“MOMMY, LET’S SWING!” Layla ran toward the playground in her striped leggings and sweatshirt. Her pigtails bobbed with each step.
Brianna pushed her on the swing, thinking about last night. The park felt like an entirely different place. Last night it was an enchanting wonderland for just the two of them, which incited heightened emotions and well-hidden memories. Today it was anyone’s park, as if the carousel and the lights had never existed.
Her phone vibrated with a text from Hugh. How’s Layla? Having fun?
She smiled as she responded. Great. At the park. Miss you. Her finger hovered over the send button. She quickly deleted Miss you, then pushed send.
When he responded, her pulse sped up. Wish I was there with u.
She responded, Wish u were 2. Miss you.
Hugh texted back a minute later. Gotta drive. Pit crew’s waiting. Xox.
She closed her eyes and thought, Hugs and kisses. Gosh, I miss your hugs and kisses. She texted back, Xox, then put the phone in her pocket and returned her attention to her daughter, who was chatting about all things prince and princess.
“Grandma says we can make puppets and put on our own play with them,” Layla yelled from the swing as she pumped her legs. Her white sneakers were covered with blue sequins that swirled and sparkled in the sun.
“That sounds like fun. I’d like to do that, too.” Brianna had always enjoyed playing with Layla, and guilt tightened in her chest as a thought whispered through her mind. I miss Hugh. Dividing her attention was so unfamiliar that Brianna felt a twinge of guilt.
“I want to make a princess, a queen, and a prince.”
“We can paint a castle for the background.” Brianna smiled at the innocence of Layla’s comment, and how the image she conjured up to meet her daughter’s puppets was of her, Layla, and Hugh. Her cell phone vibrated, and she read the text from Kat.
Epic morning? She and Kat usually referred to Kat’s sex life as epic or amazing. That she was about to text about her and Hugh sent a thrill of excitement through her.
Beyond. At park with Layla. Will fill u in 2nite.
The phone vibrated again with a response. Yay! C U at 3.
“Can we make the castle now, so we can surprise Grandma with it?” Layla asked.
“We sure can.”
BACK AT THE apartment, Brianna carried Layla’s overnight bag and held her hand. The bearded man was on the balcony when they arrived, and Brianna put her arm protectively over Layla’s shoulder and trained her eyes on the sidewalk. She caught movement in her peripheral vision and lifted her gaze, catching sight of the man as he disappeared through the glass slider. Brianna breathed a sigh of relief.
She unlocked the door and Layla ran inside.
“Mommy! Someone brought flowers! And look, a present!” She grabbed the glittery box from the counter.
Darn it. She’d forgotten to hide the gift. “That was for you, actually. From a friend of mine.”
Layla gasped. “For me? Can I open it?” She sat cross-legged on the floor and tore open the package.
Brianna’s stomach twisted, easing only after she noticed that the present had sidetracked Layla from asking who had brought her flowers. She watched her lift the top of the box and set it on the floor, then leaf through a mound of tissue paper.
“Mommy, look!” Her eyes bloomed wide as she pulled out a pink dress—not the dress Hugh had shown Brianna at the store, but a fancier one with white lace along the bottom edge, a white collar, and tiny polka dots that spread from the bottom and faded as they reached the waist.
“That looks like a birthday dress to me,” Brianna said. Her heart beat so fast she put her hand on her chest. The box was much too big to hold only a dress. She watched Layla dig through the remaining tissue paper and pull out another box. She ripped off the wrapping paper and jumped up and down with the box in her arms.
“Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! Look!” Layla held up the box to show her.
“Drama Queen? What’s that?”
“It’s a game where you make your own stories! It’s like a play only not in real life, and you get to make lots of stories not just one. Miranda has it!”
How did Hugh know about this game, and how come I didn’t have a clue about it?
“Did you want that game?” She took the box from Layla and opened it. Then they sat at the coffee table in the living room and set up the game beside Candyland, the drawing and making of a castle forgotten.
Brianna spread the pieces of the game across the board and was surprised when Layla didn’t reach for a single one.
“Layla, did you want this game?” she asked again.
Layla nodded. “Mommy, did Kat give me this?”
Brianna didn’t have an answer ready. “Um, no.”
“Was it really you? Did you get me this? Because if you did, you can take it back. I don’t need it.” Layla’s eyes were so serious it brought Brianna to her side.
“Layla, why would I bring this back?”
“Because Miranda said it costs a million dollars, and we don’t have a million dollars.”
Brianna kissed her forehead, hating that Layla was aware of their financial situation at all, much less that she probably hadn’t told her mother she wanted the game because it was expensive.
“I think Miranda was exaggerating.” But I’ll Google it and find out. “A different friend gave these things to you. He wanted you to have it. Otherwise he wouldn’t have bought it for you.” Part of her worried about Layla receiving an expensive gift. She didn’t want to set up unrealistic expectations, and she definitely didn’t want her daughter bragging to other kids and making them feel bad. As much as she hated adding a lesson to a happy moment, the mother in her wouldn’t let the opportunity pass. She placed the game pieces on the board. “If I were you, I’d be careful how you tell your friends about this.”
“Why?” Layla picked up the figurines and inspected their dresses and tiaras.
“Because maybe their parents can’t afford this game, and you don’t want your friends to feel bad because they don’t have one.” She watched Layla knit her eyebrows together. “How did you feel when Miranda told you she had it and that it cost a million dollars?”
Layla set the figurines down and shrugged.
“Well, you didn’t ask me for the game, so I’m guessing you didn’t feel happy, but maybe a little sad?” She lifted Layla’s chin as Hugh had done so often to her, and the sadness in her daughter’s eyes slayed her. She wanted to pull her close and tell her how sorry she was that she couldn’t afford extravagant gifts and how much she loved her, but instead she used those feelings to teach Layla about kindness. “You wouldn’t want your friends to feel that way, would you?”
Layla shook her head.
“I know you’ll want to tell them about your new game, and that’s okay, but maybe instead of saying, Guess what I got, the second you see them at school, you could tell them that you can’t wait to share your new game with them on your birthday.”
Layla’s eyes lit up. “That’s nicer, and they’ll want to play it, too. I know they will. Miranda said we couldn’t play it because she didn’t want to lose any pieces, but I’m a good sharer. I don’t mind.”
Pride swelled in Brianna’s chest. “The best sharer ever.” She wondered if Layla would ever be okay sharing her with Hugh.