

Captain John P. Adams, VF-42, -3

Rear Admiral Murr Arnold (Yorktown)

Commander John B. Bain, VF-2, -42, -3

Captain Arthur J. Brassfield, VF-42, -3

Captain H. S. Brown, VF-5

Rear Admiral William O. Burch, VS-5

Henry A. Carey, Jr., VF-8

Commander Tom F. Cheek, Jr., VF-2, -6, -3

Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd F. Childers, USMC, VT-3

Kenneth Crawford (New Orleans)

Captain James G. Daniels III, VF-6

L. A. DeSalvo, VB-2

Rear Admiral Robert E. Dixon, VS-2

Vice Admiral H. S. Duckworth (Lexington)

Captain Willard E. Eder, VF-3, -2

Commander Wilhelm G. Esders, VT-3

Captain Gordon E. Firebaugh, VF-2

Rear Admiral Phillip H. Fitzgerald (New Orleans)

Rear Admiral Warren W. Ford, VF-8

Captain David B. Freeman, Jr., VF-8

Captain Lawrence C. French, VF-8

Admiral Noel A. M. Gayler, VF-3, -2

Captain James S. Gray, Jr., VF-6

Captain Walter A. Haas, VF-42, -3

Commander Richard Z. Hughes, VF-8

Vice Admiral Andrew McB. Jackson (Bureau of Aeronautics)

Commander John H. Jorgenson, VS-5

Rear Admiral Edwin T. Layton (CinCPac Staff)

Rear Admiral William N. Leonard, VF-42, -3

Captain Brainard T. Macomber, VF-42, -3

Commander George F. Markham, Jr., VF-2, -42, -3

Lieutenant Commander E. Duran Mattson, VF-42, -3

Captain E. Scott McCuskey, VF-42, -3

John E. McInerny, Jr., VF-8

Rear Admiral Roger W. Mehle,. VF-6

Edward R. Mendoza, VF-42

Captain Robert J. Morgan, VF-3, -2

Okajima Kiyokuma, Zuikaku Fighter Unit

Commander Howard S. Packard, VF-2, -6

Rear Admiral Oscar Pederson, VF-42

Vice Admiral Paul H. Ramsey, VF-2

Captain Wilmer E. Rawie, VF-6

Captain Stanley E. Ruehlow, VF-8

Vice Admiral Walter G. Schindler (Task Force 17 Staff)

Commander Daniel C. Sheedy, VF-3

Captain Burt Stanley, VF-3

Commander Carlton B. Starkes, VF-8

Captain Stockton Birney Strong, VS-5

William F. Surgi, Jr., VF-42

John F. Sutherland, VF-8

Captain Humphrey L. Tallman, VF-8

Admiral John S. Thach,. VF-3

Rear Admiral Albert O. Vorse, Jr., VF-3, -2

Lieutenant William H. Warden, VF-2, -6

Captain William S. Woollen, VF-42, -3

Allen R. Wright, Royal Air Force


The two principal repositories of documents utilized in this work are the Operational Archives Branch, Naval Historical Center and the National Archives and Records Service.

The Operational Archives Branch contains the action reports, war diaries, message files, interviews, operations orders, tactical publications, and biographical files. They are superbly organized and readily accessible. Below is given a list of the major action reports and other documents consulted.

a) Action Reports

CTF-8 (VADM William F. Halsey) to CinCPac, “Operations of Task Force Eight on 7 December 1941” (18 Dec. 1941) (encl., reports of Enterprise, CEAG, VB-6, VF-6, VS-6).

CTF-11 (VADM Wilson Brown) to CinCPac, “Operations of Task Force Eleven, Dec. 14–27, 1941” (26 Dec. 1941).

CTF-14 (RADM Frank Jack Fletcher) to CinCPac, “Report of Operations 16 Dec.–29 Dec. 1941” (28 Dec. 1941).

CO USS Lexington to CTF-11, “Attack upon enemy submarine by Lexington planes January 10, 1942” (15 Jan. 1942).

CTF-8 (VADM Halsey) to CinCPac, “Action in the Marshall Islands, 1 February 1942” (9 Feb. 1942) (encl. reports of Enterprise, CEAG, VB-6, VF-6, VS-6, VT-6).

CTF-17 (RADM Fletcher) to CinCPac, “Report of Engagement January 31, 1942” (9 Feb. 1942) (encl. report of Yorktown)

CTF-11 (VADM Brown) to CinCPac, “Cruise of Task Force Eleven from Jan. 31 to Mar. 26, 1942” (26 Mar. 1942).

CTF-11 (VADM Brown) to CinCPac, “Report of Action of Task Force Eleven with Japanese Aircraft on Feb. 20, 1942” (24 Feb. 1942) (encl., reports of Lexington, VB-2, TG 11.4, Patterson).

CO USS Enterprise to CinCPac, “Report of Action on February 24, 1942 (Zone Minus Twelve) against Wake Island” (8 Mar. 1942) (encl., reports of CEAG, VB-6, VF-6, VS-6, VT-6).

CO USS Enterprise to CinCPac, “Report of Action on March 4, 1942 (Zone Minus Twelve) against Marcus Island” (9 Mar. 1942) (encl., reports of CEAG, VB-6, VF-6, VS-6).

CTF-11 (VADM Brown) to CominCh, “Report of Attack on Enemy Forces in Salamaua–Lae area, Mar. 10, 1942” (25 Mar. 1942) (encl., reports of CTG 11.5 (Lexington) and Yorktown).

CO USS Enterprise to CTF-16 (VADM Halsey), “Report of Action in Connection with the Bombing of Tokyo on April 18, 1942” (23 Apr. 1942).

ComCruPac (RADM Fletcher) to CinCPac, “Operations of Task Force 17 in the Coral Sea Area, March 16 to April 20, 1942. Statement to Clarify Erroneous Impressions gained at CINCPAC Headquarters” (23 June 1942).

CTF-17 (RADM Fletcher) to CinCPac, “The Battle of the Coral Sea May 4–8, 1942” (27 May 1942).

CTG 17.5 (RADM Aubrey W. Fitch) to CTF-17, “Action Report—Coral Sea—May 7–8, 1942).”

CO USS Lexington to CinCPac, “Report of Action—The Battle of the Coral Sea, 7 and 8 May 1942” (15 May 1942).

Also for the Lexington: reports of Executive Officer, Air Officer-Air Operations Officer, Fighter Director, Navigator, Engineering Officer, Gunnery Officer, VB-2, VF-2, VS-2, VT-2; and Preliminary Loss Report (15 June 1942).

CO USS Yorktown to CinCPac, “Attack made by Yorktown Air Group on Enemy Forces in the Tulagi and Gavutu Harbors” (11 May 1942).

CO USS Yorktown to CinCPac, “Air Operations of Yorktown Air Group against Japanese Forces in the vicinity of the Louisiade Archipelago on May 7, 1942” (16 May 1942).

CO USS Yorktown to CinCPac, “Report of Action of Yorktown and Yorktown Air Group on May 8, 1942” (25 May 1942).

CYAG to CO USS Yorktown, “Air Operations of Yorktown Air Group against Japanese Forces in the vicinity of the Louisiade Archipelago on May 8, 1942.”

CO USS Yorktown to CominCh, “U.S. Aircraft, Action with the Enemy, Report of, 2–8 May 1942” (26 May 1942).

Bureau of Ships, Navy Dept., “U.S.S. Yorktown (CV-5) Bomb Damage Coral Sea 8 May 1942, War Damage Report No. 23” (28 Nov. 1942).

Cdr. W. G. Schindler, Memorandum to CinCPac, “Notes on the Coral Sea Action May 4–8, 1942” (22 May 1942).

CTG 17.2 (RADM Thomas C. Kinkaid) to ComCruPac, “Engagement with Japanese Force 7–8 May, 1942, in Coral Sea” (28 May 1942) (encl., reports of the Minneapolis and New Orleans).

CTU 17.2.2 (RADM W. W. Smith) to CinCPac, “Action Report” (17 May 1942) (encl., reports of the Astoria, Portland, and Chester).

CTU 17.2.4 (Capt. A. R. Early) to CominCh, “Engagement with Japanese Forces 7–8 May 1942” (22 May 1942) (encl., reports of the Phelps, Dewey, and Aylwin). (ComDesRon One report).

CO USS Hammann to CinCPac, “Report of Action May 4, 1942 near Tulagi, Solomon, Island,” with “Enclosure A: Report of Rescue of Yorktown Aviators from Guadalcanal Island” (11 May 1942).

CTU 17.5.4 (Capt. G. C. Hoover) to CominCh, “Action Report of May 7, 1942,” “Action Report in the Coral Sea, 8 May 1942” (18 May 1942) (encl., reports of the Morris, Hammann, Anderson, and Russell).

CO Allied Naval Forces, Southwest Pacific Area to CominCh, “Task Force Forty-four Attack by Torpedo Bombers and High Level Bomber Aircraft 7 May 1942” (26 May 1942) (Report of TG 17.3, RADM J. G. Crace, RN).

CO USS Neosho to CinCPac, “Engagement of U.S.S. Neosho with Japanese Aircraft on May 7, 1942, Subsequent Loss of U.S.S. Neosho, Search for Survivors” (25 May 1942).

ComDesPac to SecNav, “Sinking of the U.S.S. Sims (DD-409) by Japanese Bombers in the Coral Sea on May 7, 1942” (8 July 1942).

CinCPac to CominCh, “Battle of Midway” (28 June 1942).

ComCruPac to CinCPac, “Action Report, Battle of Midway” (14 June 1942).

CO USS Yorktown to CinCPac, “Report of Action for June 4, 1942 and June 6, 1942” (18 June 1942) (encl., Executive Officer’s Report, War Damage Report).

ComCruTF-17 (RADM W. W. Smith), “Report of Action 4 June 1942” (12 June 1942) (encl., reports of the Astoria and the Portland).

CTG 17.4 to CominCh (Capt. A. R. Early) to CominCh, “Report of Action June 4, 1942) (4 June 1942) (encl., reports of DesDiv Four, the Morris, Russell, Anderson, and Hughes)

CO USS Hughes to CinCPac, “Operations in connection with the U.S.S. Yorktown from time of abandonment until sinking” (11 June 1942).

CO USS Hammann to CinCPac, “Action Report 4–6 June 1942” (16 June 1942).

CTF-16 (RADM R. A. Spruance) to CinCPac, “Battle of Midway” (16 June 1942).

Personal Ltr. RADM Raymond A. Spruance to ADM Chester W. Nimitz (8 June 1942).

CO USS Hornet to CinCPac, “Report of Action” (13 June 1942) (encl. include “VF-3 Partial Bag”).

CO USS Enterprise to CinCPac, “Battle of Midway Island, June 4–6,1942, Report of” (8 June 1942); “Air Battle of the Pacific, June 4–6, 1942, Report of” (13 June 1942) (plus reports for VB-6, VF-6, VS-6, VT-6 (Lieut. (jg) R. E. Laub); VF-3, VB-3, VS-5).

ComCruTF-16 (RADM Thomas C. Kinkaid) to CTF-16, “Report of Action June 4, 1942” (11 June 1942) (encl., reports of the Pensacola and the Vincennes).

CTG 17.4 (Capt. A. R. Early) to CTF-17, “Japanese Torpedo Plane Attack on U.S.S. Yorktown during Battle of Midway, June 4, 1942, Report of” (12 June 1942) (encl., reports of the Balch and the Benham).

CO NAS Midway to CinCPac, “Battle of Midway, 30 May–7 June 1942” (18 June 1942).

CinCPac to CominCh, “Personal Account of Attacks on Japanese Carriers June 4, 1942” (11 June 1942) (forwards Cdr. R. A. Ofstie Memorandum on interview with Ens. George H. Gay, USNR, VT-8, 7 June 1942).

WDC 160985 “Battle Report of Battle of Midway” (includes Battle Reports of the Akagi, Kaga, Sōryū, and Hiryū).

b) War Diaries

War Plans Division, CinCPac Fleet Staff, “CINCPAC Greybook,” Volume I (7 Dec. 1941–31 Aug. 1942).

Commander, Aircraft, Battle Force (later Commander, Carriers, Pacific Fleet) (VADM W. F. Halsey) (Task Forces 8 and 16) (Nov. 1941–June 1942).

Commander, Scouting Force (VADM Wilson Brown) (Task Force 11) (Dec. 1941–Mar. 1942).

Commander, Cruisers, Battle Force (RADM H. F. Leary) (Task Force 14) (Dec. 1941–Jan. 1942).

Commander, Cruisers, Scouting Force (RADM J. H. Newton to 31 Dec. 1941; RADM Frank Jack Fletcher) (Task Force 12; Task Force 17).

Commander, Cruisers, Pacific Fleet (RADM Fletcher) (Task Force 17) (April 1942).

Commander, Carrier Division One (Rear Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch) (Task Group 14.1; Task Force 11) (Dec. 1941; Apr.–June 1942).

Commander, Cruisers, Task Force 17 (RADM W. W. Smith) (Mar.–June, 1942).

Ships: Lexington, Saratoga, Enterprise, Hornet, Chester, Aylwin, Ellet, Conyngham, Maury, Monaghan, Patterson, Barnett, and Fulton.

Naval Air Station Pearl Harbor

Squadrons: VB-8 (May–June 1942); VF-2 (Dec. 1941–Mar. 1942); and VF-8 (Mar.–May 1942).

c) Interviews and Narratives

Bureau of Aeronautics Interviews: Lt. Cdr. Clarence C. Ray (15 July 1942), Lt. Cdr. William O. Burch (3 Sept. 1942), Lt. Cdr. John S. Thach (26 Aug. 1942), and Lieut. Noel A. M. Gayler (17 June 1942).

U.S. Army Air Forces Interview: Lt. Cdr. Edward J. O’Neill (29 June 1942).

Narratives: Cdr. E. B. Mott (22 Mar. 1944), Lieut. Robin M. Lindsey (17 Sept. 1943), and Lieut. George H. Gay (12 Oct. 1943).

At the National Archives are the administrative files of the U.S. Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics (Record Group 72) and U.S. Fleet, Records of Naval Operating Forces (Record Group 313). In the second record group are the files of the Commander, Aircraft, Battle Force (later Commander, Carriers, Pacific Fleet) for the period 1941–42. Filed by year, they are organized according to the Navy Filing Manual. They are cumbersome to examine, but contain very useful documents. Record Group 24 (Bureau of Naval Personnel) contains ship logs and muster rolls.

d) Deck Logs (RG 24)

Lexington, Saratoga, Yorktown, Enterprise, and Hornet.


Barde, Robert E., The Battle of Midway: A Study in Command. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Maryland, 1971.

Donelon, Midshipman John O., “Edward Henry O’Hare.” Research Paper, U.S. Naval Academy, 1963.

Gray, Capt. James S., Jr., “Decision at Midway” (1963).

U.S. Army, Headquarters Far East Command, Military History Section, Japanese Research Division. Japanese Monographs, particularly:

No. 113. “Task Force Operations (November 1941–April 1942).”

No. 118. “Operational History of Naval Communications (December 1941–August 1945).”

No. 120. “Outline of Southeast Area Naval Air Operations, Part I (December 1941–August 1942).”

U.S. Army Air Forces, Historical Division. The AAF in Australia to the Summer of 1942. Historical Study No. 9.

U.S. Naval Administration in World War II:

DCNO (Air) Essays in the History of Naval Air Operations, Carrier Warfare, Part III,

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“Aviation Training, 1911–1939.”

“Aviation Personnel, 1911–1939.”

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U.S. Naval War College. The Battle of the Coral Sea May 1 to May 11 Inclusive, 1942. Strategical and Tactical Analysis (NavPers 91050), Newport, 1947.

——. Battle of Midway, including the Aleutian Phase June 3 to June 14, 1942. Strategical and Tactical Analysis, Newport, 1948.

U.S. Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics. Naval Aircraft Record of Acceptances 1935–1946. (NavAer 15838).

U.S. Navy, Chief of Naval Operations, Aerology Section. “The Battle of the Coral Sea” (Apr. 1944).

——, Fighter Director School, Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor. “Battle of Midway Island” (3 Apr. 1943).

——, Office of Naval Intelligence. Combat Narratives.

“Early Raids in the Pacific, February 1 to March 10, 1942” (1943).

“The Battle of the Coral Sea” (1943).

“Battle of Midway June 3–6, 1942” (1943).

“The War Record of Fighting Six, December 7, 1941 to June 21, 1942,” presented by Cdr. James S. Gray, Jr. to United States Naval Academy.

Personal diaries

Lieut. (jg) James G. Daniels III, Nov. 1941–Feb. 1942, furnished by Capt. J. G. Daniels, USN (Ret.).

Iwamoto Tetsuzō, Lieut. (jg), IJN, Entries for 7–8 May 1942 (translated), kindly furnished by Col. Raymond T. Toliver, USAF (Ret.).

Lt. Cdr. Donald A. Lovelace, 7 Dec. 1941–2 Apr. 1942, furnished by Cdr. Donald A. Lovelace II.

Lieut. (jg) Wilmer E. Rawie, 28 Nov. 1941–6 June 1942, furnished by Capt. W. E. Rawie, Ret.

Lieut. (jg) O. B. Stanley, Dec. 1941–Mar. 1942, furnished by Capt. O. B. Stanley, Ret.


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