
IRVING SECURED ME as a client just at the right time, in fact making the publishing deal for Lonesome Dove just as Dorothea was fading away.

It would be nice to say that Irving was a superb agent, but that would be far from the truth. He had deals in place with many publishers which allowed him to get his 10 percent immediately, whereas his client’s payouts might be spread over years.

In my case, particularly, his carelessness cost me millions. Though he always claimed to be a lawyer, in fact law bored him. Thus when Quintex, the multinational that initially set up the Lonesome Dove deal, went bankrupt, Irving did not bother to follow the proceedings, costing me millions in royalties. And the money stream that is Lonesome Dove is still flowing now.

I figure Irving Lazar cost me at least $15 million, a sum that would always be useful. But I loved him anyway and so did many others.