Eric and Gertrude crash-landed in the pond.
“HEEEEE!” screamed the gorilla. She couldn’t swim, and began to flail around desperately.
“GERTRUDE! GERTRUDE! CALM DOWN!” cried Eric, who was underneath her.
But she wouldn’t calm down. Her arms and legs were splaying everywhere.
There was a very big chance both of them could drown in this little pond.
With all his might, Eric pushed the gorilla up. Next, he placed her hands on the paving around the pond. Gertrude knew what to do and heaved herself out of the water. She then shook herself all over to try to get the water off her. She spat an unlucky goldfish out of her mouth…
…who luckily landed back in the pond.
Meanwhile, Eric dragged himself out. A frog was squatting on his head, which he hastily returned to its home.
“Gertrude, we’ve got to save Sid! It’s too slippery for me to ride on your back. So let’s go for it!”
With that, he took a few paces back and threw himself at the building. Using his best Gorilla Power, he scrambled up the side of the guesthouse at terrific speed. Gertrude was not far behind.
Once back at the bedroom, Eric hauled himself through the window. Then he reached out his hand to haul Gertrude in.
“You’re both soaking wet!” exclaimed Sid, who was lying on the bed.
“It’s a long story! Actually, it’s a short story! We fell in the pond. The end!”
It was the sound of footsteps coming along the hall.
“They’re coming!” hissed the boy. “We have to get Gertrude back in the pram!”
Sid leaped up, and together he and Eric hoisted the damp ape into the pram and covered her with a towel.
Eric and Sid then took a running jump at the beds.
The boy whipped the covers over himself to hide his wet clothes.
“Your tea!” announced Helene, opening the door for Bertha, who was carrying the tray. They entered the room with their usual prim formality.
“Oh! Thank you, ladies!” chirped Sid, clearly looking forward to the tea. Of course, the old man had no idea it was poisoned!
“Please do drink it while it’s nice and hot,” said Bertha, placing the tray on the dusty desk. “It is murder out there!”
Bertha noticed that the window was wide open. She and her twin sister shared a suspicious look. In all the excitement, Eric had forgotten to shut it! He winced at his mistake.
“You must keep this window shut at all times!” said Bertha sternly. “You could catch your death.”
With her eyes, she indicated for Helene to shut the window, which she dutifully did.
“Where is the baby?” asked Helene.
“Oh, the baby’s sleeping like a –” Eric struggled for a word, but it just didn’t come – “baby!”
“Good, good,” muttered Helene.
“WHOOP!” whooped the gorilla from the pram.
“Curious noise for a baby to make!” remarked Bertha, more suspicious than ever. “May I see her?”
“Yes! Just as soon as she wakes up!”
“If she ever does! Well, you must excuse us! Myself and Madame Helene have some very important business to attend to. We remain, of course, at your loyal service. And don’t let that tea get cold!”
With that, they both bowed their heads, spun on their heels and left the room.
“Uncle Sid!” hissed Eric. “They’re trying to kill us!”
“Kill us?” spluttered the old man.
Sid sat up in bed. “Let me just have a slurp of that tea!”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” cried the boy.