If I truly, truly loved myself then I would go to the Antarctic. That’s what I saw. During the bit where we had our eyes closed and you asked us to imagine what life would look like if we truly lived every moment, as if we were good enough right now, and then you said ‘where would you live if we truly accepted ourselves right now’ and that’s where I was – sharing the air with a penguin. I never realized there were worlds within words before… I don’t mind the cold…perhaps it’s a calling. I’d survive I think – I know a bit of Morse code.

I saw other things too. If I truly loved myself then I wouldn’t be wearing this. God no. No! I’d be one of those girls that only shops in vintage places and charity shops, and I’d get notifications from eBay about jumpers. My look, in summary – would be French student from about 1995. People would say, “Did you see that really cool girl at the party last night?” “Yeah, you mean the one who looked like a French student from 1995 or something?” “Yeah, she knows something we don’t about how to live, love and shop and I wanna be her, or be near her”. I’d have quite a lot of impact.

If I truly loved myself, then I would eat better, exercise, sleep better, work less, say no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes and I’d live in the Antarctic? That’s what my subconscious seems to be telling me… I dunno, I think I’d miss taxis. Did you know that the word ‘taxi’ is like the same everywhere in every country or something…like…that? Closely followed by ‘coke’ and ‘OK’. Sounds like a pretty good holiday to me. What’s the international sign for thumbs up? I mean… is thumbs up an international thing?

Dash – dot – dash. Dot-dash. Dash. Dash – dot – dash – dash.

That’s my name in Morse code. I don’t know if it will be useful to me once I’m there: it’s only really works if the person you are communicating with also knows Morse code or they will just look at you the way you’re looking at me now. It’s a dying form of communication…like Welsh. What do they speak in the Antarctic…Innuit? All those words for snow. No thank you but at least I’d know the word for taxi…it would be taxi. I don’t know what happens if you want a taxi in the middle of the Antarctic, I guess a sledge and some huskies would come round the corner.

If I truly loved myself I would probably be taller, because I would walk around with my head up to the sun like a little bud. If I truly loved myself then I probably wouldn’t have come on this course, no offence but I wouldn’t have needed to, would I?