Further Reading
John Clare, Poems of John Clare's Madness, ed. by Geoffrey Grigson (London, 1949)
—The Shepherd's Calendar, ed. by Eric Robinson and Geoffrey Summerfield (London, 1964)
—Selected Poems, ed. by Elaine Feinstein (London, 1968)
—The Letters of John Clare, ed. by J. W. and Anne Tibble (New York, 1970)
—Selected Poems, ed. by J. W. and Anne Tibble, repr. (London, 1976)
—John Clare, The Oxford Authors, ed. by Eric Robinson and David Powell (Oxford, 1984)
—John Clare by Himself, ed. by Eric Robinson and David Powell (Manchester, 1996)
—Selected Poems, ed. by Ian Hamilton (London, 1996)
—John Clare: The Living Year, 1841, ed. by Tim Chilcott (Nottingham, 1999)
—A Champion for the Poor (Political Verse and Prose), ed. by P. M. S. Dawson, Eric Robinson and David Powell (Manchester, 2000)
—John Clare, Selected Poems, ed. by Jonathan Bate (London, 2004)
William Addison, Epping Forest, Its Literary and Historical Associations (London, 1945)
—The Old Roads of England (London, 1980)
Robert Aickman and Elizabeth Jane Howard, We Are for the Dark (London, 1951)
Jean-Philippe Antoine, Gertrud Koch and Luc Lang, Gerhard Richter (Paris, 1995)
John Ashbery, Other Traditions (Cambridge, Mass., 2000)
Peter Astley, Comings and Goings (London, 2002)
Deirdre Bair, Samuel Beckett: A Biography (London, 1978)
B. C. Barker-Benfield, Shelley's Guitar (A Bicentenary Exhibition) (Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1992)
John Barrell, The Idea of Landscape and the Sense of Place (1730–1840): An Approach to the Poetry of John Clare (Cambridge, 1972)
Jonathan Bate, John Clare: A Biography (London, 2003)
Samuel Beckett, Endgame (London, 1958)
Henry Bett, English Legends (London, 1950)
Renchi Bicknell, Michael and Mary Dreaming (A Walk along the Michael and Mary Lines…) (Alton, n.d. [1998])
Ronald Blythe, Talking about John Clare (Nottingham, 1999)
Edward Bond, The Fool (London, 1976)
Marilyn Brakhage, ‘Stan Brakhage: Last Drawings’, from Square One (No. 2), ed. by Jennifer Dunbar Dorn, et al. (Denver, Colo., 2004)
Bill Brandt, Literary Britain, new edn (London, 1984)
Judith Bunten and Alfred Savage, Werrington through the Ages: A History in Photographs (Werrington, 1987)
Edward North Buxton, Epping Forest, 7th edn rev. (London, 1905)
Roger Cardinal, The Landscape Vision of Paul Nash (London, 1989)
Brian Catling, Large Ghost (Cambridge, 2001)
William Cobbett, Rural Rides, new edn with notes by Pitt Cobbett (London, 1885)
Stephen Coote, Byron, The Making of a Myth (London, 1988)
Thomas De Quincey, The Collected Writings, vol. III, ed. by David Masson (Edinburgh, 1890)
Donald Dewey, James Stewart: A Biography (London, 1997)
Edward Dowden, The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley (London, 1886)
T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets (London, 1959)
Elaine Feinstein, Ted Hughes: The Life of a Poet (New York, 2001)
Robert Gittings, John Keats (London, 1968)
Geoffrey Hadman, Spirit's Expense, privately published (London, 1941)
Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, repr. (London, 1957)
Michael Hastings, Calico (London, 2004)
Richard Holmes, Shelley: The Pursuit (London, 1974)
H. J. K. Jenkins, Along the Nene (Exeter, 1991)
James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, 3rd edn (London, 1964)
James Knowlson, Damned to Fame: The Life of Samuel Beckett (London, 1996)
Howard C. Levis, ed., Bladud of Bath. The British King Who Tried to Fly, repr. (Bath, 1973)
John Mackintosh, A Song of Summer (Kirkcaldy, 2001)
Brenda Maddox, Nora: A Biography of Nora Joyce (London, 1988)
Charles Mapleston, A Painter in Search of a Poet (Rigby Graham & John Clare) (Uppingham, 1992)
E. W. Martin, The Secret People (English Village Life after 1750) (London, 1954)
Frederick W. Martin, The Life of John Clare, 2nd edn (London, 1964)
Gary Spencer Millidge, ed., Alan Moore: Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman (Quebec, Canada, 2003)
G. E. Mingay, Rural Life in Victorian England (London, 1976)
Alan Moore, Voice of the Fire (London, 1996)
Henrietta Moraes, Henrietta (London, 1994)
Gerda S. Norvig, Dark Figures in the Desired Country: Blake's Illustrations to The Pilgrim's Progress (Berkeley, Ca., 1993)
Christopher Petit, Robinson (London, 1993)
Tom Raworth, Moving (London, 1971)
Herbert Read, Paul Nash (London, 1944)
Gerhard Richter, The Daily Practice of Painting (London, 1995)
William St Clair, Trelawny: The Incurable Romantic (London, 1977)
José Saramago, The Double (London, 2004)
Will Self, How the Dead Live (London, 2000)
James Sharpe, Dick Turpin: The Myth of the English Highwayman (London, 2004)
Carol Loeb Shloss, Lucia Joyce: To Dance in the Wake (New York, 2003)
Iain Sinclair, White Chappell, Scarlet Tracings (Uppingham, 1987)
—Flesh Eggs & Scalp Metal: Selected Poems (1970–1987) (London, 1989)
—London Orbital: A Walk around the M25 (London, 2002)
Edward Storey, A Right to Song (The Life of John Clare) (London, 1982)
C. E. Street, Earthstars: The Visionary Landscape (London, 2000)
Kim Taplin, The English Path, 2nd edn rev. (Sudbury, Suffolk, 2000)
James Thomson, The Seasons, pocket edn (London, 1838)
J. W. and Anne Tibble, John Clare: His Life & Poetry (London, 1956)
Izaak Walton, The Compleat Angler, Wordsworth Classics, reissue (Ware, Hertfordshire, 1996)
Bernard T. Ward, Lawrence of Arabia & Pole Hill, Chingford, repr. (Chingford, 1987)
Colin Watson, Snobbery with Violence (London, 1971)
June Wilson, Green Shadows: The Life of John Clare (London, 1951)
Simon Winchester, The Map That Changed the World (London, 2001)