THE FLORIDA SUN beat down on the bleachers, sparkling in Layla’s eyes as she watched the cars speed around the track. They’d all had dinner together last night, but both Hugh and Layla had turned in early. Hugh, to be prepared for the race, and Layla from pure exhaustion. Hugh had come to see them in their hotel room earlier that morning before he left for the track. I’m going to win this one for you and Layla. Mark my words. As Brianna watched his car speed by, she knew he’d win the race. She believed in Hugh. She trusted his words, and she trusted his love for her and Layla. She looked around the crowded bleachers, excited and proud to hear people cheering for Hugh. Treat and Max shared an intimate kiss; then Max went back to watching the race, while Treat’s gaze remained on Max.
“How are you holding up? Uncomfortable at all?” her mother asked.
“No, actually. I realize that all that foolishness doesn’t matter. Hugh loves me. The fear of wanting to run was a momentary blip on my radar screen.” She put her arm around Layla. “Actually, that’s not true, Mom. It wasn’t that at all. I think it was Dad’s leaving coming back to haunt me, and you know what? That’s his issue, not mine. And definitely not Hugh’s or Layla’s.”
“Now, that’s the Brianna I know and love.” Her mother bumped her with her shoulder. “Your man is doing well in the race. He’ll probably win.”
He already won my heart. “He said he’d win, and when Hugh says something, he means it.” Hugh had told her that he’d change the way she thought about men, and while he might not have changed the way she thought about all men, he’d proven the kind of man he was, and that was all she needed to know.
“Somehow I think you’re right.” Jean nodded at Layla. “I think your little princess loves the races.”
“I think she loves Prince Hugh.” And I know I do.
Treat and Max rose to their feet. “The race is almost over, and Hugh asked that we meet him down by the track.”
“Sure.” She held Layla’s hand, and they followed Treat as he descended the noisy stands. “Is this safe?” Brianna asked as they neared the track.
“Hugh would never put you or Layla in danger.” Treat’s commanding presence was second to the confidence in his tone. He picked up Layla and carried her safely in his arms as Hugh crossed the finish line and the crowd roared. Layla covered her ears, and Brianna and Jean cheered.
“He’s going to be pumped!” Treat squeezed Layla. “Hugh won, Layla.”
“Yay!” she cheered.
“Congratulations!” Max said to Brianna.
“It’s all Hugh,” Brianna said. Her heart thundered in his chest. He won. Just like he said he would.
Max shifted her eyes to Treat. “I love to see him with Layla,” Max said.
“He looks like a natural. Do you plan on having children?” Brianna asked.
“Oh, yes. Definitely.” Max’s cheeks pinked with her smile.
“There’s no greater joy,” Jean added. She put her arm around Brianna.
“Thanks, Mom. I feel the same way about Layla.” She watched the cars pull into their pits.
“Come on, ladies; it’s time for the winner’s circle.” Treat picked up his pace.
Winner’s circle? Brianna’s nerves took flight. She’d thought they would remain on the sidelines.
The winner’s circle was inside the track and mobbed with media crews. Hugh finished his victory lap, then spun out across the grass.
When he stepped from the car, Brianna’s breath hitched. He was so handsome in his driving suit, and when he whipped off his helmet, his eyes immediately found hers. A rush of heat spread through her. Hugh blazed a path toward Brianna right through the mass of reporters, who spread like the Red Sea. Treat was behind him, carrying a sign.
“May I?” Hugh took the track announcer’s microphone and closed the gap between him and Brianna. He took off his glove and handed it to Max, then took Layla’s hand and guided her in front of Brianna.
Brianna put her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. Hugh’s smile reached his eyes, and his dimples—those glorious dimples—appeared deep and true. His chest rose and fell with each hard breath. His eyes held her captive, and his rich, smooth voice sent her stomach into some kind of anxious rumba. She felt the eyes of the fans upon them, making her heart race.
“I will get on with my thank-yous in just a moment. Please bear with me.” Hugh’s voice boomed through the loudspeakers.
Hugh placed his hand on Brianna’s, which held Layla’s shoulder. “I won that race for Brianna and Layla Heart.”
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Brianna couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t move. She squeezed Layla’s shoulder, and Hugh’s hand lovingly held hers as he dropped to one knee before them. One knee! Brianna felt her knees weaken and she shifted her gaze to her mother, who was wiping tears as quickly as they fell.
She drew her eyes back to Hugh, kneeling before her. Kneeling!
His eyes dampened, and Brianna’s throat swelled. “You’re the bravest, most loving woman I know, and when I think of my future, I see you and Layla. When I look into your eyes, I feel your love for me.”
Tears streamed down her cheeks. She had no idea how she remained standing, or if she was even still breathing, as the man she loved said everything she could ever dream of hearing.
“My life is full of challenges and competitions, and I know I can face anything with you by my side. You deserve a man who will love and cherish you and Layla. You deserve a man who will nourish your love and feed your spirit. Brianna, will you let me be that man? Will you marry me?”
She opened her mouth to speak, and nothing came out. Her jaw trembled. The world went silent, save for her thundering heart.
“Mommy! Say yes!” Layla whispered loudly.
The reporters laughed.
“Yes.” It was a whisper. “Yes.” Darn it! Where’s my voice?
Hugh rose to his feet with hope in his eyes. “Yes?”
She nodded, her legs somehow propelling her forward. “Yes!”
He dropped the microphone, swooped her off her feet, and spun her around. “I love you!”
He kissed her in front of the world, a long, passionate kiss that stole her ability to think—as all of his kisses did.
“I ordered your ring, but I won’t have it until next week. I’m so sorry, but I didn’t want to wait.”
“Ring?” Her mind was still in the clouds.
“Yes, an engagement ring.” He hugged her again. “You’ve made me the happiest man on earth.”
Treat held up the sign and showed it to the crowd. SHE SAID YES!
“Congratulations!” Her mother’s voice found her.
Brianna embraced her mother. “The sign?”
“I was a little overly confident,” Hugh said with a grin.
The reporters buzzed with the news. Brianna caught bits and pieces of the announcements. Her mind reeled.
“…have it folks…Hugh Braden is off the market!”
“Braden engaged…”
Her mind snapped to attention as Hugh picked up Layla and she put her little hands on his cheeks.
“I knew you were her prince! We will marry you, Prince Hugh! We will!” Layla pressed her pink lips to his cheek, then wrapped her arms around his neck.
Treat’s arms came around Brianna. “Welcome to our family,” he said. “He’s a good man, and now he’s a lucky man, too.”
“Thank you, Treat.” She swiped at the never-ending flow of tears.
“Another sister-in-law!” Max hugged Brianna. “I can’t wait to get to know you better. And you’ll love the rest of the girls, and of course the men, too, but you know what I mean.” Max sighed. “I never imagined I’d have so many sisters.”
Jean pulled Brianna into a hug before she could say another word. “This, I had no idea about.”
“He didn’t tell you?” Brianna asked.
“No, and I’m so happy for you, Bree.” Jean nodded at Layla, still in Hugh’s arms as he thanked his sponsors. “He’s right, Bree. You deserve a man who will adore you and treat you well, and it’s obvious that Hugh is that man.”
She watched Hugh walking toward her, his broad shoulders pushed back, his chest out, and the smile that had been on his lips since he took off his helmet lit up her heart. Love coursed through her, and when he finally stood before her, her hand was drawn to his stomach. Even through his thick suit, she felt his strength.
He arched a brow. “You know what that does to me.”
“I’m counting on it.” She licked her lips, because she also knew what that did to him.
He stepped closer. “I told you that I’m not a halfway guy.”
“I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
“What about your twelve-year plan?” He cupped his hands on her waist, and it sent a thrill right through her.
“I exchanged it for a lifetime plan.” She pressed her cheek to his and whispered, “And I didn’t even need a sidecar.”