She clearly remembers everything very clearly but is pretending otherwise.

I want to talk to you about what happened last night.


What did happen? I genuinely can’t remember a thing. I drank too much for my weight, age and height clearly because I remember very little. What did happen? I mean, I remember that we were at Ruby’s Bar. I remember that obviously. But you weren’t there then were you, no, that’s right, you came later. Yeah, that’s right. And we were all sat in a booth for a bit weren’t we?

And then there was the dancing wasn’t there? I remember that. Ha! I thought my back was hurting this morning. I was probably doing that wiggly thing with my hips again wasn’t I? Yeah. Someone told me it was really seductive once, I think that’s why I still do it. I don’t really remember much after that though…

Oh and then we went to that bagel place, do you remember that? Oh yeah, that’s right, because we ate ours in the gutter didn’t we, just the two of us and then you were saying something about something to do with – it’s hazy – but something to do with your fiancé and how you were having – guess the word would be ‘doubts’ about your wedding next week. Good luck with the wedding, by the way. Oh God, I feel awful. I must look awful. I get a really puffy face the next day when I’ve been drinking…

God, yeah and then the rest is just blank and I don’t know. I’ve got this vague feeling that I may have said some stuff to you about having feelings, just stuff about feelings, having feelings for you. Yeah, anyway, look, you know – I don’t remember any of this as I said…um… I think you may have responded? I can’t be sure…flashback of you punching me on the arm and saying I was a great girl. It’s all very sketchy. But really I just wanted to just try and piece it all together, so thank you, it’s been really useful talking to you. I think I may have touched you inappropriately…um sorry if that happened. Ok, good.

Good. Looking forward to the wedding as well by the way. Good.