When considering marketing and loyalty, the primary factor to take into account is product marketing. A goal of product marketing is to design and implement a consistent and all-encompassing experience across all devices. In our consideration, these components are part of the Need and Recommend phases.
The main goal of marketing is to create a need for services and/or products, with the goal of establishing customer loyalty. The best indicator of customer loyalty to a company is through word-of-mouth recommendations about a company's services and products.
Communication via social media needs to be a two-way interaction. Social media enables companies to build engagement and promote a company's services/products, depicted as follows:
A company must be able to utilize the data gathered through marketing activities, and tailor campaigns that increase brand loyalty using promotions through all available channels.
The goals of loyalty and marketing are to coordinate a considerable number of people across the company so that the following can be achieved:
- Customer acquisition
- Customer retention
With that in mind, we will need to change our solution so that we are able to address these two goals.