In this section I am going to take you through several EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) sessions addressing issues you may face in your trading. Similar to Micro EFT you are tapping on a number of meridians. EFT is different from Micro EFT in two ways: You are tapping on several points, doing what we call “rounds”. You will be doing several tapping rounds. The number of rounds varies and is not fixed. Generally, once you have tapped three rounds or so, you will notice an energetic shift. Your view of the issue you are addressing is beginning to change.
EFT is more involved than Micro EFT and takes longer to do. It is not necessary to
do EFT several times per day. Instead, you will do one session per day and repeat
this session every day for a week and then move to the next session. EFT goes deeper
into issues, hence it is ideal to use for those subconscious, deep rooted shadows
that may be stopping you from moving forward. EFT will bring subconscious issues to
the fore, just as Micro EFT does, but it is a more powerful process.
Please follow the instructions exactly and don’t be tempted to use short cuts. And
now to the process:
The tapping points are:
The crown of the head
The left or right eyebrow
The bone on the side of either eye
Under either eye, just where you can feel the bone under the eye socket
Under the nose
Chin, tap in the crevice
Either left or right side of the collarbone, tap in the hollow part just under the
Under arm, either left or right, about three inches down
Before you begin you may want to familiarise yourself with the tapping points on
the illustration on page 90.
Familiarize yourself with the tapping techniques, as outlined in the next paragraph, if you are new to EFT. Make sure you remember the tapping points as this will help you to concentrate better on the phrases as you go through the tapping sequence.
You can do the sessions in any order. Go to the sessions that “speak” to you most
However, in order to get the best results I recommend that you do all the sessions
in this book.
Do only one session per day. This allows you to digest the sessions and allows time
for fresh insights to come to your conscious mind and integrate them in between sessions.
Repetition is always king.
Repeat each session for five days before moving to the next one. As your perspectives
change you will gain new, valuable understandings of old problems.
You are evolving all the time, even if you are unaware of it to begin with. The person
you were when you did an EFT session last week or even only yesterday is a different
person today.
Pace yourself through the tapping process
Set aside about 15 minutes a day and don’t rush the process. Slow tapping and staying
with the individual points tapping 7 to 10 times on each point works best, particularly
in the beginning.
Don’t get hung up on the number of times you tap on each point. The number is simply
a guideline to give you a feeling for the rhythm you need to develop.
If you go through the sequence too fast you may not tune into your emotions properly.
I find that a fairly slow tapping pace heightens your awareness.
Feel free to experiment once you have done the sessions. The sessions are designed
to lead you to recognise other blockages you may have. As you do EFT and Micro EFT
many hitherto subconscious thoughts will come to your conscious awareness. You will
begin to see connections you did not see before.
Use what you have learned from the sessions in this book as your template for further
work. And please remember: EFT is a powerful process. If you experience severe reactions
see an experienced practitioner. Your well being is your responsibility.