A Company, 743rd Tank Battalion
Adams, Pop
All Souls’ Day Battle
Anderson, Bill
Anderson, Jack
Andrusz, Ed
Arlon, Belgium
Arman (lieutenant)
Army, U.S., training center for
Arthur, Lester
Atlantic Wall
Auguay, France
Aurand, Lester
Avranches, France
Baker CompanyRanger Battalion
Bangalore torpedoes
Bare, Sheldon
Baugh bandaged by
Dog Company’s climb and
Kuhn and
Lomell sending medic for
on MG-42 bullets
on Schaumburg Castle
on Schneider’s presentation
sniper shooting
Sundby taking care of
Thompson retrieved by
Barnett (Ranger)
Barowski, Whitney
BARs. See Browning Automatic Rifles
Battle of Balaclava
Battle of Hürtgen Forest
Battle of the Bulge
Baugh, Gilbert
Beever, Colin
Begetto (Ranger)
Bergstein, Germany
CCR fighting to
Dog Company moving to
Germans counterattacking at
importance of
2nd Battalion, Grenadier Regiment 980 defending
2nd Ranger Battalion marching to
Task Force Hamberg attacking
Thomae defending
Berthier, Raymond
Big Jim. See Rudder, James Earl
Big shows
Big Stoop. See Masny, Otto
Bill (Ranger)
Block, Walter
description of
on Harwood
hunting party organized by
jam sandwiches issued out by
Lytle punching
Petty and
Rangers treated by
Schneider and
on stimulant drugs
28th Infantry Division men aided by
Webb on
Bloody Bucket. See 28th Infantry Division
Bouncing Betty
Bourchard, Gerald
“The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc,”
Bradley, Omar
Branley, Mike
Braunton Camp
Brest, France
Brinkley, Doug
British Commandos
Brown, James
Browning Automatic Rifles (BARs)
Bude, Cornwall, England
Burgberg. See Hill 400
Burmaster, Warren
Burnett (Ranger)
Camelo, Joe
Camp Forrest
Camp Ritchie, Maryland
Camp Shanks, New York
Canham, Charles
Carr (bazooka man)
Carty (Private First Class)
Castle Hill. See Hill 400
CCR. See Combat Command Reserve, 5th Armored Division
“The Charge of the Light Brigade,”
Cherbourg, France
Christmas, training on
Church of Moorish Martyrdom
Clark, Bill
Coastal road. See GC
Cold War
Colden, Garness
Cole (Ranger)
Combat Command Reserve (CCR), 5th Armored Division
Conaboy, Jack
Corona, Johnny
Courtney, William J.
Crew quarters
Crimean War
Crook (Ranger)
Crouch, Raymond
Cruz, Bill
D-5 (staging area)
Darby, William O.
Darby’s Rangers
D-Day, anniversary of
Delasandros, Augie
Department of Miscellaneous Development
The Devil’s Garden
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
Dix, Frederick
Dog Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion
battalion review held by
Bergstein moved to by
Brest and
casualties of
deactivation of
defenses of
description of
driver fixated on by
Easy Company men joining
82nd Airborne Division men joining
English artillery unit’s scuffle with
German patrol fired on by
Germans at barn fighting
Germans attacking
Germans counterattacking
Germans spotted by
Germans tipped off to
girlfriends causing shelling of
Hill 400 approach prepared for by
Hill 400 approached by
Hill 400 attacked by
Hill 400 defended by
Hill 400 positions of
Hill 64 seized by
at home
Hürtgen Forest moved to by
Isigny Road marched down by
Japan deployed to by
Kuhn rejoining
LCA 860 survivors returning to
Le Conquet positions probed by
Loc Maria Plouzané as objective of
157 mm guns searched for by
101st Airborne Division men joining
orders and
paratrooper boots and
in Pilsen
Pogue interviewing
Pointe du Hoc climbed by
recruits of
reunion of
roadblock held by
Roer River crossing of
Schaumburg Castle seized by
Schneller rejoining
2nd Battalion, Grenadier Regiment 980 charged by
at Simmerath
tank destroyers firing on
Taylor interviewing
13th Infantry relieving
training of
Ty Baol advanced on by
USS Texas bombarding area around
VIII Corps subsuming
Dorchester, England
Dorset, England
Double daylight savings time
Double Summer Time
Dreher, William
Drill Call
Drodouski (private)
Drugs, stimulant
DSC. See Distinguished Service Cross
Duck (DUKW)
The Duke. See Slater, Harold K.
Dunning, Bob
Durrer, Mack
Easy Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion
Eberle (Ranger)
Edlin, Bob
8th Division
89th Infantry Division
82nd Airborne Division
Eikner, James
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Equipment, Pointe du Hoc
Fabulous Four
Falaise Gap
Fate, Harry
Kerchner’s counterattack and
Lomell and
Rudder and
FFI. See French Forces of the Interior
5th Ranger Battalion
First Army (German)
First Army (U.S.)
1st Battalion, Grenadier Regiment 980,
1st Platoon, Dog Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion
506th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Flanagan, Joe
Force A
Force B
Force C
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Fort Dix, New Jersey
Fort Meade, Maryland
Fort Pierce, Florida
445th Antiaircraft Battalion
Fox Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion
Foy, Belgium
French and Indian War
French Forces of the Interior (FFI)
French Resistance, Pointe du Hoc and
Fruhling, Robert
Fulton, James E.
Fürst, Martin
Gavin, James
Geitz, Bill
Genther, Henry
German Military Academy
Brest fortified by
Cherbourg port facilities blown up by
V Corps piercing lines of
counterattacking at Bergstein
counterattacking at Hill 400,
counterattacking at Pointe du Hoc
Dog Company, tipped off to
Dog Company at barn fighting
Dog Company attacked by
Dog Company counterattacked by
Dog Company spotting
Easy Company rolled up by
8th Division mauled by
FFI forced to retreat by
Fox Company attacked by
girlfriends of
Guernsey Islands garrisoned by
Hagg on
Hill 400 fired from by
Hill 64 shelled by
Hitler, fighting to last man for
Hoffman’s run-in with
Kerchner attacked by
Kuhn killing
Lomell and
Masny captured by
McHugh capturing
Nebelwerfer used by
at 157 mm guns
Petty attacked by
Petty capturing
Petty observing
Petty running away from
Petty surprising
powder charges
Rangers captured by
Rangers detected by
Rangers hating
Rangers overwhelmed by
Rangers preparing for counterattack of
Roer controlled by
roll call of
Ruggiero and
2nd Ranger Battalion and
Secor capturing
sniper shooting
Spleen shooting
Stein capturing
Stevens capturing
Task Force Slater encountering
Webb noticing
white phosphorous used by
Winsch killing
Germany, surrender of
Gerow, Leonard
Goodgall, Leonard
Goreman, Johnny
Graf Spee Battery
Grandcamp-Maisy, France
Grapnel hooks
Guernsey Islands
Hagg, Vince
on Dog Company’s approach to Hill 400
on Dog Company’s attack on Brest
on German holdouts
on Germany’s surrender
on Graf Spee Battery
on Huff
on Jakubiak
Kuhn and
on Lomell
on patrols
on Rudder
on shelling
on Simmerath
Stevens consoling
on Urft Dam mission
Zyrkowski berating
Hand-to-hand combat training
Harris, Lester
Harry Goes Home from War
Harsch, Kenny
Harwood, Jonathan
Hemingway, Ernest
Hill 400
charge at
description of
Dog Company approaching
Dog Company attacking
Dog Company defending
Dog Company preparing to approach
Dog Company’s positions at
evacuation of
forward observer at
Fox Company attacking
Fox Company’s positions at
Germanscounterattacking at
Germans firing from
importance of
Kettlehut’s artillery hitting
Lawson defending
Lomell and
Masny and
Potratz at
Secor defending
Slater and
Stein at
Thomae’s artillery hitting
Volksgrenadiers moving back to
Webb’s advice on attacking
wounded at
Zyrkowski at
His Majesty’s Independent Company of American Rangers
Hitler, Adolf
counteroffensive of
HMS Amsterdam
HMS Warspite
Hodges, Courtney
Hoffman, Bill
in bunker
on cellar
on Dog Company’s climb
on flares
on Force A’s approach to Pointe du Hoc
on Fort Pierce, Florida
Germans’ run-in with
on Hürtgen Forest
Kuhn receiving gift from
on Operation Greif
on pit
Rangers and
on 2nd Ranger Battalion’s Bergstein march
Slater approached by
Slater’s Cutty Sark bottle and
on USS Texas’s marker shell incident
Horace (Jedburgh Team)
Hornhardt (Ranger)
Huebner, Clarence
Huff, Ollie
Hürtgen, Germany
Hürtgen Forest
Iron Cross
Isigny Road
Jabos (fighter-bombers)
Jäger, Karl
Jakubiak, Jake
Jedburgh Teams
Johnson, Larry
McCrone and
K Company, 121st Infantry Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment
Kall River
Karl, Rudolf
Kelley (BAR man)
Kennard, Frank
Kerchner, George
Branley discovered by
counterattack of
description of
false sense of security of
Fate told of counterattack by
Germans attacking
on Hill
on Lacy
Lomell advising
MG-42 shooting
on Omaha Beach bombardment
116th Infantry Division meeting
Rudder and
2nd Platoon, A Company, 5th Ranger Battalion welcomed by
submersion of
supplies of
on tents
37 mm antiaircraft gun and
on USS Texas’s bombardment
Vaughan found by
weapons of
Kesternich, Germany
Kettlehut, Howard K.
King Philip’s War
Kirchhoff, Wilhelm
Kismeth (medic)
Kleinhau, Germany
Knight, Tommy. See Ruggiero, Antonio J.
Knight’s Cross
Knudson, Dean H.
Komits, Al
Kommerscheidt, Germany
Korean War
Kuhn, Jack
Bare and
on Bude training
Dog Company rejoined by
Duck learned of by
German killed by
Hagg and
Hoffman giving gift to
incendiary grenades provided by
on inter-service rivalry
Lomell and
nervous condition of
157 mm guns and
Pointe et Raz de la Percée and
shows of
Silver Star received by
Thompson lost by
Lacy, Joe
Lampres, Ted
Landing Craft, Assault (LCAs)
Landing Ship, Infantry (LSI)
Lawson, Ellis
LCAs. See Landing Craft, Assault
Le Conquet peninsula
Le Devin, Louis
Le Finistére (the end of the earth). See Le Conquet peninsula
Le Fret, France
Le Normand, Gerette
Leaggins (lieutenant)
Leopold (king)
Lewis, Frank
Lisko, Louis
Loc Maria Plouzané
Lochrist Battery. See Graf Spee Battery
Lomell, Leonard G.
Bare’s medic sent by
Baugh’s medic sent by
on Braunton Camp
on Bude
chalk hitting
Conaboy treated by
on counterattack at Hill 400
crew quarters attacked by
Delasandros’s letter and
description of
discharge of
on Dog Company’s casualties
on Dog Company’s roadblock
on Drodouski
on Edlin
Fate and
Flanagan driven by
Fruhling’s near fall and
GC32 headed to by
German Military Academy class met by
Germans and
grapnel hooks and
Hagg on
Hill 400 and
on Hill 400 charge
Hodges pinning DSC to
Kerchner advised by
Kuhn and
laryngitis of
Lunning dispatched by
Morris treated by
on mountain capture exercise
157 mm guns and
patrol of
Pointe du Hoc climbed by
Pointe et Raz de la Percée and
poker game of
on Ranger officers
Rudder pinning lieutenants’ bars on
Ruggiero’s lifebelt and
on 2nd Ranger Battalion’s mission
Shanklin and
Slater and
Stein directed by
submersion of
tank treads heard by
on training
Webb treated by
Lunning, Gordon
Lytle, Cleveland A.
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifles. See Browning Automatic Rifles
Mad Russian (Ranger)
Maimone, Salva
Main, Harold D.
Maine (Ranger)
Marion, Jean
Marshall, George
Martin, Dick
Maschinengewehr 42 (MG-42)
Masny, Otto
bunker entered by
description of
Germans capturing
grapnel hooks and
Hill 400 and
Petty reunited with
Rudder pinning DSC to
sniper decoy of
37 mm antiaircraft gun and
McBride, Morton
British Commandos and
fall of
rotation names submitted by
Ruggiero and
sniper shooting at
Sparaco launching rifle grenade for
at Weymouth
on wires
McClure (lieutenant)
McCrone, Pat
McDonald, L. E.
McHugh, William
Meade, George Gordon
Medal of Honor
Mercader, Guillaume
Merryweathers Ltd.
Meslin, Eugène
Meyer, Charles R.
MG-42. See Maschinengewehr
Middleton, Troy
Model, Walter
Montgomery, Bernard
Morgan, Daniel
Mortain, France
Morvin. See Meslin, Eugène
Mosby, John S.
Mussolini, Benito
Navy, U.S.
The Needles
Newport News, Virginia
Next of Kin (film)
Nigohosian, Kegham
Ninth Air Force, U.S.
Ninth Army
9th Infantry Division
Normandy, France, plans regarding
Norton, Kenneth
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Omaha Beach
101st Airborne Division
102nd Cavalry Division
106th Infantry Division
109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division
112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division
116th Infantry Division
116th Panzer Division
121st Infantry Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment
157 mm guns
description of
Dog Company searching for
Easy Company eliminating
Fox Company searching for
Germans at
Kuhn and
Lomell and
manning of
Rupinski placing grenades in
Operation Cobra
Operation Flashlamp
Operation Greif
Operation Lüttich
Operation Merkur
Operation Neptune
Operation Queen
Operation Wacht am Rhein
OSS. See Office of Strategic Services
P-47 Thunderbolts
Pacyga, Francis
Palmer (Ranger)
Parker, Ace
Patton, George
Pennsylvania Keystone Division. See 28th Infantry Division
Petty, William
Anderson, B., tackling
Anderson, B.’s, Bangalore torpedoes and
Arman’s argument with
BAR of
Block and
bunker entered by
at Church of Moorish Martyrdom
Colden carried by
Colden’s conversation with
description of
on Fox Company’s casualties
German POW and
Germans attacking
Germans captured by
Germans observed by
Germans ran away from by
Germans surprised by
girl discovered by
on Hill 400 charge
Masny reunited with
McHugh talking to
morphine administered to
on mortars
Pointe du Hoc climbed by
on Pointe du Hoc mission
on Ranger replacements
Rangers rejoined by
as rear guard
Rudder interacting with
Rudder reunited with
Silver Star received by
South giving pill to
on surrender
survival mechanisms of
on training
Pilsen, Czechoslovakia
Pogue, Forrest
Pointe du Hoc, Normandy
bet regarding
bombing of
briefing on
defenses of
Dog Company climbing
equipment for
5th Ranger Battalion battling towards
1st Platoon coming up side of
Force A approaching
Force A assault delay at
Force A climbing
Force A’s plans regarding
Force C’s plans regarding
French Resistance on
Fruhling climbing
Germans counterattacking at
Lomell climbing
observation post at
116th Infantry Division battling towards
P-47s at
Petty climbing
Petty on mission at
planning for mission at
Reagan, R., at
relief of
Rudder landing at
Rudder securing
Schneider’s presentation on
Stein climbing
Sundby approaching
Sundby climbing
2./Werfer-Regiment 85 defending
See also 157 mm guns; 37 mm antiaircraft gun
Pointe et Raz de la Percée
Portuguese man-of-war
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Potratz, Bud
on counterattack at Hill 400
on Dog Company’s approach to Hill 400
on Falaise Gap
on 1st Platoon, Dog Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion’s replacements
at Hill 400
on Hill 400 charge
on Hill 400 preparations
line of fire set up by
on 2nd Ranger Battalion’s Bergstein march
Prisoners of war (POWs)
Easy Company taking
Ranger shooting
Rangers as
Rangers rescuing
2nd Ranger Battalion as escort of
Provisional Ranger Force See also Force A; Force B; Force C
PTSD. See Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Purple Heart Corner
Raaen, John
Rafferty, Joe
Ramcke, Hermann-Bernhard
Rangers, U.S. Army
Auguay arrived at by
Block treating
A Company, 743rd Tank Battalion killing
German counterattack prepared for by
Germans capturing
Germans detecting
Germans hated by
Germans overwhelming
on high alert
history of
Hoffman and
June 7 situation of
Le Fret cleared by
Lomell on officers of
MG-42s used by
Petty rejoining
POW shot by
as POWs
POWs rescued by
as quick reaction force
Reagan, N., hugging
Reagan, R., and
roadblock of
Ruggiero saving
South assisting
28th Infantry Division relieved by
Webb found by
Webb saving
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Rhein (captain)
Rhine River
Riendeau, Raymond J.
Riley, John
Ritchie Boys
RMS Queen Elizabeth
Robertson, William
Roer River
Rogers, Robert
Rogers (major)
Roller mines
Rommel, Erwin
Rowland, Thomas
Royal Air Force (RAF)
Rubin, Leonard
Rudder, James Earl
ammunition depot task given by
Bradley and
Burmaster contacting
command post of
description of
Eikner and
Fate and
First Army (U.S.) reported to by
flag held up by
Hagg on
Kerchner and
Lomell’s lieutenants’ bars pinned on by
Lunning and
Lytle replaced by
at Lytle’s arrest
Masny pinned with DSC by
Navy and
Petty and
Pointe du Hoc landed at by
Pointe du Hoc secured by
Ruggiero meeting with
2nd Ranger Battalion and
37 mm antiaircraft gun attack orders from
Thorson briefing
training of
transfers of
Trevor asked by
USS Texas and
Vermeer on
Ruggiero, Antonio J.
on boat-handling skills
circumcision of
Cruz retrieving company with
on Dog Company’s approach to Hill 400
Flanagan and
Germans and
on Hill 400 charge
on Hill 64 attack of 2nd Ranger Battalion
on hummock
on Hürtgen Forest living conditions
on LCA 860
LCA 860 abandoned by
lifebelt of
on Loc Maria Plouzané women
McBride and
on mines
on Portuguese man-of-war
Ranger saved by
replacement cautioned by
rescue of
on Roer River crossing
Rudder meeting with
2nd Ranger Battalion joined by
shows of
Simmerath approached by
Slater asking
toilets and
USO major’s offer to
wounding of
Rules of Ranging (Rogers)
Rundstedt, Gerd von
Rupinski, Frank
Saffrons, William C.
Salomon, Sid
Saving Private Ryan (movie)
Schaumburg Castle
Schelper, Lawrence
Schmidt, Germany
Schneider, Max F.
Schneller, George
Schutzstaffel (SS)
Scouts and Raiders School
2nd Battalion, Grenadier Regiment 980
2nd Platoon, A Company, 5th Ranger Battalion
2nd Ranger Battalion
in Arlon
awards ceremony for men of
Bergstein marched to by
CCR reinforced by
Cherbourg assigned to
in corps reserve
description of
First Army (U.S.)’s flank secured by
as First Army (U.S.)’s POW escort
445th Antiaircraft Battalion transporting
friendly shelling of
Germans and
Graf Spee Battery approached by
Graf Spee Battery as objective of
Hill 64 attacked by
home departed for by
honor guard formed by
Horace working with
Kleinhau reached by
Lomell on mission of
Ninth Army receiving transfers from
as Ninth Army’s mobile counterattack force
Pogue interviewing
as POW escort
reconnoiter orders of
Roer River crossing of
Rudder and
Ruggiero joining
Schmidt as objective of
at Simmerath
Taylor interviewing
Urft Dam mission of
at Valognes
Secor, Edward
Seventh Army
76th Division
78th Division
Shanklin (training area)
Shannon (Ranger)
Sharik, Mike
Shell shock See also Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Shira, Neil H.
Silver Star
Simmerath, Germany
Simmons (Ranger)
6th SS Mountain Division
Skorzeny, Otto
Slapton Sands
Slater, Harold K.
at Bude
Cutty Sark bottle of
Delasandros’s letter and
description of
Herm mission and
Hill 400 and
Hoffman approaching
LCA 860 abandoned by
Lomell and
march of
patrols sent by
Portuguese man-of-war biting
Ruggiero asked by
Stein on
on USS Texas
volunteers of
Small Unit Actions (monograph)
Bare shot by
Fruhling shot by
Fulton killing
German shot by
in Grandcamp-Maisy
Jakubiak killed by
Masny’s decoy for
McBride shot at by
Sundby going after
Trevor shot by
South, Frank
Clark recognized by
description of
on German planes
on goat
Lytle and
in perimeter defense
Petty given pill by
Rangers assisted by
on Rudder’s command post
28th Infantry Division men aided by
Sparaco, Dominic
Speed marches
Spleen, Richard J.
SS. See Schutzstaffel
Stecki (Ranger)
Stein, Herman
climb reenacted by
on counterattack at Hill 400
description of
Fallschirmjägers spied by
on Fox Company’s scout
Germans captured by
at Hill 400
Lomell directing
on map-reading exercise
Pointe du Hoc climbed by
on POW shot by Ranger
on Slater
on Slater’s march
13th Infantry Regiment and
Stevens, Joe
Stüttgen, Günter
Summers, John W.
Sundby, Sigurd
Bare taken care of by
crap taken by
description of
on Hill 400 charge
mortar landing near
Pointe du Hoc approached by
Pointe du Hoc climbed by
Schneller and
sniper gone after by
Vermeer receiving cover fire from
wires cut by
of Brest garrison
of Fürst
of Germans
of Germany
of 106th Infantry Division regiments
Petty on
of Rupinski
of Spleen’s men
Swanage, Dorset
Task Force Hamberg
Task Force Slater
airfield captured by
as corps honor guard
description of
Germans encountered by
Hill 64 set off for by
102nd Cavalry Division, attached to
in Pilsen
Rhine River crossed by
as screening force
Taylor, Charles
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Third Army
13th Infantry Regiment
37 mm antiaircraft gun
Thomae, Adolf
Thompson (Ranger)
Thorson, Truman
352nd Infantry Division
Tough Guy. See Riendeau, Raymond J.
Army, U.S., center for
boat-handling skills in
at Braunton Camp
British Commandos augmenting
at Bude
at Camp Forrest
at Camp Ritchie
at Camp Shanks
on Christmas
of Dog Company
at Fort Dix
Fort Pierce infiltrated in
hand-to-hand combat
intelligence courses in
Lomell on
map-reading exercise in
at The Needles
Petty on
of Rangers
of Rudder
at Shanklin
at Swanage
at Weymouth
Trevor, Thomas
Trout, Jack
Truscott, Lucian K.
12th Infantry Regiment
28th Infantry Division
272nd Volksgrenadier Division
Ty Baol, France
United Service Organization (USO)
Urft Dam
USO. See United Service Organization
USS Ellison
USS Satterlee
USS Texas
V Corps
Valognes, France
Vaughan, Bill
V-E Day
Vermeer, Elmer
VGDs. See Volksgrenadiers
Vierville Draw
VIII Corps
Vossenack, Germany
Weaver, William G.
Webb, Morris
on Block
boot kicked by
description of
Germans noticed by
Hill 400 attack advice given to
Lomell treating
on POW shot by Ranger
Ranger saved by
Rangers finding
on Secor
Wegner, Karl
Wheezers and Dodgers. See Department of Miscellaneous Development
Williams, George
Wills, Gary
Winsch, Carl
Wintz, Richard A.
Zyrkowski, Hank