“Seaview Towers!” announced Frown grandly. “This is the place where the gowilla will be hiding! Just as the pawwot told us!”
“Parker repeats everything!” hissed Sid. “She must have given the game away.”
“At least now they are here, everything’s going to be all right!” replied the boy.
“At least we won’t get killed!” said Sid. “And we can tell them all about the Nazi plot!”
“HELLO!” shouted Eric. “OVER HERE!”
Eric and Sid began frantically waving their hands in the air as they hurried along the path towards them.
They were safe.
Or so they thought.
But they thought wrong!
Just as they were a few paces away, Frown shouted, “SHOOT THAT GOWILLA!”
“WITH PLEASURE, SIR!” replied Batter as he cocked his rifle and took aim.
“STOP!” shouted Eric as the bullets whistled over his head, narrowly missing them.
But they didn’t stop.
Gnarl fired her dart gun.
A dart hit the trunk of a tree above our heroes’ heads.
“GRRRRR!” growled Gnarl, reloading.
Meanwhile, still holding on to Gertrude’s hand, Eric swung her and Sid round.
Now they were running back up the hill towards the guesthouse!
“Why are we going back there?” huffed the breathless old man, struggling to keep up on his tin legs. “They’ll kill us too!”
“I don’t know where else to go!” exclaimed the boy.
Just then, they saw the sinister silhouette of the twins with their machine guns framed in the doorway of Seaview Towers.
“Let’s head down through the garden!” hissed Sid. “Maybe we can escape across the beach!”
“Good plan!” said Eric.
So they took a sharp turn away from the guesthouse to escape through the overgrown garden.
“I’ve got a stitch!” moaned the old man, and he leaned on an old stone birdbath. Eric and Gertrude continued for a moment without him, just the other side of some bushes.
Looking back through the foliage, the boy spotted that Frown, Batter and Gnarl had caught up with Sid. Batter pointed his rifle at the old man.
“Don’t shoot!” pleaded Sid.
“Then tell us where the gorilla is!” replied Batter.
“I will, but I need to tell you something.”
“What?” demanded Frown.
“We have uncovered a top-secret Nazi plot!”
“In Bognor Wegis?” spluttered Frown.
“Yes. In Bognor Wegis! Oh! Now you’ve got me doing it!”
“You are a liar, Sidney Pwatt. Now, tell us where the gowilla is wight now!”
“GRRRR!” growled Gnarl to add emphasis.
Meanwhile, Eric and Gertrude had tiptoed behind the trio from the zoo.
“Warm!” replied Sid, as if they were playing a game of hide-and-seek. “Warmer. Very warm. Hot! Boiling!”
“What are you on about?” demanded Batter.
“Don’t turn round!” said Sid.
Of course, that was exactly what the three did.
On seeing the gorilla so close up, they were startled. Batter fumbled with his rifle, readying it to shoot! Gertrude grabbed the gun just in time.
“LET GO!” shouted Batter.
But the gorilla wouldn’t let go. Instead, she held the rifle with both hands and swung the man round and round by it until he was nothing but a BLUR!
“DON’T LET GO!” shouted Batter.
But this time the gorilla would let go.
Batter went flying through the air and landed with a SPLOSH! in the pond.
Miss Gnarl then took aim at the gorilla with her dart gun.
But Eric gave her hand a shove as she pulled the trigger.
The dart hit Frown in the bottom.
“ARGH” he cried in pain, as the dart knocked him out cold. He slumped to the ground.
“GRRRR!” growled Gnarl, as she tried to reload.
Fortunately, the vet wasn’t fast enough as Sid snatched the dart gun from her.
Then with all her might Gertrude lifted up the vet by her waist and hurled her high into the air.
Gnarl landed in a tall tree.
“GRRRRR!” growled Gnarl. It was far too high for her to get down without a ladder.
“Hoo! Hoo!” exclaimed Sid. “That showed them!”
“Don’t get cocky! We still need to make a dash for it!” exclaimed Eric.