acid phosphatase, 194, 196 Afghanistan, 249 aging

erections and, 43-49, 96,115-16, 269

frequency of sex and, 219, 223 number of orgasms in one night and, 130-31, 221 orgasms and, 29-30 stopping having sex and, 219-21 testosterone and, 269 T therapy and, 176-83, 191-93, 200-201

Alexander, Jason, 259 Allen, Woody, 16, 218 alpha adrenergic blockers, 270 alpha blockers, 24 alprostadil, 109-10

Alvarado Hospital Medical Center, 105 American chameleon ( Anolis carolinensis), 185-86 American Urological Association (AUA), 105-7 anal sex, 252-55 androgens, 80 andropause, 183-84 Annie Hall (film), 218 anterior hypothalamus, 186 antidepressants, 29, 32-33, 269 anti-Miillerian factor, 62-63, 78-79 anti-Viagra sentiment, 118

anxiety, 132-34 arterial disease, 103, 139-40 arterial supply to penis, 140 athletes, 244

Austin Powers (film), 183

Baldwin, James, 263 Bible, 227

bladder, 23-24, 210-11, 237 Bombshell (Somers), 177 brain

gender identity and imprinting of, 75

sexual centers in, 8, 186 testosterone and, 55, 186-87, 189 Brindley, Giles, 105-9, 144, 152, 270 Brinkley, John, 245 Brown-Sequard, Charles-Edouard, 243-44

Buck’s fascia, 104

Buggery Act (England, 1533), 248

Camus, Albert, 138 Cancer Research, 196 cancer treatments, 121-22. See also prostate cancer; testicular cancer

castrati, 240-43 castration, 227 ability to have sex and, 242 lizards and, 185-87


castration ( cont’d ) prostate cancer and, 239-43 rabbits and, 189 rebuilding penis after, 88-91 cerebral cortex, 8 cervical tapping, 171 children

ability to have, 235, 238-39, 266 fear of having, 29 testosterone levels of men with, 5-6

China, 241-43

cholesterol medication, 119, 132 Cialis, 48-49, 96-97, 117, 120, 191 gay men and, 261-62 small daily doses, 128-29, 261-62

T therapy and, 193 clitoris

hypertrophied, 80, 85 penis vs., 86-87

surgical conversion of, to penis, 84-88

Clooney, George, 272 Cohen, Andrew, 205 coitus interruptus, 26 communication, 99, 137 condoms, 30 confidence

erection and, 261-62 penis size and, 207-10 testicles and, 231-33 contraception, 20 corpora cavernosa, 86, 90 diagram of, 278

erections and, 103-4, 106-7, 109, 115, 126, 140, 155-56 exstrophy and, 211 impaired tissue and, 152 nerve damage and, 149 penile implant and, 165 surgical inserts and, 155-56 testosterone and, 189 venous leak and, 145-46 corpus spongiosum, 278 cortex,8

Crews, David, 8, 185 Cryer, Jon, 123 cryptorchidism, 58-61

Crystal, Billy, 18

cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), 126

Dangerfield, Rodney, 268 DeFilippo, Noel, 240 delayed ejaculation, 16 depression, 180, 197-200 Descendants, The (film), 272 dewlap, 186 DeWolf, William, 111 diabetes, 24, 100, 132 Dole, Bob, 124, 135 dysthymia, 178

ejaculation, 21-23, 279 aging and, 23, 46-47 delaying, 15-16 erections and, 36-37 fluids in, 23

inability to have, 15, 26-27 orgasm vs., 21, 23-24 paraplegics and, 108-9 prostatectomy and, 23-24 semen in, 22-23

sperm’s journey during, 236, 279 vasectomy and, 23 by women, 22

electromyography (EMG), 111-14 energy, 192-93, 200 epididymis, 62, 236, 279 erectile dysfunction (ED), 9 aging and, 49, 115-16 anxiety and, 132-34 arterial disease and, 44, 139, 140 diagnosis and treatment of, 152-53 ir\jection therapy for, 149-52 medications causing, 269 new partner and “shy penis” and, 131-34

overpromising and, 118-22 penile implants for, 156-74 penile revascularization and, 153 performance anxiety and, 38-41 pharmacological treatment of, begun,105-10 physiology of, 139-40 prevalence of, 100, 269 prostate cancer and, 196-97, 205-6

psychological, 38-41, 99 psychological vs. physical model of, 100-16

spinal cord ir\juries and, 148-52 stopping having sex and, 219-20 stress and, 41-42 T therapy for, 187-88, 190, 196-97, 200

venous leak and, 140-48 Viagra (ED pills) for, 117-38, 270 erections, 34-49 age and, 43-48, 115-16 anal sex and, 253-56 awakening with, 37,189 childhood and, 96-97 diagram of, 278 ejaculation without, 36-37 electrical activity in penis and, 110-14

gay men and, 260-62 how Viagra enhances, 126-27 low T and, 178, 184 manhood and, 141-43, 147-48, 266-67

masturbation and, 37 physiology of, 103-6, 110, 278 prostatectomy and, 23-24 spontaneous, 37 surgical, 152-53 testosterone and, 9, 188-90, 200 transgender issues and, 79-80 T therapy for weak, 187-88 vein compression and, 140 estrogen, 64, 78 sex change and, 66, 69, 79 estrogen therapy, 177 eunuchs, 241-43 exstrophy, 210-11

Fallopian tubes, 60, 62 Farinelli, 241 FDA, 109, 124 feminism, 9 fetus

descent of testicles and, 57-58 development of male and, 62, 78-79 phallus of, 86 testosterone and, 81 finasteride, 224

Flomax, 270 foreskin, 86

40-Year-Old Virgin, The (film), 213 Freud, Sigmund, 244 Fromm, Erich, 247 FTM (newsletter), 84

gender, anatomical, 81 gender dysphoria, 71 gender equality, 6, 271-72 gender identity, 75, 81 genital sensitivity, 179-80 Giraudoux, Jean, 11 glans, 86

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 117 Goldstein, Irwin, 105-7 Goldstein, Sue, 105 Grafenberg, Ernst, 252 G-spot

female, 169-71, 252 male, 251-53 gubernaculum, 57 Gu Fiang-Lu, 241-43

heart disease, 127 Henry VIII, king of England, 248 hermaphrodites, 63-64 hernia, 61

Hodges, Clarence, 194, 196 homosexuality, 247-62 late discovery of, 257-59 male fear of, 259 prevalence of, 248-49 hormones. See also estrogen; testosterone; testosterone therapy

defining sexuality and, 81-82 men and, 183-84, 199-200 pregnancy and, 67-69 sex change and, 65-75 hot flashes, 200

Huggins, Charles, 194, 196-97, 239 Human Sexual Inadequacy (Masters and Johnson), 98 Human Sexual Response (Masters and Johnson), 98 hypertension, 100, 119, 132 hypospadias, 86 hypothalamus, 187,198, 281

impotence. See also erectile dysfunction

problems with, as term, 101 infertility

ejaculation problems and, 25-27 testicular torsion and, 134-39 undescended testicles and, 58-59 infidelity, 6-7 inguinal canal, 57-58 Internet

ED pills marketed on, 143 penis size enhancers on, 213-14, 216 intimacy, 48-49

intrauterine insemination, 26-27 in vitro fertilization, 69, 238-39

jelqing, 214-15

Johnson, Virginia, 97-101, 103, 105, 110, 114-16, 270

Journal of the American Medical Association, 195 Journal of Urology, 110, 197

Keaton, Diane, 218 Kerner, Ian, 17 Khera, Mohit, 197 Kinsey, Alfred, 99, 249 Klinefelter’s syndrome, 187 Kurzeil, Raymond, 270-71

Lancet, 101, 107, 238, 244 Lawrence v. Texas, 248 Levitra, 97, 117, 128 Lilly pharmaceuticals, 128 Lipshultz, Larry, 196 lizards, 8, 185-87 lubricants, 30

luteinizing hormone (LH), 187, 281 luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), 281

male chromosome pattern, 59 male menopause, 269 male reproductive system, diagram of, 277-81 males, genetic, 81

with external female anatomy, 76-79

Marden, Orison Swett, 225

Massachusetts Male Aging Study, 9, 115-16, 269

Masters, William, 97-101, 103, 105,

110, 114-16, 270

masturbation, 37-38, 99, 123, 125, 181 medications, 29, 269 men and manhood, 9 age and, 96-97 anatomy and, 80-82 anxiety about, 7, 259 children as proof of, 226-17 chromosomes and, 81 competition among men and, 226-27 complexity of, 263-64, 271-75 defined,53-54,79-82 desire to please partner and, 4, 9, 11-12, 33, 141-42, 175, 265-67, 273-75

erections and sense of, 141-43, 147-48, 260-62, 266-67 frequency of sex and, 220 importance of sex for, 136-37 masturbation and, 37-38 medical conditions and, 29 misconceptions about, 4-7, 9-11, 47-48, 54-55 power and, 6

prevalence of sexual problems and, 269-70

sexual orientation and, 79-80, 259 social roles and, 266-67 struggle to maintain sense of, 267-68, 272

testicles and, 227-33, 246 testosterone and, 5-6, 55, 72, 81-82 Viagra and, 117-18, 136 women vs., 53-54, 81-82 Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (Gray), 54 menopause, female, 177 menopause, male, 176-201 T therapy for, 176-83 mensch, 82 menstruation, 76-79 metoidioplasty, 83-88 micropenis, 210

Middle Assyrian Law Codes (1075 bc), 248

Moliere, 95

Moreschi, Alessandro, 241 Mullerian ducts, 62 MUSE, 159

National Institutes of Health, 101 neophallus, 84, 88-91 neurological conditions, 24, 103 New England Journal of Medicine, 135, 195, 219

New York Evening Journal, 245 New York Times, 5 Nicolosi, Alfred, 219 nitrate medications, 127 nitric oxide, 189

nocturnal penile tumescence test (NPT), 39-40 normality, 205 frequency of sex and, 219-21 penis size and, 208 sexual problems and, 269-70

obesity, penis size and, 210 oral contraceptives, 99 orgasm, female, 12, 17-18, 33 clitoral vs. vaginal, 99 difficulty of achieving, 101 faking, 18

G-spot and, 168-71, 252 orgasm, male

aging and T therapy, 178-79 avoiding, to prolong sex, 15-16 complexity of, 12-13 condoms and, 30 defined, 21

difficulty achieving, 16 ejaculation vs., 21-24 faking, 3, 11-33, 264-65, 273 G-spot and, 252-53 inability to have, during sex, 12-15, 27-29

inability to have, inside vagina, 25-27

medical conditions and, 24, 29 number in one night, 220-21 psychological reasons for inability to have, 29-31

softening completely after, 250 testosterone and, 9 timing and, 16-18

Our Bodies, Ourselves (Boston Women’s Health Book Collective), 9 ovaries, 62, 64 Ovid, 34

Pakistan, 249 papaverine, 107, 109, 110 paraplegics, 108, 148-52, 265 Pausinystalia yohimb, 103 Paxil, 29

PDE5 inhibitors, 126 penile implant, 90-91, 103, 144, 156-74, 270-71, 280, 280 female orgasm and, 168-74 “going crazy” with sex after, 161-63, 174

how one works, 157-59 how to inflate, 171-73 inflatable, 156, 157 life span of, 168 noninflatable, 155-56 prostate cancer and, 206-7 success of, 159-62 surgical procedure for, 164-67 penile ipjections, 109-11, 255-56, 265 venous leak and, 143-44, 148 penile revascularization, 153 penile venous ligation, 144-48, 152 penis. See also erectile dysfunction; erections; penis size anatomy of clitoris and, 86-87 Chinese eunuchs and, 243 defined, with diagram, 278 defining maleness with, 80-81 electrical activity in, and erection, 110-14

gay men and, 250-51 manhood defined by, 227 rebuilding, 88-91 smooth muscle, testosterone therapy and, 189

surgical conversion of clitoris to, 84-88

penis bone (os penis), 154-56 penis size, 206-24 advertised devices to increase, 213-16

average, 208, 216-17


penis size ( cont’d ) deep penetration and, 173 exstrophy and, 211-12 functional, defined, 210 making most of, 210-13 men’s worries about, 206-10, 216 obesity and, 210 overly large, 215-16 sexual effectiveness and, 99 surgery and, 210 surgery to enlarge, 211-13 penodynamics, 145 performance anxiety, 36-41, 139 peritoneum, 57

Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome, 62-63

Peyronie’s disease, 80, 269 Pfizer, 135

phenoxybenzamine, 106 phentolamine, 109-10 phosphodiesterase (PDE), 126 Pillars of Hardness, 45 pituitary, 187, 281 Playboy , 111—13 pornography, 209, 267-68 postmenopausal women, 30 pregnancy, intercourse during, 99 premarital sex, 29 premature ejaculation, 9, 15-16, 265-66, 269

preoptic area of brain, 186 presbyopia, 201 Priapus, 213 prostate

biopsies of, 195, 197 ejaculation and, 23, 47, 236 enlarged, 47, 224 male G-spot and, 252-53 prostate cancer, 23, 118, 135, 164,


elimination of testosterone and, 239-43

radiation treatment for, 205-7 T therapy and, 194-98, 201 Prozac, 29

PSA blood test, 118, 195 pseudohermaphrodite, 64 puberty, 55 castrati and, 241

testosterone and, 187, 241 transgender issues and, 72

radical prostatectomy, 23, 164 Rapaflo, 270 refractory period, 130 relationships, 217-18, 224 frequency of sex and, 220 new, and “shy penis,” 132-34 penis size and difficulty in, 215-16 without sex, 221-23 religious training, 29 reproduction, 19-22 retrograde ejaculation, 24, 270 Rhoden, Ernani, 195 Roth, Philip, 176 Ryan, Meg, 18

same-sex marriage, 248, 256 scents, 31-32 scrotum, 56-57 descent of testicles and, 57-58 penile implants and, 165 swollen, and testicular torsion, 234 temperature of, 108 testicular implants and, 231-32 Seinfeld (TV show), 259 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 29, 269 semen, 19, 21-25, 59 seminal vesicles, 23, 62, 236, 279 sex

behavior of boys vs. girls and, 54-55

brain and, 8 challenges of, 268-75 desire to satisfy partner and, 17-18, 142-43, 163, 175, 273 as driver for all species, 7, 20 early in relationship, 132-34 expression and, 81 fear and, 249

frequency of, 6-7, 160-62, 217-23 lack of knowledge about, 267-68 life without, 223-24 low T and, 184

Masters and Johnson and, 97-101, 105

men who stop having, 219-21


normality and, 205-24 relationships without, 221-23 reproduction and, 7, 19-20 secrecy and, 9 social norms and, 8-9 talking about, 48, 121-24, 169-70 timing and duration of, 16-18 T therapy and, 190-91 weight problems and, 173-74 woman as initiator in, 161 sex change, 65-70 sex drive (libido), 8-9, 24, 268 complexity of, 271-72 female menopause and, 220 lack of, 223-24 low T and, 217-18 overemphasis on, 264 sexual orientation and, 257-59 T therapy and, 187-88, 190-91, 193-94, 197, 200 unequal, 218

sexual identity, 71. See also gender dysphoria; transgender issues sexual inadequacy, as term, 101 Sexual Medicine Society of North America, 105

sexual orientation, 79-81, 87-88.

See also homosexuality sexual position, 31, 48, 173-74 She Comes First (Kerner), 17 Sheen, Charlie, 123 Singularity Is Near, The (Kurzweil), 270

Sleeper (film), 16 social anxiety disorder, 223 social norms, 8-9, 266-67 Societe de Biologie, 243-44 Somers, Suzanne, 177 Spack, Norman, 71-72 sperm, 19-20, 23 hormones and, 68 journey of, 236, 279 temperature and, 108 testicular removal and, 235-39 undescended testicles and, 58-59 spinal cord ir\juries, 149-52 spironolactone, 66 Stanley, Leo, 245 Steinach, Eugen, 244-45

steroids, 198 Stipe, Michael, 53 stress, 41-42, 48-49, 271 Susset, Jacques, 106

Tanagho, Emil, 107 television, 123-24 testicles, 19 cancer of, 228-33 defining maleness and, 81 descent of, 57-58 development of, in fetus, 57-58, 62 ejaculation and, 23 loss of, 187 manhood and, 227-33 pain and swelling in, 233-38 puberty and, 55 removal of, for cancer, 227-33 removal of, for testicular torsion, 234-35, 237-38 temperature and, 108 testosterone and, 55, 57, 78, 281 transplants of, 245-46 undescended, 55-65, 208-9 virility and, 243-46 (see also testosterone)

testicular cancer, 58-59, 232-33 testicular feminization, 78, 81 testicular implant, 59-60, 229-33 testicular torsion, 234-39 testosterone (T). See also testosterone therapy aging and, 9, 200-201, 269 behavior and, 5 body unable to recognize, 78 boys vs. girls and, 55 discovery of, 241 erections and, 188-90 fatherhood and, 5-6 fetus and, 55, 62, 75, 78-79, 81-82 impact of low, 200 implants to suppress, 72-74, 79 importance of, 97, 176, 184-85, 200-201

lizards and, 8, 185-87 low (low T), 184, 187-201, 217-19 mood and, 180-81, 198-200 orgasm and, 29 production of, 281

testosterone (T) ( cont’d ) prostate cancer and, 195-98, 201, 239-43

puberty and, 55, 72, 187 testicles and, 55, 57, 59 testing for, 200 transgender issues and, 77 virility and, 246

Testosterone for Life (Morgentaler), 195

testosterone gels, 182, 189, 193-94 testosterone injections, 182 testosterone pellet, 182 testosterone therapy (T therapy), 49, 218-19, 221-22, 270 gay men and, 257-59 initial use of, 187-88 men in middle years and, 176-84 mood and, 192-93, 198-200 lizards and, 185-87 prostate cancer and, 194-98 removal of testicles and, 228, 230 sex change and, 66-69, 79 sex drive and, 193-94, 198-99 types of, 182 young men and, 200 Thompson, Donald, 214 Time, 97-99 timing, 16-18 tiredness, 200 Traish, Abdul, 189 transgender issues, 65-80, 92 biology of, 74-79 hormonal treatments for adolescents, 70-75 sexual orientation and, 79-80 surgical conversion and, 84-88 tunica albuginea, 86, 90, 104, 140, 165, 269

Two and Half Men (TV show), 123

U.S. Supreme Court, 248 urethra, 23, 47, 279 clitoris vs. penis and, 86 sperm and, 236-37 urinary sphincter, 24 urination, frequent, 269-70 uterus, 60-65 utricle, 62

vacuum pumps, 144, 159 vagina, 62

vascular studies, 152

vas deferens, 23, 60, 62, 236-37,


ligation of, 244 vasectomy, 19, 23 vasectomy reversal, 65-70 venous leak, 140-48, 152 Viagra (ED pills), 7, 48, 97, 117-37. See also Cialis Cialis vs., 128-29 desire to satisfy partner and, 142-43

“going crazy” with, 160 how it works, 126 Internet marketing of, 143 multiple erections per night and, 129-30

penile implant vs., 157 prostate surgery and, 164 psychological impact of,

132-36 safety of, 127 spontaneity and, 128 success rate of, 134-35 T therapy vs., 190-91 Virag, Ronald, 107, 109, 144 Voronoff, Serge, 244-45

Wald, George, 7-8 When Harry Met Sally (film), 18 Williams, Robin, 4 Wolffian ducts, 62 women. See also orgasm, female complexity of, 271 male inability to have orgasm and, 30

sexuality, 271

stopping having sex, 219-20 Wu Chieh Ping, 241-43

X chromosome, extra, 187

Y chromosome, 62, 81 Yeats, William Butler, 244 yohimbine, 103, 106

Zoloft, 29