Gru la poyak! Gru la cogaf! Go, go, go! Eh, Peter—c’est pa la!” Mel said to the Minions around him.
They responded, “Ah, okay! Okay!”
The Minions walked through the prison, searching for anything they could use. They caused mayhem everywhere they went. One Minion stole a fan from a security guard’s office. Toilets seemed to “walk” their way out of bathroom stalls—one with a man still occupying it.
They had gathered supplies to build a machine for their escape. Now it was time to piece it together. Three Minions flipped over a bathtub, while another screwed a toilet into a platform. The area was being monitored by a security camera. Minions walked away, hidden inside a washing machine, followed by Minions inside other large objects. They froze in place when the camera looked at them and continued onward once it began scanning again.
The Minions worked together to create a flying machine. One of them was electrocuted, which made his eyes glow through his goggles like headlights. Minions stole laundry baskets and sewed together their prison uniforms to create a big sail; they used the light-up Minion as a lamp.
The Minions lifted a dryer into the machine. Finally, the flying machine was assembled. They were ready.
“Bello! Bello! Bello!” the Minion dressed as a flight attendant said, welcoming the passengers who climbed aboard the flying machine. Then the Minion gave the safety instructions. “Pull le mikola mi coden. Pursoo le mikodela—” he said, but before he could finish, his life vest inflated so big he couldn’t finish his speech.
Mel started the engine and lifted the sails. Another Minion guided the ship to take off, running along behind it; but then the flying machine lifted up into the air, leaving him behind in the prison yard.
Mel stared out at the sky in front of them. It was finally happening—they were on their way back to their leader.