Chapter Twenty-Six

BRIANNA COULD COUNT on one hand the number of times she knew she was making the absolute right decision in her life. The first was when she went away to college. The second was when she decided to study photography. She’d always felt as though she was looking at life through a filter, trying to rid what she saw of the blurry edges and bring it all into focus. The third time was when she found out she was pregnant and knew she was going to keep the baby. There had been a click in her brain that afternoon, probably much like the click Hugh spoke of a few minutes earlier. Each of those decisions had been the right ones, and they’d led her to a happy, productive life that had served her well, even if it was a bit closed in. Now she looked into the dark eyes of the man she was falling head over heels in love with. The man who was kind, generous to a fault, and the most honest man she could ever ask for. Brianna knew this fourth and most important decision in her life came with major consequences. She had Layla to think about after all. The words balanced on the edge of her tongue, and she closed her mouth to keep them in. What if she was wrong? What if he meant every beautiful word he said, but meaning them wasn’t enough? What if…No. She wouldn’t go down that road tonight. She’d asked him what it all meant, and he’d told her. She owed him the same honesty.

She placed her hand on the spot on his stomach that she’d come to believe was hers and hers alone. The spot just above the rivet of the right pocket of his jeans. The spot where her fingertips melded perfectly to his abs. The spot that always rewarded her with a widening and then, almost instantly, a darkening and narrowing of his eyes as he leaned forward and—Oh, yes—lowered his mouth to hers. Every kiss was like a renewal, a crazy tossing up and mixing together of the lust and love that bloomed within her, spilling over with each press of his lips. And he tasted so good! She wrapped her arms around him and he moved with her, pressing his chest to hers and dragging his hand—How I love those big, glorious hands—down her side the way he did, making her feel feminine and aroused in ways she never dreamed possible.

He slid his hand beneath her T-shirt, caressing her skin and sending a shock of greediness right through her. He kissed her neck as he whispered her name—“Bree…”

His voice slayed her as it had since the first night she’d met him. He came in like the wind, soft and alluring. He brushed softly against the walls she’d erected, and they fell away when she wasn’t looking, leaving her with only a few thin layers of protection around her heart. Hugh lifted those layers right off of her with every consideration, every loving kiss, every longing look, exposing her vulnerable heart—and now, she never wanted to find a windless spot again.

With one arm beneath her and one arm around her waist, Hugh shifted his body above Brianna’s. He felt so damn good—every hard inch of him. She tangled her hands in his hair and brought his mouth to hers again, disappearing into the heat that arched her hips to his and pulled hungry moans from deep within her lungs.

“I can’t get enough of you.” He kissed her cheek, her jaw, her neck, whispering naughty promises and he kissed his way down to her belly, then back up again.

Hearing him talk dirty drove her wild, and she met his mouth with a clash of tongue and teeth. She was so lost in his touch, his kiss, she wanted like she never had before. He slowed his efforts, and their kiss became tender. When their lips parted, Hugh brushed her hair from her face and glanced down the hall.

“As much as I want to take you into your bedroom and make sweet love to you, you haven’t told your little princess about us yet. I have a feeling that if she woke up and found a strange man in her mother’s bed, it might ruin her for life.”

Brianna traced the outline of Hugh’s biceps with her finger. “Don’t you mean her handsome prince?”

Hugh smiled down at her. “Well, there is that.” He scooped her into his arms. “So, mama bear, how does this work?”

“What do you mean?”

“Was there anything else you wanted to know about me before you talk to Layla?” The seriousness returned to his voice.

“I feel like you’ve bared your soul to me, and everything you’ve told me just draws me even closer to you. I’m just trying to figure things out, and I know we’ve only been seeing each other for a few days…”

“It feels like a lifetime.”

You have no idea. “For me too. I just worry that if we continue to get close and then you’re gone for weeks at a time, that’ll be really hard on Layla.” And me too. “I’m not trying to push our relationship forward. I just…as a mother, I have to think ahead. What I do affects Layla.”


She felt completely off balance. She wanted to crawl into his lap and stay there, safe and sound, but what if safe and sound really meant only a few weeks each year of safe and sound?

“Bree,” he said again.


Sitting beside him like this, his hands on her arms, his dark eyes telling her he’d never hurt her, made her worries fall away, but one glance down the hall to her daughter’s bedroom tripped her up again.

“There are plenty of guys who bring their families with them when they travel. They bring tutors for the kids. Some have a home base and they travel back and forth. If that’s where we’re headed, we’ll figure it out together and do what’s best for Layla.”

What’s best for Layla. His constant commitment to Layla’s well-being and the way his thoughts repeated Mack’s about how things might work out brought the word fate to the forefront of her mind.

He tucked a wayward lock of hair behind her ear, and she closed her eyes and just breathed for a minute. “Okay. Thank you.”

“Stop thanking me.” He put his arms around her again. “What are your plans for the week?”

She cringed. “Back to real life. I work from ten to ten Monday and ten to five on Wednesday. And I’m working with Claude Tuesday and Thursday morning from eight to one, and then I’m at the tavern from two until ten Tuesday and two to five Thursday because I have Layla’s birthday party late Thursday afternoon. Normally I’d be there until nine or ten. Then I’m back at the tavern again Friday from nine to five.”

Hugh arched a brow. “You’re working almost fifty hours Monday through Friday?”

“That sounds about right. They didn’t have any hours for me Saturday. So unless Claude comes through with something, I’ll have that day off, too, which right now would be a blessing.” She leaned against the couch, watching worry lines travel across his forehead.

“When do you have time with Layla during the week?”

She lowered her eyes. “I never have enough time with her, but we fit it in. We have breakfast together, and I’ll spend time with her in the evenings, just not much time.” Familiar guilt knotted in her stomach. “What are your plans for the week?”

“I’ve got a few things to take care of before I leave Friday morning. I was hoping to see you at some point, but you have so little time with Layla that I don’t want to interfere.”

“I don’t go into work until ten on Monday and Wednesday. We could see each other before work if it fits with your schedule.”

“I’ll make it work Monday, but Wednesday I have a meeting with a sponsor. Are you talking to Layla about us tomorrow?”

“I think so, but I can’t do it before school in case it upsets her. She’ll be exhausted Monday night, but that’s probably the best time. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

“If things go well, and if you feel it’s appropriate, can I take you and Layla out on a double date Wednesday evening?”

“She’d really like that, but don’t feel pressure to do it.” The idea of it sent a thrill through her.

He inched closer. “I’ll tell you what. You talk with her and let me know what you think. In the meantime, where do you want to meet tomorrow morning? Do you want to have breakfast together? Do you have any errands you need to run during that time? I can tag along. I don’t care what we do as long as I’m with you.”

There was no way she’d waste the little time they had together running errands. “Nope. I’m good.”

“Okay, then why don’t you come over after you take Layla to school and I’ll make you breakfast?”

“Sounds perfect.” She mentally ticked off each of her sexy undergarments.

Pink. Definitely pink.

Or maybe…none at all.