Women in the Bible For Dummies


by Rev. John Trigilio Jr., PhD, ThD, and Rev. Kenneth Brighenti, PhD





About the Authors

Rev. John Trigilio, Jr., PhD, ThD, a native of Erie, Pennsylvania, serves as the pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel (Marysville, Pennsylvania) and St. Bernadette Catholic Churches (Duncannon, Pennsylvania). He is the president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and executive editor of its quarterly journal, Sapientia magazine. Father Trigilio is a co-host of two weekly TV series on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN): Web of Faith and Council of Faith. He also serves as a theological consultant and online spiritual advisor for EWTN. He’s been listed in Who’s Who in America in 1993 and Who’s Who in Religion in 1999 and is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Harrisburg (Pennsylvania) in 1988.

Rev. Kenneth Brighenti, PhD, a native of New Britain, Connecticut, serves as pastor of St. Ann Catholic Church (Raritan, New Jersey). He is the managing editor of Sapientia magazine, a member of the board of directors for the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, and co-host of Council of Faith, a weekly TV series on EWTN. Father Brighenti also served as a U.S. Naval Reserve Chaplain for ten years and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Metuchen (New Jersey) in 1988. He and Father Trigilio co-authored Catholicism For Dummies (2003) and The Everything Bible Book (2004).


This book is dedicated to the important women of our lives who greatly influenced us and our faith:

Reverend Mother Angelica, PCPA, founder of Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) and Abbess of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Angels. She has been a shining example of a strong woman of faith.

In particular we dedicate this book on the women of Scripture to our two beloved and dear mothers:

Elizabeth Trigilio and Norma Brighenti, whose great love and deep faith have been a great source of comfort and inspiration to us as their sons.

And finally, we dedicate this work on biblical women to the star of scripture, the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Christ and mother of the Church.

In memory of the Most Rev. Nicholas Carmen Dattilo, D.D. (1932–2004), former bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and the Most Rev. Vincent de Paul Breen, D.D. (1936–2003), former bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey.

Authors’ Acknowledgments

Father Brighenti and Father Trigilio are grateful for the assistance, guidance, and advice we received from:

Rev. Dr. Robert J. Levis (Gannon University), Rev. James M. Cafone (Seton Hall University), Jennifer Rung, the Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration (Hanceville, Alabama), the Religious Teachers Filippini (New Jersey), the Discalced Carmelite Nuns (Erie, Pennsylvania), and the Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) for their prayers and support.

We also wish to thank our bishops, the Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades, DD, STL, JCL (Bishop of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania), and the Most Rev. Paul Gregory Bootkoski, DD (Bishop of Metuchen, New Jersey) and the people of our parishes where we serve as pastor (St. Ann, Our Lady of Good Counsel, and St. Bernadette) for their prayerful support.

Finally, a special word of appreciation to His Holiness Pope John Paul II for his example, teaching, and leadership.

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