


Jumping back into the revenants’ world has been a wild ride. But after hundreds of messages from you, my readers, I decided to take on the mission. The result? Louis and Siaka and a reunion of the beloved members of La Maison.

Thanks to those friends who provided a sounding board...

Reading manuscripts to each other with Laura Lam, the two of us poolside atop a volcanic cliff in Ischia, Italy. (Our one big trip between lockdowns!) Brainstorming with Mags Harnett in Paris and Dublin. Read-throughs by Lori Stephens and Claudia Depkin. Conversations about story with Celeste Rhoads.

To my soul sisters—Kim, Diana and Mags—for providing unconditional love always, no matter what shit comes down.

Much gratitude to Hannah Kaner, her dad Ben, and the entire Kaner family for allowing me to escape Paris to their Normandy house over two years during Covid. The dead blackbird falling down the chimney next to the fire mere feet away from where I was musing (and, ugh, eating) was an omen that magic will always reign over La Fericotière.

I finished the book while perched upstairs in Conor Horgon’s beautiful house in central Dublin. Thank you.

To Tara Weikum for helping me shape DIE FOR ME into what it is today.

Huge thanks to Karen Ball at Speckled Pen for the edits (and for deleting my dozens of “just”s). Also to Jas Poole for the gorgeous cover!

Most of all, to my two favorite people, Lucia and Max. You bring more joy and laughter to my life than I thought possible. I can’t believe I gave birth to the coolest people I know. (As well as the most patient.) As I read you the drafts, you listened, laughed, and swooned. Plus, you always asked the golden question: what happens next?

And again, to my readers. Years after the Revenant Series began, you are still sending me notes. I am humbled at what happened when my story met your minds. You allowed me to bring something remarkable into this world. For that, I will always be grateful.