Geopathic Stress, An Invisible Profits Thief

It never ceases to surprise me how very few people are aware of the many hidden dangers of a harmful energy that emanates from the earth’s mantle, also called geopathic stress. I have studied geopathic stress, (or G.S.), now for nearly 20 years and am well conversant with the dangers geopathic stress poses to our mental and physical health and the many patterns I have identified over many years of research. Geopathic stress is a very old phenomenon and it has been well known for centuries.

Research into G.S. has been going on for approximately 100 years. The findings are universal and show the same results in all studies. Geopathic stress is harmful to human organisms. G.S. can be linked to chronic disease, mental or physical illnesses and causes behavioural problems. The reason it often goes undetected is in part because it is now so wide spread. In other words, we have learnt to live with it. It is familiar, hence we don’t notice anymore how much pressure it puts on our body’s immune systems and our minds.

While this clearly is so, it does nothing to diminish the very real dangers G.S. poses to our well being. Please check out Rolf Gordon’s book “Are You Sleeping In A Safe Place?” I have learned about G.S. from Rolf Gordon who has carried out extensive research on the subject for around 30 years. My own research which I have carried out over 17 years is clearly proving Rolf’s findings and actually goes beyond his findings.

You need to take notice, because as a trader you are potentially more at risk from the harmful effects of geopathic stress than people in other professions. This is mainly due to the kind of areas where geopathic stress is most prominent and where the harmful energies are at their strongest.

High rise office buildings and built up areas tend to record dangerously high geopathic stress levels more often than rural areas. There are a number of reasons for this. One reason seems to be the density of electronic equipment like computers, wi-fi technology, mobile phone masts, substations, and so on. My own research shows that areas with high or rising EMF emissions, (electro magnetic fields) will also show increased geopathic stress sooner rather than later. I have often found that in areas where there was previously no geopathic stress, within a few months geopathic stress will be present after the installation of mobile telecommunication masts and similar equipment. These finding are alarming.

There is also evidence that the collective consciousness affects geopathic stress levels. More about this all important point later.

I am devoting a lengthy chapter to this topic because geopathic stress as well as electro magnetic field radiation affect the brain and cause psychological problems in due course. The effects of both geopathic stress and electro magnetic radiation, (EMR) are not widely known partly because the knowledge is systematically suppressed by the cell phone companies and other corporations who stand to lose out if this knowledge where to become more wide spread. However, sooner or later the overwhelming evidence cannot be denied any longer and court cases fought over compensation for illness, similar to what happened with cigarette giants, will tell their own story.

The good news is that we can effectively neutralise geopathic stress and electro magnetic radiation. This precaution should be standard practice for every office. It would greatly reduce absenteeism through sickness and in the case of trading increase the profitability of many a trader. On average absenteeism is reduced by around 15 percent if geopathic stress is neutralised. In severe cases of geopathic stress this number can be as high as 25 percent.

We will look at the symptoms of geopathic stress and electro magnetic fields and how it affects us. I will also share with you the proven techniques and devices I use successfully to neutralise the effects of these energies. Electronic equipment is a fact of modern life and likely to stay with us for the foreseeable future. While we all use the technology we should all take the necessary precautions to protect our health as well as help the environment. The increase in geopathic stress and electro magnetic radiation is putting enormous pressure on the earth’s mantle and contributes to shifts in the energy matrix. The dangers are little known as yet and are potentially more far reaching than just affecting our health. Personally, I am convinced that these harmful energies are causing many instabilities in the earth’s energy matrix and are contributing to climate change and increased number of earth quakes of recent years.

So, let us look at a few quick geopathic stress facts:

Geopathic stress is a natural phenomenon and is caused by earth faults, subterranean running water, fault lines and ley lines disturbing the magnetic field of the earth. It is a subtle energy. This means it can be measured, but not with traditional orthodox scientific instruments. Over the past 100 years plenty of research has been done into its effects. Geo stress is a subtle energy and cannot be measured with scientific instruments, but can be felt and it can be dowsed for. Entity energies, such as apparitions tend to occur in geopathic stress areas, and are a clear sign of trapped energies.

Geopathic stress also occurs artificially. Mining, sewers, drains, underground cabling and subways, general building work, and the installation of electricity substations and telecommunication masts like mobile phone masts all contribute to the problem of increasing geo stress.

Dr. Ernst Hartman discovered direct co-relations between emotional and physical problems and the crossing points of geopathic stress lines, which are also called Hartman grid lines. Since then, many studies, including my own show clear evidence of the dangers of geopathic stress. To date it is not entirely clear if geopathic stress problems occur where the grid lines are crossing. We only know for certain that geopathic stress lines contribute to health issues in human organisms.

In my research, I found clear evidence that geopathic stress occurs when EMF, electro magnetic fields from mobile phone masts and substations and similar are present. Electronic equipment concentrated in small areas in offices or outside, for example around airports and train stations can also cause geopathic stress.

Symptoms of geopathic stress

I first came across the dangers of geopathic stress nearly 20 years ago when I could not understand why I suddenly developed chronic health problems having moved into my ex-husband’s house. I discovered that previous occupants had developed health problems and were sleeping in the same part of the house where I was sleeping now.

A friend, familiar with the phenomenon, alerted me to the possibility of geopathic stress. My alarm bells started ringing and I did a little research into the history of the house, going back over some 30 years of the house’s history. It turned out that the couple who lived in the house before my exhusband bought it, had experienced health problems and their marriage broke up too. My ex-husband’s first marriage broke up, and as you have guessed, my marriage to him broke up as well.

Geopathic stress is on the increase. This is very clear from my research and the research of other researchers. Places that tested weak for geopathic stress or even had none previously are now showing unacceptable levels in many instances. The reasons are not entirely clear yet.

In my opinion the two biggest problems are the density of buildings and building work in cities and the use of electronic equipment, which is forever increasing, something of which we are all guilty and are contributing to. After all, who does not use a computer in their hones and offices? I do not know of anyone in my circle. We all have a mobile phone and use wire less telephones and computers in our homes and offices.

The many problems in offices with regard to absenteeism due to sickness, stressed workforces and the increase of depression prove the point. When G.S. neutralisers are placed in offices the rate of absenteeism typically is reduced by around 15 percent to 25 percent. These are impressive numbers.

I get to test many workplaces in large cities like London and the geopathic stress levels are at the high end of the scale. Frequently, I am contacted by people explaining that they experience a general sense of not feeling quite right, they blame it on pressure at work, the generally difficult times and so on. When I test their homes or workspaces for geopathic stress and EMF, often both are present. I have not had a single case since 2006 where there was not a geopathic stress problem when people contacted me for help. Areas which tested a few years ago at around 30 – 50 percent are now testing at 80 plus percent. This is a worrying trend.

Since I have worked in the field of energy psychology and personal development I have come across overwhelming evidence that geopathic stress and EMF are a major factor that affects our lives in general. In my research I also found evidence that geopathic stress and electro magnetic field emissions have a direct effect on our finances too. This is hardly surprising.

Geopathic stress and EMF affect the way the brain works. The energies interfere with the normal frequency emitted by the brain, lowering the energy frequencies of the brain. The brain is on persistent alert fighting against the geopathic stress and EMF energies to maintain its normal function. You will notice the effects of this phenomenon as tiredness, lack of concentration, irritability, anxiety and depression.

Long term exposure to either geopathic stress and/or EMF weakens us mentally due to the persistent pressure it puts on body and mind. As I said, it can cause anxiety, exhaustion, insomnia and depression and can eventually lead to physical illness. Body and mind are not given the time necessary to recuperate from the constant onslaught of these harmful energies. If you live and work in a healthy environment, body and mind will regenerate themselves naturally. The natural rhythm of work, action and recuperation works in perfect harmony and balance. This balance is disturbed when you are exposed to geopathic stress and electro magnetic radiation for long periods over months and years.

If you are spending regularly more than an hour in front of your computer screens and use your mobile phone for more than three minutes per day you are exposing yourself to dangerously high levels of EMR. The symptoms sneak up on you. This is in part the danger. You do not see it, and worse still you do not see it coming either.

When you feel tired and exhausted you probably think that you need a break from work. You go on a holiday for a couple of weeks and feel great. The moment you are back in your office or your home the holiday effect starts to wear off. Within a week or two you are back to square one. It is highly likely that either your office or home and possibly both are badly geopathically stressed, not to mention electro magnetic radiation to which you are exposed.

As traders we must be concerned with geopathic stress and electro magnetic radiation from computers in particular, because of its effect on our brains. In order to trade at your best and make the right decisions quickly you need to feel mentally and physically well and relaxed. When you are sitting in front of your screens for hours on end, your mind as well as your body are put under stress and this is in addition to the stress that the markets may present.

As I have already said, geopathic stress energies interfere with the natural frequencies of your brain. They also affect your immune system. The danger to your immune system is at its greatest when you are sleeping in a geopathically stressed place.

You are probably aware that your body repairs itself during sleep. If you are spending many hours during the day in a geopathically stressed environment your body’s energies will be in dire need for replenishment, more so than the body of a person who lives in a geo stress free environment. When you are also exposed to geopathic stress at night your exhausted body will have to spend all its energy fighting the geopathic stress damage and will not have the energy to do the other repair work that normally goes on as part of its maintenance programme while you are asleep. In fact, the body is fighting a losing battle long term, simply, because it cannot keep up with repairing the damage occurring daily from the geopathic stress and EMF.

In other words, long exposure to either geopathic stress or EMF compounds the harmful effects on your immune system. This is why when you are persistently geopathically stressed you will gradually deplete your body’s energy reserves. You will be working from an empty energy glass more and more and ultimately you will pay the price as the body cannot cope any more.

Think of geopathic stress as if it were a weak electric fence. Each time when you cross a geopathic stress line you receive a weak electric shock. The occasional shock of course will not hurt you. However, if you are getting electric shocks all the time, as you do when you are permanently exposed the geopathic stress, eventually, you will feel the effect on your energy levels. This lack of energy will show itself in your work and also in your relationships with others as you are having to expend more and more energy just to keep going. You are constantly operating from an almost empty glass and eventually you will run on empty most of the time.

Imagine how long you could run a car with the fuel indicator showing empty before it would stop running all together. This is precisely what you are doing to your body when you are exposed to geopathic stress and electro magnetic radiation and do nothing about it. Unless you give your body a chance to replenish its energy levels you will pay the price sooner or later, no matter how stoical you may be. I am sure, you are beginning to see how geopathic stress energies may interfere with your trading performance and your performance in general.

You are probably beginning to see that this situation, unless it is remedied will lead to problems beyond your trading and also start affecting your relationships eventually causing a break down of some sort or other, simply because you cannot cope with the stress any longer. There will be no reserves left to draw from in times of need. This situation becomes a vicious circle.

The natural state of the mind is one of total clarity. Your healthy mind is free from obstructions, free from the projections you put on events based on past experiences and through your internal filters. The mind in its natural state does not interpret every event as good, bad or indifferent. The clear mind is calm, peaceful and open to everything free from judgement and limiting moods. Unfortunately, many factors contribute to clouding up your mind and your mental vision. They all need to be addressed if you want to be at your best.

Environmental factors play a much bigger role in maintaining mental health than is generally realised. Each cloud, or obstruction in your mind, which is expressed as emotions of anxiety, fear, guilt, regret, anger and so on, will make it more difficult for you to see your trading signals clearly.

We could discuss why this is so at length, there are many theories, most of them missing out on the basic causes. Suffice it for now just to say that our present state of mental clutter is the product of the collective consciousness and the resulting conditioning which has built up over millennia and created all the anxieties and mental blocks to success we so often experience.

Our emotions are the product of evolution and civilisation. I believe it is fair to say that we as human beings are in the early stages of our development as humans. If you consider the way our brain still works, it is evident that the neo cortex, which is the modern part of the brain, is still very much in the early stages of development and the largest and oldest parts of the brain are often still fighting with the newer parts, the frontal neo cortex for dominance.

We are only beginning to really understand how to use our minds to our best advantage. In order to make your trading flow seamlessly you need to eliminate as many of the causes of this mental clutter as you can. Clearing geopathic stress and EMF form an important part of the overall plan to create lasting mental clarity.

So, how can you tell that you are exposed dangerous levels of geopathic stress and EMF?

I have already mentioned that poor sleep and anxiety are signs of potential geopathic stress pollution.

Below follows a list of symptoms. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms you may be exposed to geopathic stress and/or EMR:

Persistently weak immune system. You get each cold that is going round
Frequent headaches or migraines
Feeling anxious and stressed
Feeling tired and exhausted
Feeling moody or depressed
Inability to concentrate and focus
A general feeling of unease when you enter a room or building
Lack of motivation
Money problems and other persistent problems
Relationship problems (in 80% of all relationship break ups geopathic stress
is a factor)
Poor or lengthy recovery from illness
Chronic diseases, like arthritis

Who is most at risk from geopathic stress and EMF?

Let us first look at geopathic stress in early childhood

Whilst geopathic stress and EMF are both harmful energies, not everyone is affected by it in the same way. My research has shown that the reason is largely to do with the timing of the first exposure to these harmful energies. As a rule of thumb, the earlier in life you experienced geopathic stress the more likely you are to experience severe reactions, even from short exposure. The reason for this is simple. You already know that your mind will soak up every conditioning or learning like a sponge until it has reached the age of around seven years. Until you reach that age you are operating mainly in alpha and theta. The key though is this: While in this state of super learning, you are not critically evaluating the constant influx of information. This means your mind will not make distinctions between right or wrong.

Let us see what that means in practical terms for exposure to geopathic stress and EMR. Let’s assume that you will have been brought up, as I have, in a severely geopathically stressed environment. Your parents would not be aware of this harmful energy affecting their lives, and neither would you, the young child. Geopathic stress feels like your normal environment. You have nothing to compare it with, because geopathic stress and EMF is all you know. It is normal and feels natural because you are fully immersed in the energies.

Think of fish spending their life swimming in water. This is their natural habitat. They are fully immersed in this habitat. The fish has no idea whether it is wet or not, because this is its natural state. It recognises water as its natural environment, but it cannot step outside itself and critically evaluate whether water is good or bad for it. It has no benchmark to compare its existence against. Similar to the fish, I could also say there are no benchmarks against which to measure geopathic stress or EMR for the infant.

This is precisely how geopathic stress or EMF will be for you, when you are exposed to it from birth and during early childhood. After all, your basic core needs are met. You are being fed and watered, clothed, and probably cuddled and so on. Yes, there may be tension and arguments, but you are used to it. This is your world, you know no different, at least not yet. At the early stages in your life you will be fully immersed in your environment. Since your mind does not experience geopathic stress or EMF as harmful, but as a natural part of your living conditions, it does not sound an alarm and may never do when it is in this environment.

It is an essential part of our mind’s operating system that we will seek out familiarity and evaluate this as good, safe and desirable. This evaluation has nothing to do with reality of good, bad, safe or unsafe though, but is a trick the mind plays on us. Due to this phenomenon we find it often very difficult to change even bad habits, because we believe subconsciously that these bad habits are good for us, even if the conscious mind knows different.

This is a problem that permeates all areas of your life unless you move beyond this stage in your development. Many of us move only partially beyond this point, continuing at times to seek safety in surroundings and mental thought patterns which feel familiar. It is a subconscious process which can and should be brought to your conscious awareness. Fortunately, we can do this. This is after all the main purpose of this book. It will expand your cognitive awareness, if you do nothing else but just read the information contained with an open mind.

Back to geopathic stress in early childhood. Here is what tends to happen for most people later on in life, for instance when they move house. In a drive to feel comfortable and safe you will subconsciously seek out a property that replicates the conditions of your upbringing. You will seek out a property with geopathic stress, because it feels comfortable to you, the atmosphere feels familiar. The same goes for your workplace. If you were presented with a choice you will automatically choose the place with geopathic stress over a place free from these energies. You make your choice based on what intuitively feels comfortable for you until such time that something triggers you to re-evaluate the old programming. Reading this paragraph in this book may be such a trigger.

Our conditioned brains use this automatic selection process; and it goes for anything and everything you do. Until you have learned to stand back and become more detached from yourself you will always automatically replicate old conditions. As we have said before, this is fine, as long as your mind makes the right associations for you. If your upbringing created perfect conditions in all areas of you life, there will be no problem and all will go very smoothly, but the reality for the vast majority of us is different from this ideal. When you are drawn “intuitively” to the same conditions, your “intuition” may just be old conditioning that makes you react subconsciously.

Naturally, once you have become consciously aware of a problem; this could be either through comparisons of similar conditions or through learning about a problem which may open your mind to see something in a new light, you will have a choice. Whenever you are fully immersed in something, you do not have any choices, because you are consciously unaware of the condition.

I cannot stress often enough how important it is that you understand this principle, because it has a bearing on everything you do. It explains why you do things in certain ways and also why it can be very difficult to make changes in your life. As I have mentioned earlier, in essence this book is about increasing your conscious awareness. Everything you read here is aimed at doing just that. Your freedom of action and freedom of choice is equal to your cognitive awareness.

So, if you were born into a geopathically stressed environment you will not only be more readily affected by its negative effects, but you will also blame other things for your feelings of tiredness, stress, lack of concentration, poor relationships or regular colds. People do not realise what is causing their problems and in the pursuit of solutions they will go down the old tried and tested routs, like seeing the doctor, taking a holiday etc. Maybe you have followed in the same footsteps?

Remember, you do not solve a problem with the same way of thinking that got you there. It is as simple as that. Alas, it is always easier and feels safer to go down the tried and tested old paths. The old, well trodden paths feel familiar and this is the danger as you have realised by now, I am sure.

Geopathic stress is much more wide spread than even I had realised when I first began studying this phenomenon, now nearly 20 years ago. From what I can make out geopathic stress free areas in built up areas and cities are the exception and not the norm. We wonder why we see increased illness and super bugs and increased aggression, incidents of road rage and the like. Geopathic stress becoming more wide spread is one of the contributing factors.

First time exposure to geopathic stress

It is obvious that exposure to geopathic stress from an early age will cause the most damage in the long run unless it is neutralised. If undetected at the early stages your body will suffer from the gradual build up of these energies over many years and lead to a systemic overload. This can create high geopathic stress sensitivity for the rest of your life, even if the geopathic stress is neutralised in later life. Because of this even short term exposure can cause serious problems very quickly. If you were exposed to geopathic stress from early childhood you may notice that you are feeling tired, sometimes within a dew minutes, whenever you enter a geopathically stress space without the protection of a neutraliser.

So what happens when you are living and working in a geopathically stressed environment for the first time in adult life? First of all, I must tell you that even in those circumstances long exposure will be dangerous to your mental and physical health. However, it may take longer until you feel the effects, because your energy levels will be higher to begin with. Just, like the first group, who has always lived in geopathic stress/EMF, you are likely to blame any problems you may experience on other causes. You will attribute your difficulties to over work, over tiredness, maybe you think that you are going through a bad patch and so on.

It is difficult to say how long it takes until you will feel the effects of geopathic stress. Normally within a few months you may notice that something is not as it used to be. You may notice feeling down when you enter the geopathically stressed dwelling. Often a general sense of unease and a slight tetchiness are first tell tale signs. If you observe that you are feeling more tired than usual, and get a general feeling of slight depression, suffer from mood swings, but did not have these problems before I advise you to check for geopathic stress exposure and EMR first before you do anything else.

The radiation emanating from your computer screens will cause EMR over exposure if you are spending more than an hour in front of your screens daily.

Geopathic Stress and EMR are linked

Geopathic stress and EMR are directly connected, as I have already mentioned. It is highly probable that you may be experiencing both if you are working in an open plan trading office or even if you are working by yourself and have computers running all day long, as most traders will have to. What I have said about geopathic stress also goes for EMF, the only difference is that the damage to your health from EMF tends to be more localised and mainly affects your eyes, and your brain.

You may find that low levels of geopathic stress start rising when you have a lot of computer and other electronic equipment running. To add to this very serious problem the increase of mobile phone masts, wi-fi and other electronic surveillance equipment further add to the burden from electronic equipment used inside buildings.

I have studied a number of areas in depth in the United Kingdom where low, acceptable levels of geopathic stress suddenly rose to levels which are totally unacceptable. Upon closer examination it turns out that either a new mobile communication mast or similar has gone up in the close vicinity of the dwelling, or building work has commenced close by. When I get inquiries from existing clients where problems suddenly seem to have appeared out of the blue, the appearance of new radio masts or building work close to dwellings where the client either lives or works, can be observed.

How to clear geopathic stress and electro magnetic field radiation

In my own property I experienced a sudden, inexplicable rise of geopathic stress levels at the end of 2007. Rolf Gordon had checked the property for me, when I moved here and found the geopathic stress at acceptable levels. At the time I had a small energy vitaliser placed which did seem to do the job adequately. A year and a half later I suddenly noticed the change of atmosphere in my garden. I am very sensitive to these energies working with them all the time. I could not understand what was wrong. Repeated space clearing seemed to make little difference. Within a day or two the problem seemed to resurface. One day I drove to Northampton and noticed a very large new radio communication mast which had spring up fairly close to my property. In addition to this on the other side of my home a new radio mast had been installed on private land a mile away from me. I cured the problem by installing an additional energy vitaliser.

When I work at my computer, I always have a small personal energy vitaliser between me and the screens and I also use a personalised therapeutic ioniser. This really helps me to maintain my energy levels better and concentrate better. I recommend this remedy to anyone who spends many hours in front of a computer. You will be amazed how much better you feel. It goes without saying that the use of these neutralisers and energisers will improve your mental flexibility and performance. When you feel good you work better and make better decisions.

Over the years I have tested a number of different products and also used crystals to clear the harmful energies. Energy vitalisers are by far the best way to deal with the problem. They come in different sizes. The small personal vitalisers are ideal for use when you are out and about and have your mobile phone with you. You can also get larger models which clear entire houses and larger open plan office spaces. Nobody needs to know that these devises are placed. You do not even need to plug the new models into a socket. They run entirely on universal energies.

In Japan traders often use ionisers to reduce the positive ion output from computer screens. Ionisers are a very good idea to help raise energy levels thus making you less susceptible to the effects of geo stress or EMR. However, ordinary ionisers will do nothing to make you feel better because the molecules of negative ions they produce are too big to breathe in. You may have less dust about the place but that is the only benefit you will get. You can get therapeutic ionisers though which produce negative ion molecules small enough to be inhaled. There is only one company in the world which has patented the process and sells them. I use them myself and their latest product, the personalised ioniser, which you wear round your neck, is very effective and ideal for use when you are in front of your computer. I really notice the difference in my energy levels when I use it, even though I already have energy vitalisers.

At the back of this book you will find links to the products which I use and which are available on my websites.

Does the collective consciousness affect your environment?

Anyone who has studied Buddhism at least a little will know that the underlying principle of Buddhism is the premise that everything is one. Nothing works in isolation because everything is made from the same stuff, energy. Energy is the basic building block of all that is. Scientific studies are now coming up with the evidence. Namely that the universe is a soup of energy. Your thoughts and emotions are energy, so is your body and the chair you sit on and the air you breathe. All is energy at different levels of frequency or, we could say: Energy at different levels of manifestation. This energy is intelligent in the sense that it is not static but inter-reacts with everything. Bruce Lipton’s pioneering studies in this field demonstrate that DNA reacts and changes with the environment. Distance does not matter, nor does time. This inter-reaction is immediate, it can be measured and it is also random to a degree.

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle shows how observed particles react to the observer. So do the water experiments by the Japanese researcher Masaro Emoto. His work also proves factual evidence that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music affect the molecules of water. These experiments have been repeated by a number of people all coming up with the similar results. If you focus on water for only a minute the water molecules get the message so to speak. The human body consists of around 70 percent water. Water covers two thirds of our planet. Our energy or vibrations change the molecular structure of water on the planet and thus of the environment. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also reflects mood of the environment.

There is no escaping the fact that everything is connected. This fact has major implications on our actions in the world and it also has an influence on how you view your trading and investing. Sadly, these findings are still considered cutting edge and have not yet fed through to the mainstream. I assure you though that they will. These findings will change how we control and direct our mental faculties and how we work for the next decades.

Just consider this: If your thoughts can affect your environment, you need to be vigilant about what you are thinking, because it will have an effect somewhere in your environment. Positively directed thoughts with clear intent and congruency will raise your vibrational environment. This in turn will come back to you. You will feel better and your own vibrational energy rises as a consequence. This in turn will help the energies in your surroundings. It is the old story: What came first: The chicken or the egg.

Obviously the opposite also holds true. It does not bear thinking about how much damage the media is doing to the environment, simply by feeding us with the latest sensationalist negativity an a regular basis. The recent financial crisis has been fed through our own negative thinking. Its severity increased and compounded in line with the ever more pervasive negativity. As I said nothing happens in isolation, everything is interconnected. There are no empty spaces between you, your neighbour, or your computer on which you are watching market action. What you think affects everything. The old Hawaiian tribes knew this and had a procedure called aka cord cutting. This very useful exercise is still used today in modern psychology. Cutting cords allows you to reclaim your own energy and is particularly important in today’s environment. I will share the exercise with you later.

If we can accept the premise outlined in the above paragraphs it becomes clear that geopathic stress will be affected by our behaviour and thinking. We already know that the ongoing installation of radio masts and the like place an unacceptable burden on our environment, ultimately leading to emotional and physical problems. However, the implications are much more far reaching and go beyond the physical reality most of us are used to think in. Every one of us is accountable and plays their part in the creation of our world. No one can escape this fact. You had better realise this and understand that instead of farming out blame for the economy or any other demise in your life, you should start asking yourself what you personally can do to improve your trading, your working and living conditions, your relationships and so on. Just imagine, if everyone started to think constructive thoughts like this. The air around you literally would take a sigh of relief…

A few years ago I cleared the office of a brokerage firm in an American city of geopathic stress using distance REIKI. By the way, clearing geopathic stress in this way is not a permanent measure. It was done as a short term temporary emergency solution.

The occupants felt better, because the geo stress was effectively neutralised through REIKI until other more permanent measures were put in place. This clearly shows that energy flows where attention goes, if it is done with intense focus and total clarity of mind. So, if one person can clear geopathic stress, if only temporarily, it surely follows that we can make geopathic stress worse through our thinking.

I believe that this is in part the explanation for unprecedentedly high levels of geopathic stress that have occurred since mid 2008. Geopathic stress has been rising steadily for many years now. Many researchers have put it down to sun spot activity, and increased underground cabling due to building activity, particularly in built up areas and the increase in radio communication masts, mobile phone masts and so on.

What puzzled me was the fact that there had been no sunspot activity to speak of since June/July of 2008 but geopathic stress was on the increase at dramatic levels hitherto not observed. Well, we all know what happened, the markets finally crashed in October culminating in the most severe bear market we have had in decades. General sentiment has been very low for a while and the permanent bombardment of negative news from the press has fed this negative sentiment. The collective consciousness has not been so negative for decades.

Alas, many of us have seen it coming, all be it not in such a severe and rush manner. I wonder if those who said this system cannot carry on as it is have also inadvertently hastened its demise. One thing is certain though, negativity and dissatisfaction have been building in the past two or three years and so has geopathic stress.

So, is it that far fetched that we are also increasing geopathic stress through our all pervasive negativity? Is the collective consciousness affecting geopathic stress? I am certain that this is the case, based on what scientists and researchers like Heisenberg, Bohm, Wheeler and Emoto, Lipton and countless others have proven in their studies. In fact, the evidence is so compelling that to turn a blind eye to the facts as they are emerging would by rather like denying that the earth was round and carry on pretending that it is flat, as the collective once believed.

So please give your mind a fair chance to recover from the constant onslaught of harmful energies around you and make sure that your living and working environment, and particularly your trading room has clean energies as a first point of defence against the onslaught of the collective negativity. You cannot change the world, but you can change yourself and your own personal space.

I hear you ask whether you personally can reduce geopathic stress with your thinking in your own environment. The answer is “yes”, if you are vibrating at a high frequency and are able to maintain this frequency. Most of us will not be able to keep the energies at geopathic stress energies at bay for very long, particularly without training. The energy required is too much for most of us to cope with on a regular basis. Clearing geopathic stress energies through mental focus requires a lot of concentration and very clear energy channels.

Make things easier on yourself by neutralising the negative energies of geopathic stress and electro stress by placing the appropriate energy vitalisers and therapeutic ionisers to boost your energy levels and your immune system. When you feel energised you think healthier thoughts. You are happier, healthier and your trading will also be a lot easier.

Trading is not an endurance test. There are no rewards for the stiff upper lip syndrome and stoically putting up and shutting up, as we would say here in the UK. Remember what I said about your true nature? Seek the path of least resistance. If you are in tune with yourself you will go round the mountain instead of insisting to go through it. Deal with geopathic stress and electro magnetic radiation and get the right equipment to neutralise it, thus preventing long term damage to your health. Only because you cannot readily see the damage it is doing to you, does not mean that it is not already affecting you.

I feel that we owe it to the world to neutralise the long term damage we are doing, as we are all going to continue using electronic equipment. Computers, wireless communication and the like are here to stay. However, you cannot keep taking without giving something back. Your personal working and living space is a conscious, living thing, just as you are.

The present systematic pollution of our environment from chemicals dumped to the indiscriminate use of electronic equipment poses serious health hazards which are so wide spread that they are beginning to destroy the social structure of our society as well as destroying our earth and our livelihood. We are seeing unprecedented levels of depression and anxiety disorders and dysfunctional behaviour. I have already said it: To me a major reason for the increase of these health issues is the pollution of our environment which lowers immune function and attacks our brains.

It is now recognised that 25 percent of the population have persistent mental problems. 85 percent of the population suffer self esteem issues at some point in their lives.

As you now know you can so easily remedy one of the contributing factors to these problems. In fact, it is the easiest thing to fix of all the challenges you are facing as a trader.

Creating a re-creational space where you can go outside of your trading room to recharge your batteries and neutralising environmental pollution should be the first action you take before you look any further. The benefits will compound and you will notice it by feeling better, enjoying higher energy levels and improved trading.

Still not convinced? Here are yet more compelling reasons: It is a known fact accident spots occur in geopathic stress areas. I already told you that interpersonal problems have been linked to geopathic stress; and finally geopathic stress impacts on your nutrition too.

Feed your mind, but from geopathic stress free produce

Yes, geopathic stress also affects food and your ability to absorb nutrients. In fact, it delivers a double whammy. Tests have repeatedly shown that food stored in geopathically stressed areas goes off much faster than food stored in a healthy environment losing its nutritional value. Not only are you not absorbing your nutrients properly when you are permanently exposed to geo stress, but the food you consume will have already lost most of its nutritional value.

This is also true for electro magnetic field radiation. Drinks and food stored near a computer or cell phone lose their energy value and thus their vitamins and minerals very quickly indeed. They literally shrivel away as the molecules are fried by the harmful energies. This is precisely what happens to your brain when you are using your mobile phone for more than three minutes a day, or are living and working near a radio mast, are exposed to wi-fi communication waves and similar.

In order to function properly the brain needs quality food containing the right trace elements, minerals and vitamins. When the body does not absorb food properly and the food has lost is nutrients prematurely you are depriving your brain of essential ingredients that allow it to function properly. The nutrient deprivation can add to or cause depression and anxiety, low immune function, lack of energy and a host of other symptoms; all of which will throw a spanner in the works of achieving your trading goals and making your life harmonious and happy. The lack of vitamin the B complex and lack of vitamin C can severely impair your emotional well being. This can cause unnecessary strain on your ability to run your business and have happy, healthy relationships.

Geopathic stress affects homeopathic and orthodox medications and interferes with energy therapy. None of this does come as a surprise, knowing what we now know about geopathic stress. You may have heard of a phenomenon called psychological reversal. Psychological reversal occurs when one thinks a problem is fully cleared only to find it makes a reappearance later.

The phenomenon of psychological reversal hampers many an attempt at personal development and makes change very difficult indeed, because you will always want to revert back to the old, familiar behaviour which is triggered by the lowering of your energies through geopathic stress and EMF. The psychological problems caused through long exposure to geo stress and EMR are many and I could write about this subject for many more paragraphs.

The message is simple and clear: Geopathic stress and EMR are both harmful and you should protect yourself and your food against it. Do not be fooled into thinking that this subject is hogwash and does not apply to you, or has nothing to do with your trading performance, just because you believe you cannot see any physical evidence, yet. It has everything to do with your trading performance and your performance as a human being. So, please don’t take this information lightly.

This may be the first time that you hear about the dangers of geopathic stress and EMR. You may be a bit suspicious, but that alone does not mean that it is not real. Remember, most new inventions or findings were initially met with disbelief and even ridiculed or worse still, scientists, inventors, philosophers, were ostracised for their cutting edge findings which later became accepted by everyone. Nobody would think now that the earth is flat or would they?

Raise your energy with this natural supplement

Before we move on to the next chapter I want to bring your attention to a very potent, yet presently still relatively little known natural supplement. This supplement is a fruit called mangosteen, Although little known in the west, the mangosteen fruit has been around for centuries and is grown in South East Asia where it has been used to cure all manner of health problems.

The mangosteen fruit is one of the best health supplements you could possibly take. It is available in fruit juice form tastes delicious and will work wonders for your mental state. In fact its health benefits almost sound too good to be true. (there is a link at the end of this book for further information).

The mangosteen and mangosteen xanthones, the biochemical that contains the amazing health benefits present in this little fruit, has been the subject of extensive scientific research all attesting to its amazing qualities. Check it out for yourself on the internet by searching for mangosteen xanthones.

Before I recommend anything I always try and test it first. When I was first introduced to mangosteen juice I wondered if it would live up to its amazing promises, even though the independent scientific research is convincing testimony to its many benefits.

Mangosteen xanthones contain anti oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-tumour, anti-viral, anti-allergy and anti-microbial properties. The mangosteen is the only fruit known that contains over thirty of these xanthones. This is what makes the fruit so potent. By comparison most fruits only contain one xanthone.

Mangosteen xanthones have been exposed to cancer cells in laboratory studies. In every in vitro study, mangosteen xanthones killed the cancer cells.

Stories abound about how the mangosteen clears or at least vastly improves, symptoms of many diseases including depression, cancer, arthritis, asthma, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, to name but a few. A number of prominent doctors in the United States recommend the mangosteen as a supplement.

You may be aware of the fact that stress of any kind is one of the major causes, if not the cause of disease. Diseases take years to develop and always start with an inflammation process in some part of the body. When this inflammation process continues beyond its original purpose, namely to heal a disease, and it becomes chronic, physical or mental problems occur eventually. Depression is caused by inflammation of the brain, so is anxiety and any other health issue.

By the time you realize you are feeling depressed, tired, or anxious your body is already responding to a disease process that may have started a number of years ago.

Typically, cancer takes seven to eight years to develop before conventional medicine picks it up. Some researchers are saying now that the disease process may take even longer.

Prevention is king if you want to lead a healthy life and perform at your best. I am recommending Mangosteen juice particularly because it has been proven to be very effective for the brain and helped cure serious mental problems. It will help you maintain higher energy levels and concentration and both will help you to maintain trading performance.