The security of computing in the cloud is very important in the application of cloud computing. The application of any technology can never be perfected until there is no security problem. There is no such solution that guarantees absolute security. When companies migrate their existing cloud applications or cloud upgrades, they need to have a detailed security model that will help them develop, prevent errors, and preserve the value they invested. The biggest difference after switching to cloud computing in terms of security aspects is that the company loses control over resources it had when its applications were maintained by the company. While the resources were under the company's influence, controlling access to sensitive information and business applications was a big challenge. After the cloud transition, access control remains important, but the security infrastructure, platform, and applications are under the direct control of the cloud service provider.
Here are three aspects of cloud computing security, which, from the standpoint of organizations, show that they are very important:
- Legal regulation: Laws and other legal acts define security requirements as a higher priority than functional and technical requirements.
- Security controls: It is very important for all users to have specific security controls run by the service provider, but there are few cloud computing providers offering infrastructure that can support them all.
- Connectivity (federalization) of security services: In order to implement all the necessary controls, cloud service providers will often have to connect to specialized security service providers and create the conditions in which all of them will act as one. Under such conditions, it is extremely important that these services comply with generally accepted security standards that will ensure their compatibility.