Chapter 10
Ready to Rough It


Miss Toni tossed out a khaki-colored backpack in the middle of the studio floor. “Do you know what this is?” she asked.

“A bad example of how to accessorize?” Liberty joked.

“It’s a camping backpack. You’re all going camping tomorrow as soon as we get you suited up for it. I know it’s a Monday, but you all have the day off from school while your teachers have an inservice day.”

Bria raised her hand. “Camping? You mean like sleeping in the woods, where there are bugs and snakes and wild animals?”

“And Bigfoot!” Gracie chimed in.

“Then you’ll all just have to stick together to survive, won’t you?” their coach replied. “I’ve spoken with all your parents and they approve—although, Bria, your mother insists you study for your science test. I told her I’d make sure you bring a flashlight with extra batteries.”

“Great,” Bria groaned. “Can hardly wait.”

“I don’t actually own any camping stuff,” Rochelle spoke up. “I don’t do camping.”

“Well, you do now. I gave your mothers a list and sent them off shopping. You’ll need canteens, hiking boots, sleeping bags …” She handed Scarlett a map. “You’re in charge of navigating.”

Scarlett read the name on the map. “Black Boulder Forest? Is that place dangerous?”

“Only if you don’t work as a team,” Toni said. “We leave bright and early tomorrow morning. You’ll have to hike on a trail, set up your campsite, build a fire, and rustle up some grub. All before the sun sets.”

“Grub?” Liberty groaned. “What kind of grub? Can’t I call my mom and have it catered?”

“No catering, no moms, no assistance whatsoever,” Toni dictated. “This is exactly what you girls need.”

“To starve to death or be killed by grizzly bears?” Liberty shrieked.

“No, a wake-up call. A dose of reality. You’ll be hiking several miles to the site. A park ranger and I will follow close behind, but there’ll be no help unless it’s an emergency.”

Rochelle laughed. “Liberty breaking a nail is an emergency.”

Bria looked nervous. She’d never “roughed it” before. “What if we don’t want to go?” she asked.

“Then you certainly don’t have to. I won’t force you,” Toni said. “You can just hand in your Dance Divas jacket and find another studio to dance at.”

She turned and walked out the door, leaving the girls behind to discuss her proposition.

“So we have no choice,” Anya said. “We have to go on Toni’s camping trip or get kicked off the team.”

Scarlett flipped through the forest guide. It looked huge, with lots of hills, trails, and lakes. “Maybe it will be fun,” she suggested. “A Divas’ adventure.”

“Did you see The Hunger Games?” Liberty asked her.

“If we have to go, then we should try and make the best of it,” Scarlett insisted. “It’s only one night. We’re tough. We can do it.”

She raised her hand in the air for a Divas’ cheer: “Divas rock, divas roll! Divas are always in control!” None of the others joined in—except for Bria, who had her own lyric to add:

“Divas alone in the woods? None of this sounds very good!”