Implementation team

After understanding the underlying processes we can move ahead to see how the team works for the implementation of the project.

For the implementation of the CX system, due to its complexity, it is necessary to name a few teams that will lead the implementation process and bear full responsibility for the success of the realization. An implementation team's members represent the leadership processes. The main responsible person in the implementation team is the project implementation manager, shown as follows:

The preceding diagram shows the usual CX system implementation team in the company and consists of the following members: 

The project implementation of the CX system is specific to each company because each company has its own business priorities, objectives, and strategies.

Additionally, the goal for the company must be measurable in order to control the success of the process through the implementation phase and to determine whether the stated objective at the end of the implementation process has been completed.

The aim of the implementation must be attainable, relevant, and timed. It is therefore advisable that the company adopts gradual implementation of select CX functionalities. This approach prevents sudden changes in organizational culture and business processes.

All future users of the implemented system must participate in all phases of the development of CX applications to ensure that the final version of the CX system was made according to their requirements and therefore acceptance and usage of the CX system will be higher.