
Aaron Stone, 78

academics: college and, 166; life improvements in, 166

accumulated knowledge: value on, 12

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), 40

adaptive radiation, 143

agar, 31

AIDS. See Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Alice, Michele, 176

Alien Resurrection, 77

alternative energy: types of, 131; wind energy as, 13239

America: comparative economics in, 19293; employment for, 199; for inventions/innovations, 19697; job loss in, 18990; manufacturing jobs in, 188; pseudoscience in, 165; research in, 195; science in, 165; scientifically literate in, 165; as scientific illiteracy, 4; STEM degrees in, 2045; talent pool of, 19394

American households, 911

Animas River: Gold King Mine spill in, 5556; surface water body affect on, 55; water treatment and, 56

The Artist of the Beautiful (Hawthorne), 74

Asimov, Isaac, 96

atmospheric warming, 110; factors for, 119; global climate change and, 111

the aughts: end of, 18589; job loss in, 18687; Y2K scare and, 18586

Bacillus cereus, 52

bacteria, 26, 51, 52

bad science, 97

Barnum, P. T., 86

basic research, 19495

Bauer, H. H., 91

Benveniste, Jacques, 92

Bermuda Triangle, 95

Berra, Yogi, 170

“Better Living Through Chemistry,” 70

biological nutrient removal (BNR), 121

biology, 3, 5; science of, 20; zoology and, 30

The Birthmark (Hawthorne), 73

Bissell Vacuum Cleaner Company, 10

Black Sheep, 77

Blade Runner, 77

Blagojevich, Ron, 86

Blondlot, Rene-Prosper, 91

BLS. See Bureau of Labor Statistics

BNR. See biological nutrient removal

Booth, W., 97

Brontё, Charlotte, 95

Bulgakov, Mikhail, 75

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 151

Burrill, G., 176

Bush, George W., 138

carbon dioxide, 2

Carroll, R. T., 94

cartoons: children with, 79; evolution of, 79; mad scientists and, 79

case study: Chesapeake Bay clean up as, 12024; climate change of, 10911; of feel good science, 1038; salmon run in, 104; wind energy with, 13536

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 24, 44; cholera and, 2425; disease cause for, 33; E. coli and, 42; hosts and, 41; outbreaks and, 39

chemical contaminants, 41

chemistry, 3, 5

Chesapeake Bay: as case study, 12024; feel good science and, 12224; nutrients in, 121; sewage treatment and, 121; watershed and, 120, 121

China: comparative economics in, 192; job loss to, 189; STEM degrees in, 205; STEM fields in, 203

cholera: CDC and, 25; elimination of, 27; with experiments, 28, 2930; Snow and, 2426; symptoms of, 2425; transmission of, 2425; water spread of, 26

climate change: agreements on, 116; of case study, 10911; with El Niño, 115; evidence in, 11314; global warming and, 109; studies of, 113

Clostridium botulinum, 52, 54

Clostridium perfringens, 53

cognitive biases, 23, 96

college: academics and, 166; crossroads in, 168; decision-making process in, 167; students in, 166

comics, 7980

common sense, 24, 25

communicating, 7, 162

comparative economics: in America, 19293; in China, 192

comparative education, 19192

Cryptosporida (Crypto), 35

Cryptosporidium, 41; outbreak of, 40; protozoan parasite of, 39; species of, 42; types of, 39; water treatment for, 40

CSI syndrome: laboratories in, 182; problems with, 182; science in, 18285

Daminozide (Alar), 62

Daniel, Mary: teaching with, 2; understanding of, 15

Daphne Major, 141, 142

Dark Shadows, 78

Darwin, Charles, 129; evolution theory by, 139, 140; religion and, 139; students and, 140

data: collection of, 13, 48; compilation of, 12; math with, 161; Snow collecting of, 29

Dawkins, Richard, 140

Dayenas, E., 92

dead zones: in Chesapeake Bay, 121; warm seasons and, 122

deductive inference: in scientists’ toolbox, 14; syllogisms and, 14

The Demon-Haunted World (Sagan), 127

Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), 58

Detroit Water and Sewage Department (DWSD), 57

Devils Tower, Wyoming, 17, 18

dinosaurs, 71

disease: causation of, 3233; CDC cause for, 33; detectives for, 32; exposure for, 32; germ theory and, 31; outbreaks and, 48

dowsing, 95

Dr. Cyclops, 77

Dr. Mabuse, 76

Dr. Strangelove, 77

The Drums of Jeopardy (McGrath), 74

DWSD. See Detroit Water and Sewage Department

earthquakes, 8

Easterbrook, G., 140

E. coli, 52; CDC and, 42; outbreak of, 43

economics, 28

Edison, Thomas, 10, 131

education, 152, 152; comparative education and, 19192; math and, 193, 194; STEM fields in, 202; students and, 192

Einstein, Albert, xiv, 19, 127

El Niño, 110; climate change with, 115

Embryo, 77

emerging science, 97

employment: for America, 199; from college, 167; education and, 152; entry-level education and, 152; future of, 193; job loss and, 18997; major occupational groups by, 15354; in manufacturing, 188; in STEM fields, 201; “suitable” for, 191

endothermic reaction, 2, 3

energy crisis, 28, 131

energy innovation, 199

energy production: politics with, 134; on wind energy, 134

energy use: cost of, 132; wind energy for, 132

Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (ESWTR), 36, 40

environment: air emissions in, 63; in epidemiological triangle, 42; factors in, 42; warm winter and, 11516

environmentalists, 134; feel good science and, 123; for northern spotted owl, 137; scientists and, 108; thermal pollution and, 108; wind energy and, 135

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 59; Animas River and, 40; Flint with, 58

epidemic disease, 25

epidemiological research, 26

epidemiological triangle, 34, 4041; environment in, 42; hosts in, 4142; interest in, 35; practical application of, 45; scientist’s toolbox with, 33

epidemiologist, 21; spot map for, 26; toolbox for, 3032

epidemiology: scientists’ toolbox and, 32; Snow practice of, 26; statistical analysis for, 32

ESWTR. See Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

Eurasia, 38

evidence: in climate change, 11314; theory with, 16

experiments, 12; cholera with, 28, 2930; hypotheses and, 13; by Koch, 3031; mad scientist and, 74, 82; in movies, 77; reasoning and, 3; science with, 131; Snow with, 29

facts, 1314, 23

Fairbanks, Richard, 116

Fatal Eggs (Bulgakov), 7475

fear: known and the unknown of, 15055; math and, 152; safety through, 151; science with, 158; students with, 151

feel good science: case study of, 1038; Chesapeake Bay and, 12224; environmentalists and, 123; introduction to, 1023; science different from, 103

Ferngren, Gary, 127

Fleischman, M., 92

flesh-eating superbug, 44

Fletcher, John, 190

flim-flam, 93

Flint, Michigan: EPA in, 58; lead-contamination in, 56, 57, 60; research study in, 5758; water treatment in, 5661

Flush Tax, 122

food: beverages and, 6566; health with, 65; in media commentary, 65; scientific illiteracy and, 6466

forensic techniques, 182

fossil fuels, 118, 133

Frankenstein (Shelley), 73

Friedlander, M. W., 97

frigate bird, 142

fringe science, 97

Galapagos, 141

Gates, Bill, 131, 177

General Electric, 11

geologic eras and periods, 11112

geologic epochs, 112, 11215

germ theory, 26, 30; disease and, 31

Giardia lamblia (Giardia): categories of, 38; hiker’s/traveler’s scourge as, 35; infections of, 37; outbreaks of, 36; range of, 3637; worldwide cases of, 38

giardiasis: illness of, 36; outbreaks of, 39; prescription drugs treatment for, 37; symptoms of, 37

glacial ice, 113, 119

Glacier National Park, 113

global climate change: atmospheric warming and, 111; economics and, 28; global warming and, 4; Gore and, 137

global cooling, 119

global warming, 110, 116; cause of, 117; climate change and, 109; factors for, 119; global climate change and, 4; greenhouse effect and, 119; human activities for, 117, 118; overview of, 11720

Goldacre, B., 97

Gold King Mine spill, 5456

Gore, Al, 137

Grant, B. Rosemary, 141, 143

Grant, Peter, 141, 143

Great Ice Age, 112

Great Recession: bailout in, 197; job loss in, 197, 198; science and, 198; weathering storm of, 197200

greenhouse effect: chlorofluorocarbon in, 117; global warming and, 119; human impact on, 118; radiation in, 117

greenhouse gases, 118

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 73

The Heart of a Dog (Bulgakov), 75

Helweg, O. J., 140

Hoover Company, 10

hosts: CDC and, 41; in epidemiological triangle, 4142; factors of, 41

Hubbard, L. Ron, 96

Huxley, Thomas, 129

hydroelectric power, 104; cons to, 109; dams and, 105; flood control and, 105; pros to, 109

hydrological cycle, 114

hypotheses, 15, 17; experiment and, 13; formulation of, 12; Snow with, 29

ice ages: cause of, 11314; geologic epochs and, 11215; ice advances in, 112; ice sheets in, 113; land and oceanic sediment in, 112; temperatures in, 114

illnesses, 47

immunity, 42

inductive inference, 15

Industrial Revolution, 118

infections, 43

infectious agents, 34, 35, 4041

infectious disease: battle against, 34; time and, 4445

infectious microorganism, 34

inventions/innovations, 9; accidental discovery for, 1112; America for, 19697; important examples of, 12930; vacuum cleaner, 10; water heaters, 10

The Invisible Ray, 76

Jack the Ripper, 75

James Bond, 77

job loss: in America, 18990; in the aughts, 18687; to China, 189; 18997; in Great Recession, 197, 198; manufacturing jobs with, 188, 190; STEM fields and, 200201; in Virginia, 187

Jobs, Steve, 177

Jones, Jim, 89

junk science: cure alls in, 90; scientific evidence and, 93; students on, 90

Kant, Immanuel, 101

Kayne, S. B., 94

Kelvin (Lord), 19

King, Stephen, 4, 151

knowledge: building foundation for, 180; learning and, 180; limitations of, 64; politics and, 129; scientific method and, 9; value on, 12

Koch, Robert, 29; agar development by, 31; experiments by, 3031; postulates of, 31; water treatment studies by, 28

Kuhn, T. S., 18, 19

Kyoto Conference on Global Warming and Climate Change, 115, 116

laboratories: in CSI syndrome, 182; DNA extraction in, 18385; procedures for, 182, 183, 184

Lang, Fritz, 76

Langmuir, Irving, 98

Langmuir, L., 91

Laws of Motion, 162

Lead and Cooper Rule (LCR), 59

Lead Poisoning, Flint, Michigan, 6061

learning, 154, 155; example of, 181; knowledge and, 180; science in, 18081; step-by-step process of, 180

Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van, 30, 31, 34

life improvements: in academics, 166; internet for, 130; with science, 13031

listening: hearing and, 149; information and, 148; math by, 14850; teaching and, 149

literature: mad scientists and, 7275; science in, 71

Little Ice Age, 114

The Little Town on the Prairie (Wilder), 175

London, 2526

Lovelock, James, 179

macroevolution theory: FARM evolution concept in, 144; microevolution theory and, 141, 143

Madoff, Bernie, 89, 185

mad scientists: cartoons and, 79; comics with, 7980; cruelty and, 72; definition of, 72; evil and, 82; experiments and, 74, 82; fascination with, 71; in Frankenstein, 73; Hawthorne and, 7374; human failings of, 82; literature and, 7275; Mengele and, 82; movies and, 7577; real life with, 8183; television and, 78; in video games, 8081

Mahlman, Jerry, 116

Mars, 92

math, 206; assessing science knowledge and, 203; basic training of, 157; calculations for, 161; calculators for, 157; data with, 161; difficulty of, 14748, 15061; education and, 193, 194; examples of, 156, 157; fear and, 152; language of, 15861; listening for, 14850; missing steps in, 156, 15758; numbers and symbols of, 159; operations in, 157; problem-solving skills in, 156; science and, 154, 155, 159; scientifically literate without, 16162; scientific illiteracy and, 162; sequence of, 15557; students and, 148, 152, 155; terms of, 15960; “use it or lose it” in, 158.See also word math

math operations: concepts of, 158; practice of, 158; slide rule and, 17374

Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL), 36

media commentary: carcinogens in, 6364; food in, 65; on science, 62

medical knowledge: common sense and, 25; Snow contribution to, 27

medical services, 201

medical value: snake oil and, 85

Melville, Herman, 96

Mengele, Josef, 82

microevolution theory: FARM evolution concept in, 144; macroevolution theory and, 141, 143

microorganisms, 30, 31

microscope, 30

Milankovitch hypothesis, 114

military learning, 154

Milwaukee Incident, 40

Moody, Chris, 138

movies, 7577

MRSA (multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), 44

multiple working hypotheses, 15

National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 192

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 204

Native American Reservation, 103

Native Americans, 104, 105, 106

natural law, 18

NCES. See National Center for Education Statistics

nerd culture: nerds of, 172; PCs and, 177; pocket calculator and, 17576; scientists and, 172; slide rule and, 17374

nerds: aesthetics of, 173; identification of, 173; of nerd culture, 172; PCs and, 177; pocket calculator for, 175

Newton, Isaac, 8, 162

northern spotted owl, 137

observations: for inductive inference, 15; Snow with, 29; theory and, 16

Ockham’s razor, 13; definition of, 1617

OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

on-the-job training (OJT), 200

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 203

outbreaks: CDC and, 39; of Cryptosporidium, 40; disease and, 48; of E. coli, 43; of giardiasis, 39

paradigm shift, 1819

parasites, 36, 42, 43

Park, Robert L., 91, 97, 98

Pascal, Blaise, 69

Pasteur, Louis, 30, 131

pathogens: Giardia lamblia as, 35; outbreaks of, 36

pathological science: characteristics of, 91; cold fusion as, 92; fraud in, 9193; Martian canals in, 92; N-Rays as, 9192; polywater as, 93; water memory as, 92

pathology report, 51

personal computers (PCs): nerd culture and, 177; nerds and, 177

petri dishes, 31

phrenology, 95

physics, 3, 5

PISA. See Program for International Student Assessment

Planck, Max, 101

Pleistocene epoch, xixiv

pocket calculator: nerd culture and, 17576; for nerds, 175; students and, 176

Poe, Edgar Allan, 95

poisoned picnic: incident explanation of, 5354; information cards for, 4951; items for r, 48; mayonnaise in, 49; with pathology report, 51; practical application with, 4554; scientific analysis for, 4648; suspect list of, 5253; symptoms of, 47

politics: with energy production, 134; science and, 12931, 13739; with wind energy, 136

pollution: nonpoint source pollution and, 107; point source pollution and, 107; wind energy and, 133

Pons, S., 92

popular culture: cartoons in, 79; comics in, 7980; mad scientists in, 81; movies in, 7577; science in, 71; 78; video games in, 8081

practical application: of epidemiological triangle, 45; with poisoned picnic, 4554

prescription drugs, 37

press-conference science, 97

Price, J. K., 158

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 202, 203

protozoan parasite, 39

pseudoscience: 2012 Phenomenon or Millenarianism as, 9495; in America, 165; characteristics of, 94; crystal healing in, 96; Dianetics as, 96; homeopathy as, 96; Lunar or Full Moon Effects in, 95; scientist’s toolbox and, 94; warning signs for, 98

psychology: cross roads in, 168; students of, 168

pump handle removal, 2830

Randi, James, 93

Rappaccini’s Daughter In Mosses From an Old Manse (Hawthorne), 73

Rayology, 90, 98

reality: end of, 6971; escape from, 70; madness in, 7172; science and, 70

reasoning, 3

Red Dye No. 40, 65

religion: Darwin and, 139; politics and, 128; science conflict with, 89, 13944

renewable energy, 207; fuel cells and, 4; non-renewable energy and, 133; wind energy as, 133

Republican Party, 138

The Republican War on Science (Moody), 138

research: on aspirin, 22; development and, 199200

Ridley, Matt, 7

Rising Above the Gathering Storm, 192

rivers, 107

River Thames, 26

Rocky Reach Dam, 106

Romanes, George, 129

Rousseau, D. L., 93

Sagan, Carl, 4, 5, 8, 127, 162

Sagrillo, M., 136

Salmonella typhimurium, 52

salmon run: in case study, 104; scientists and, 106; thermal pollution and, 107

salmon runs, 105

sanitation, 27

San Juan River, 55

SASS. See Schools and Staffing Survey

Schiaparelli, Giovanni, 92

Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), 204

science, 206; in America, 165; of biology, 20; branches of, 2022; in college, 69; communicating for, 7, 6164, 162; CSI syndrome and, 18285; definition of, 812; dynamic nature of, 9; with experiments, 131; failings of, 23; fear of, 158; feel good science different from, 103; Great Recession and, 198; ingrained with, 3; in learning, 18081; life improvements with, 13031; math and, 154, 155, 159; modern world with, 70; politics and, 12931, 13739; quality of life with, 129; religion conflict with, 89, 13944; with skeptics, 71; step-by-step process of, 185; students and, 1; Voltaire on, 8; what to know about, 78

science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 202

science fiction, 70

science knowledge, 203

science projects, 2

scientifically literate: in America, 165; without math, 16162

scientific analysis, 4648

scientific evidence, 93

scientific facts: headlines for, 35; short term interest in, 3435

scientific illiteracy, 5; America as, 4; food and, 6466; math and, 162; sickness and, 37; students as, 34, 70

scientific method, 94; classic representation of, 13; knowledge and, 9; paradigms and, 19; pathological science and, 92; in scientist’s toolbox, 165; technique set of, 1220

scientists: as communicators, 162; environmentalists and, 108; nerd culture and, 172; profession of, 171; salmon run and, 106; snake oil salesman and, 88

scientist’s toolbox, 66; deductive inference in, 14; epidemiological triangle in, 33; epidemiology and, 32; facts in, 1314; pseudoscience and, 94; scientific method in, 165; Snow with, 29; working with, 20

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 73

Sherlock Holmes, 24

Simpson, D., 91

skeptics, 61, 71

slide rule: device of, 174; math operations and, 174; nerd culture and, 17374

Smilodon, xiii

snake oil: fraud and, 85; medical value and, 85

snake oil salesman: audience for, 86, 8788; charisma of, 87; Rayology and, 90; scientists and, 88; showman of, 86; students and, 89

Snow, John, 30, 33, 131; cholera and, 2426; epidemiology practice by, 26; on lessons learned, 28; medical knowledge contribution by, 27; with scientists’ toolbox, 29; theory by, 26

solar energy, 132, 176

Soon, J., 135

special relativity, 19

Staphylococcus aureus (staph), 52

Star Trek: Enterprise, 78

statistics, 206

STEM. See science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

stem cells, 4

STEM fields: in China, 203; definition of, 202; degrees for, 2045; in education, 202; employment in, 201; importance of, 200206; job loss and, 200201; support for, 206

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 74

Strange Bedfellows: Science, Politics and Religion, 129

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 74, 75

Streptococcus pyogenes, 53

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn), 18

students: in college, 166; cross roads for, 168; Darwin and, 140; education and, 192; with fear, 151; on junk science, 90; math and, 148, 152, 155; open-ended format for, 128; pocket calculator for, 175; of psychology, 168; science and, 1, 69; as scientific illiteracy, 34; slide rule for, 174; snake oil salesman and, 89. See also nerd culture; nerds

Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), 36

surgeons, 155

Swine Flu, 32

SWTR. See Surface Water Treatment Rule

syllogisms, 14

teaching: with Daniel, 2; enthusiasm for, 1; listening and, 149; presentations by, 150; quality for, 204; strengthening of, 194; students and, 1

technical learning: math and, 155; military for, 154

technology: breakthroughs in, 11; growth of, 12

television, 78

theory: definition of, 15; with evidence, 16; observations and, 16; by Snow, 26

thermal pollution: environmentalists and, 108; rivers and, 107; salmon run and, 107

Tilghman, Shirley M., 129

time, 4445

toasters, 11

toxins, 52; of clostridium botulinum, 53; food with, 65; for poisoned picnic, 53; water treatment and, 63

tree of science, 21

Trefil, J., 9

Tyzzer, Ernest E., 39

Upton, S. J., 42

Vergano, D., 4

video games: examples of, 8081; mad scientists in, 8081

Virginia: job loss in, 187; manufacturing jobs in, 188

Virginia Tech, 61

viruses, 41

Voltaire, 8

voodoo science, 9798

Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud (Park), 97

warm winter, 11516

waterborne disease, 27, 36, 40, 43

watershed, 55, 120, 121

water treatment, 2728; Animas River and, 56; chlorination in, 28; for Cryptosporidium, 40; drinking and, 39; in Flint, 5661; Giardia and, 38; investigations in, 47; local community with, 39; sampling in, 61; toxins and, 63; wastewater in, 51

Whitehead, A. N., 85

WHO. See World Health Organization

Wicked Science, 78

Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 175

The Wild Wild West, 78

William of Ockham, 16

wind energy: as alternative energy, 132139; bird deaths with, 13536; downside of, 133; early history of, 132; energy production on, 134; noise pollution with, 13435; politics with, 136; as renewable energy, 133; visible pollution with, 135; windmills for, 132

Wolf Man, 76

Wood, Robert W., 91

word math, 161, 162

World Health Organization (WHO), 35

Wozniak, Steve, 177

X-Men, 80

Y2K scare: the aughts and, 185; outcome of, 186

Yucca Mountain, 138

Yurk, xixiv

Zion National Park, 35, 36

zoology, 30