian movement
Salieri, Antonio
Sallamon, Fanny
Salomon, J. P.
Sand, George
Saphir, Moritz
Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Grand Duke Carl Friedrich of
Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Princess Augusta of
Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne von
Scarlatti, Alessandro
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrichvon
Schilling, Gustav
Schindler, Anton
Schlesinger (Berlin)
Schlesinger (Paris)
Schlesinger, Heinrich
Schlesinger, Maurice
Schmalhausen, Lina
Schmidt, Friedrich
Schnapp, Friedrich
Schneider, Georg Abraham
Schober, Franz von
Schoenberg, Arnold
Schonenberger, Georges
Schönstein, Baron Carl von
Schott Verlag
Schröter, Alex
Schubert, Franz
influences on FL
song cycles of
works: Divertissement à la hongroise “Erlkönig” “Gruppe aus dem Tartarus”
Piano Sonata in A Major
Piano Sonata in B-flat
Die schöne Müllerin
Schwanengesang “Wanderer”
Schuberth, Julius
Schumann, Clara Wieck
in Vienna
as virtuoso
Schumann, Robert
influences on FL
on virtuosity
works: Carnaval
Fantasy in C
Piano Quintet
Symphony No. 3, “Rhenish”
Schunke, Ludwig
Schuppanzigh, Ignaz
Scribe, Eugène
Sechter, Simon
Sedlnitzky, Josef
Seidl, Antonn
Seidl, Arthur
Senkrah, Alma
Sennett, Richard
Serov, Alexander
Seyfried, Ignaz Ritter von
sexuality and gender in music
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Signale für die musikalische Welt
Smart, George
Smetana, Bedîich
Smets, Wilhelm
social class and FL
songs/Lieder of FL
Sophie, Archduchess
Spohr, Louis
Staël, Madame de
Stasov, Vladimir
Staudigl, Joseph
Stern, Adolph
Stern, Daniel (pen name of Maried’Agoult)
stile brillante
Strauss, Richard
Der Rosenkavalier
Street-Klindworth, Agnes
Strozzi the Elder, Giovan Battista
Sulzer, Salomon
Suttoni, Charles
symphonic poems of FL
Beethoven and
Berlioz and
Wagner and
Táborszky, János Mihály
Talma, François-Joseph
Tausig, Alois
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilich
Technische Studien (Ramann)
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Thalberg, Sigismund
FL andin Paris
in Vienna
as virtuoso
ticket prices of FL
Tietze, Ludwig
Todd, R. Larry
Tolstoy, Leo
Tomascheck, Baron Eduard
Triest, Wilhelm
unfolding form (Liszt)
Untzer, Gustav Friedrich von
Urhan, Chrétien
Vesque von Püttlingen, Johann von
Viardot, Pauline
Victoria, Queen of England
charity concerts
Mozart in
Paganini in
Thalberg in
Clara Wieck in Vienna and FL
violin virtuosi. See also Paganini, Nicolòvirtuosity
k.k. Kammervirtuoso (Imperial and Royal Chamber Virtuoso) designation
Schumann on
Wagner, Cosima Liszt von Bülow(daughter)
Wagner, Richard
FL influences on
symphonic poems of FL and
works: Lohengrin
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
My Life
Opera and Drama
Ring cycle
Tristan und Isolde
Walker, Frank
Walter, Therese
Walton, Benjamin
Weber, Carl Maria von
Der Freischutz
Invitation to the Waltz Konzertstück
Weber, Gottfried
Wegeler, Franz G.
Weiner Zeitschrift für Kunst
Weininger, Otto
Weitzmann, Friedrich
Wesendonck, Mathilde
Wesendonck, Otto
Westmoreland, Earl of
Wieck, Clara. See Schumann, Clara Wieck
Wieck, Friedrich
Wiener Telegraph
Wilhelm I, King of Prussia
Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia
Williamson, John
Wittgenstein, Prince Eugen
Wolff, Bernhard
women and FL
Marie d’Agoult. See d’Agoult, Marie Caroline de Saint-Cricq. See Saint-Cricq, Caroline de Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein. See Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne vonsocial class and
Agnes Street-Klindworth. See Street—Klindworth, Agnes World War I
writings of FL
articles on Italy trip (1837) Marie D’Agoult and
Lettres d’un bachelier ès musique
“On the Situation of Artists”
Youens, Susan Zedlitz, Josef