The next day, I don’t think about what a sadist I am for loving every heated second of last night and this morning. I’ll worry about Monday on Monday. In the meantime, Chase and I do my favorite activity…activities. We stay in bed all Saturday morning being lazy, moving only when necessary for sex, food, and the occasional bathroom break. I’m like a kid on Christmas Day.
Speaking of, since it’s less than two weeks until Christmas—one week until the holiday party—the movie marathons are in full force. We both prefer classic American comedy horror films that masquerade as holiday movies, like Gremlins, as opposed to the sappy ones where the people need to save the—fill in the blank—business, church, theatre, ski lodge. But, somehow, I feel more merry watching them with an amazing man who happens to know where to put his jingle bells.
And his southern mistletoe kisses.
“What are you thinking about?” Chase asks as he tugs on a pair of jeans.
I’m sitting on the foot of the bed grinning ear to ear because I’ve finally submitted my presentation to Spencer. Other than staring lasciviously at Chase Campbell, now known as sex god, showering and brushing my teeth with a toothbrush from one of his Costco bulk packs, I can’t do much else. There are no cute Secret Santa outfits for me in his closet, so I’m watching The Holiday, living vicariously through Cameron Diaz, and watching her one-night stand with Jude Law turn complicated.
I’m right here with you, girl.
“Now I’m finally getting into the Christmas spirit,” I say.
On the television, the ad for Bianca’s Snowball Jam flashes across the screen with bold red and white themed script.
“Yeah?” Chase’s voice is gruff and throaty like he’s spent the night, and the better part of the day, filling up my frequent shopper sex card. “May I ask what sparked this new appreciation for all things merry?”
I peek over my shoulder at him and bite my lower lip because shirtless Chase may be a new world wonder. We do not have time for another round. “Oh, you know, just some office tryst with a hot coworker…”
“So, you think I’m hot?” He flashes me that cocky half grin that did it for me in the first place. My pulse races and already the dull ache between my thighs escalates to full throb. He must see the heat in my eyes or hear my playful growl because he stops mid-zip on his pants. “You’re sure we have to go to this thing? If you ask me, Secret Santa parties are overrated. You buy a nice gift and inevitably come home with someone’s perverted idea of a gag gift that you have to keep another year to regift.”
“All this sensible, practical talk.” I wave my hands playfully. “It’s a turn-on, so just stop, or we’re never going to get out of here.”
I flop back on the bed.
Chase, I’m quickly learning, is never one to back away from a challenge.
“Buying toothbrushes in bulk saved me almost ten dollars.” He shrugs and climbs onto the bed, softly brushing his lips over mine. “I also subscribe to Consumer Reports to get the best deals on appliances, vehicles, and other large purchases. Should I start talking about interest rates?”
We’re definitely going to be late.
One more round of sex and two hours later, after stopping by my house for me to change and then at a convenience store for two holiday boxed wine sets, we’re finally at Darrell’s. The instant the door opens, Chase and I are whisked inside where it’s jam packed and stadium-volume loud. We’re stripped of our coats and immediately given a peppermint flambe shot to get us “into the spirit” as Darrell says.
Then we’re turned loose into a throng of our coworkers in ugly sweaters—missed the memo on that one. I scan the crowd, but I don’t see Nina yet. Thankfully, I haven’t spotted Jessica, either. The tension in my shoulders eases slightly.
Chase leaves me for a few seconds to take our wine boxes to the gift table then he comes directly back to my side like I’m his protector. He twines our fingers and dips his chin toward my ear. “Don’t leave me.”
I chuckle, following his line of vision. “Are you afraid Evelyn and Renee are going to corner you under the mistletoe?”
Just as I say their names, my two least favorite marketing girls glare over at us.
“Ooh, we are pissing them off big time,” I say, glancing around the room, unwilling to give them the satisfaction of a reaction. I’ll bet it really burns them up that I have the audacity to be with Chase Campbell. What could he see in a girl with faux locs and all these silicone-free curves?
Suck it, ladies.
Chase squeezes my hand. “I have a few ideas how we can really make them jealous…”
I peek up at him and giggle. “Try to contain yourself for a few hour—”
He cuts me off with a kiss. His lips crash down on mine, hungry and ravenous as he dips his tongue between my lips. “Fuck, that dress,” he groans into the kiss as he tugs me flush to his body, his hands groping dangerously close to my ass.
In this short dress, that’s a no-no.
I’m breathless when we pull apart. As much as just being near Chase electrifies my body, we are among people we have to see every day at work who also like to run with the slightest inkling of gossip.
“Bro,” Craig bellows loud enough to drown out “Jingle Bell Rock.” “Relax. We’re going to get the gift exchange going here in a bit. Why don’t you come help us out with these beers?” Asshole. As if he’s crisis management, he turns his patronizing tone and douchey face to me with his palms pressing the air. “Riley, are you going to be good if he leaves you for a few? I know it’s hard. My boy is a fucking stud.”
A collective laugh rumbles over the immediate area. I have to fight back the urge to roll my eyes at him with his stupid red and green drunken llama sweater. “I think I’ll manage,” I say, flashing him a tight smile.
Of course, Nina materializes out of nowhere. “Girl,” she says dramatically, ushering me off to the kitchen where she helps us to a couple of rosé coolers. “You guys hooked up, didn’t you?”
“We…” My first inclination is to lie and save myself the heartache and embarrassment. It’ll make the fallout smoother when—if— Chase and I put an end to this real fake relationship. Then Nina dips her chin to her chest and gives me the don’t even think about lying to me look, and I know I’m going to tell her sooner or later, so it seems pointless to delay.
If Keira had come to me with this story acting like a lovesick puppy, I would tell her it was lust and nothing close to love before I’d proceed to tease her. And now here I am…
I nip the tip of my finger to stifle the grin tugging at the corners of my mouth. Then I nod.
Nina all but screams as she bounces on her toes. “Dammit! I knew it. Was it any good?”
I’m just about to come up with some lame story about how it was “just sex” when movement out of the corner of my eye snags my attention. Darrell and Craig both fall to the floor trying to do some dumb alcohol-fueled trust game—which I could care less about. Everyone around them fumbles to get them up in a loud blur of movements.
Except for Chase.
He’s leaning against the wall like a still-frame of masculine beauty with the etched lines of his broad shoulders, his easy posture, and his classic rebellious preppy charm. Every touch, stare, and sound we made together comes flooding back, and I’m homesick even though we’re only feet apart. We’ve only sampled what it would be like to be together, and already I crave him…ache for him.
The look in his eyes when they meet mine is very inviting.
“Holy orgasm, my panties are wet just looking at you look at him,” Nina says, biting her fist with a moan.
I’m so screwed.
I have to catch myself, but for a split second, I’m not thinking about Monday or how many ways this—whatever this is between Chase and me—can go so wrong. Instead, I’m in quicksand, sinking into the shamelessly optimistic and foolish idea that all we need is one solution—just one, and we can somehow spin reality. Maybe we can turn this sham into something safe and real, and maybe my little white lie to Spencer won’t have been a lie at all.
When he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and flashes me that sexy lopsided grin, it’s not a stretch for me to think that somehow, some way, if we’re together, we’ve got this.

My gaze is fixed on Riley as she walks slowly toward the back of the house then pauses to flash me an expression, I hope to God I’m not misreading.
“I’m going to take a leak.” I fumble trying to set my bottle on the coffee table. Cock-blocking Craig curls his upper lip at me, his shoulders up to his ears like fuck if I care.
This dude is the worst.
I don’t know where she went, but I’m stumbling down a hallway peeking in closed doors and feeling like I’m a teenager who’s about to get lucky when I see the door to the backyard is open. It’s dark and quiet, but there’s a faint glow from an exterior light.
As soon as I step foot outside, Riley grabs me by my shirt, shuts the door behind me, and wraps her hands around my neck.
“I need you,” she says, breathless.
Instantly, my dick throbs. It’s one thing to kiss, but to go at it right here out in the open when anyone could walk out? “Here?”
Riley doesn’t speak. Slowly, she releases her hands from my neck and starts unbuckling my pants. As she dips her warm hand under the waistband, my knees weaken. There’s no way I’m going to say no. She wraps her hand around my girth, stroking until I’m fully erect.
“So, I don’t have a condom...”
“I’m on the pill,” she replies.
I groan at the feel of her stroking me. “Okay, if you’re sure. My tests are good.”
“Mine, too.”
She lifts the hem of her dress and I’m trying not to come before we even get started. “You’re sure about this because we can leave right now. I have your gift in my pocket.”
Her eyes snap to mine, but again, she doesn’t say anything. Her lips are on my neck, and if I get any harder, I’m going to break.
“I don’t need gifts. All I want is you,” she says, and that’s it.
I lift her up against the side of the house and center myself before thrusting my hips. It may be the fact that we’re outside in the cool air, or that anyone could catch us, or even just the feel of her without any barriers between our skin, but I’m wrecked. I’m ruined for anyone else.
It’s not just our bodies, I’m consumed by Riley—light-headed and lost in the fit of us. I’m in tune with our breaths and our heartbeats. With every thrust, I’m deeper but never deep enough. The way she’s holding on so tight, it’s got to be the same way for her. I know I won’t be able to let go.
And I know.
We haven’t argued or been through any real skin-thickening times together. We’ve really only scratched the surface, but I’m certain like I know my own heartbeat, Riley is it for me.
Her breaths are fast and shallow, and it’s probably not fair to say this while I’m still inside her, but my emotions are too urgent not to.
“I’m falling for you Riley.”
She squeezes me, her fingers twisting in the fabric of my shirt as she kisses me with a relentless hunger. She’s tasting me, moaning the whispers of her heart. Traces of light glint off her beautiful tear-stained cheeks.
“I’m scared, too, but I want this,” I say. “With you.”
Only the rhythm of our breaths echo in the air as I thrust deeper, faster, memorizing how good we are together and the feel of our emotions in motion. The friction builds kindling, smoking out our fire until her orgasm courses through her. She’s spent and beautiful and mine. I keep stroking, every muscle in my body hardening until I come.
After a few minutes, I gently set Riley on her feet, but I don’t erase the distance between us once we’ve straightened our clothes. I run the pad of my thumb over her swollen lips and replace it with mine.
At the sharp rap of applause, we both jolt. From the shadows on the other side of the yard, Jessica Faulkner’s silhouette bleeds into the light. She plucks a cigarette from her lips, drops it, and twists the tip of her pink heel on the butt. “That was some performance,” she says. “Phew, that was hot! Like new love but four years later.”
“Fuck you, Jessica,” I snap.
“No. Riley’s got that territory covered.” She flashes us a wide grin. “You’ll have to tell me and my husband your secret. We weren’t even a year in before we stopped going at it like rabbits. Guess if I was a ‘diamond in the rough’ we’d have a baby by now, and I wouldn’t be eating and sleeping my work.” She shrugs.
Riley shifts into the light and the sympathy in her eyes is almost palpable. “Jessica—”
“Don’t. I don’t need your pity.” Jessica pauses for a beat then snaps her fingers and points a finger gun at Riley. “But I will take that promotion. Should be nice to get a pretty sizable pay raise right here at the holidays.”
I shake my head at her. “That’s pretty weak that you have to eliminate your competition to come out on top.”
She heaves a loud, satisfying sigh, and her arms hang limp at her sides. “You know I didn’t think so before, but you guys are actually really cute together…”
Riley grits her teeth which only serves to widen Jessica’s grin.
“Oh, and Riley, you were right about Eric Voorhees. He was fired for falsifying reports—lying, if you will. It’s so unethical.” Her smile is full-blown. “Ah, well. Guess I’ll see you guys later. I’m going to go enjoy the party.”
Jessica slowly walks to the door and lets herself inside. As the screen slaps against the frame, the sinking feeling in my stomach breaks me because I know she just took my only chance at happiness with Riley.
As if on cue, Riley’s shoulders tense as she lifts her chin, but she doesn’t meet my eyes. Everything about her is leaden and defeated as she says, “Can you just take me home? I’m not in the mood to party anymore.”
I fish my keys out of my pocket and as my fingers graze her Secret Santa gift, uncertainty swirls in the pit of my stomach.