Old-Fashioned Very Vanilla
Homemade Ice Cream

This recipe is older than I am. Do not do the math.

1½ cups sugar

2 tablespoons cornstarch

½ teaspoon salt

1 quart milk

4 large eggs

2 tablespoons vanilla extract

4 cups heavy cream

In a double boiler over boiling water (to avoid scorching), stir together the sugar, cornstarch, and salt, and then gradually add the milk. Continue to stir until the mixture is slightly thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove the custard from the heat. In a separate large bowl, lightly beat the eggs. Stir a small amount of the custard into the eggs slowly. Blend it completely. Continue adding custard in small amounts, stirring to integrate the custard with the eggs completely after each addition, until all the custard and eggs are blended and creamy. Add the entire mixture back to the double boiler and cook the custard for 5 minutes. Pour the liquid into a storage container, cover, and chill overnight or for at least 6 hours in the refrigerator. Add the vanilla and cream to the ice-cream mixture and blend well. Transfer to a 1-gallon ice-cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Makes 1 gallon