For their encouragement, I want to thank the editors of the following publications, where these poems, sometimes in different form, were originally published.
The Atlantic: “”
Little Star: “The Paranoid Forest”
The Harvard Advocate: “Lightning Toward Morning”
The New Republic: “The Constant Leaf,” “Not a Hair
of Your Head Shall Be Harmed,” and “Stags”
The New York Review of Books: “Dog and Master”
The New York Times: “Clepsydra”
The New Yorker: “Sphere”
The Paris Review: “Dandelions,” “Extraordinary Geraniums,”
“Free Dirt,” “The Rock,” and “Self-portrait with Rifle”
Poem-a-Day (Academy of American Poets): “The Boat Header,”
“Hand Grenade Bag,” and “War Rug”
Poetry: “Dandelions (II)”
The Threepenny Review: “City Horse” and “Sardines”
Salmagundi: “The Lonely Domain”
Slate: “The Bee”
The Yale Review: “Mother and Child” and “Stampeding Buffalo”
I would like to record my thanks to Poets & Writers, the Liana Foundation, and John and Susan Jackson for an award that was of great importance to me while writing this book.
This work was also supported in part by the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University.
Finally, I wish to record my thanks to Blue Mountain Center for its hospitality and solitude during invaluable residencies.