Deployment type

Companies today, especially corporations, have strict guidelines on how and where to deploy solutions. The first question that should be answered is which type of deployment will be needed, since it will greatly influence our solution architecture.

Usually, we can split possible deployments into four categories:

One of the benefits of public clouds is that they can be much larger than private clouds. Public clouds offer the ability to increase or decrease the leased part of the cloud, and shift responsibilities, if unplanned risks arise, from the organization to service providers. Public cloud components can also be under the exclusive use of only one user, making a private data center. However, incorporating images of virtual machines into the public cloud does not provide insight into the cloud infrastructure, while leasing data centers gives users greater insights into the infrastructure itself. Then, users can manage not only virtual machine images but also servers, storage systems, network devices, and network topologies. Creating a private virtual data center with components in the same object reduces the problem of having a multitude of different data locations, because the upload speed is much larger when connecting objects within the same cloud. This kind of offering usually utilizes a pay-per-usage model.

The following diagram outlines how public clouds are utilized. All four companies are connecting to the same cloud, but each of the companies are sandboxed, so that there are no interactions between the data or processes of each company:

The following diagram outlines how private clouds are utilized. Company PCs are connected to the cloud, and consume the cloud's resources. Only PCs that are a part of that company can access the private cloud's resources:

The purpose of managed services is to enable companies to always have the latest technology, and the know-how associated with it, without the investment in the hardware or people required to run the service. Companies providing this service are called MSPs. MSPs can manage in-house systems and processes, cloud-based systems, or a combination of both. Usually, MSPs also take care of communication with the cloud provider. MSPs remediate the main problem with the adoption of cloud-based solutions—a lack of knowledge and experience—since the company is purchasing this service from the MSP.

The following diagram outlines how the managed services model is utilized. The company consumes cloud resources, and it is on premise infrastructure as a service. All maintenance and configuration are outsourced to the managing company:

The following diagram outlines how the on premise model is utilized. The company is managing all of its infrastructure and PCs:

These categories are not exclusive, and usually, for best results, they can be combined and we can use a hybrid approach to solution architecture.