I don’t like the music that they play when a really fat person comes on the TV. It’s always trombone music or something like that. Sometimes they will slow the picture right down so that all the fat really jiggles. I think it is cruel and demeaning. In my family we don’t really watch those programmes anyway. We are encouraged to watch things about learning like maths or science. I don’t think there will be a maths channel any time soon, but if there was, I would definitely watch it.

Also, in my family everyone is encouraged to be thin and healthy. We are not allowed things like Coca Cola or Frosties. I once had a bit of McDonald’s in a car park and I told my mum and she was upset later. I like the history programmes too. I like it when they will show a baby in his cot and you can’t begin to imagine what this baby has to do with anything – but then the man’s voice on the programme will say “this baby grew up to become…Oliver Cromwell!” And then there is an actor dressed as Oliver Cromwell but he has now grown up to be a man and you’re like ‘oh ok, this is a programme about Oliver Cromwell. Cool’.

What is a bonkette?

I asked my mother if we could get a rabbit. She said perhaps. I said but when will you decide for sure? She told me off for nagging her and said that she would make her decision in due course. What does that mean I said? May I have a date please? She said very well – will let you know by Shakespeare’s birthday. I had to go away and look it up. The 23rd of April. That’s in two weeks’ time! Cool!

In my family we play games like that so that you can learn and actually know a bit more than before you asked the question. I heard one of the other mums saying that she couldn’t shift her bonkette and I didn’t know what any of it meant.

Why did the pigs cross the road? Because it’s up to them.

I quite like cooking programmes, but there are far too many thank you. They never seem to wear aprons either and yet they are always clean. I just don’t think this is realistic! Plus they are always obsessed with herbs.

I’ve wanted a rabbit for ages ever since Watership Down, not the film, the book. It’s obviously very sad and I don›t want to spoil it for you but one of the rabbits dies. But what people forget is that actually reading a passage in a book can be more haunting than seeing a cartoon of it.

I’ve had something rattling around in my shoe all day. It feels like a 1p. Would you excuse me – I’m going to go and investigate…