You may not be fully aware just to what extent you are trading your ego instead of the markets. What are your hang ups? Do you perhaps feel that the markets give you power? Are you fulfilling a lack in another part of your life through trading? Could it be that you are trading unresolved anger or regret? I recommend that you do this session, even if you think that you have no problems in this area. Just do the session and notice what comes up for you…
Star with tapping the K.C.P saying the following set up phrases
Even though I believe my ego is well under control I am always open to learn more
about myself
My ego mind can pretend all sorts of things and fool me into believing stuff that
is not real about my trading and I accept that and deal with it now
I choose to be open and notice how my ego plays tricks on my trading even though
I had not noticed it until now and let it be okay
Now continue with the sequence:
Crown: I am tapping into my ego self
Eyebrow: I am relating to the times when I have traded my ego and not the markets
Side of eye: Not you, says my ego
Under eye: Well, it would say that, wouldn’t it
Under eye: There must have been occasions when I have traded my ego even though I
refuse to see them
Under nose: My ego is so clever, it likes to hide its power from me
Chin: Well, that is just typical of my ego. I like to think that I am above those
Collarbone: Super trader and super human and free from ego considerations
Under arm: Alas, I also know deep down that this is a lie
Crown: Uncovering the real truth though is a challenge at times
Take three deep breaths and continue
Crown: I can rise to any challenge though, if I want to
Eyebrow: I want to and am open to letting my ego speak to me
Side of eye: It has so much to reveal to me and it has its rightful place
Under eye: Learning more about how my ego plays with me is interesting and most revealing
Under nose: My ego and I are on good terms, most of the time
Chin: My ego is there to protect me, that’s part of its job
Collarbone: I appreciate it and welcome it, but in its rightful place
Under arm: Its place is not in my trading
Crown: Even if it thinks that it is helping me to make money
Take three deep breaths and continue
Crown: I value my ego and its role in self preservation
Eyebrow: I would be lost without it
Side of eye: Alas, my trading decisions must be clear and unobstructed
Under eye: It is the markets and me, the facilitator, working together in harmony
Under nose: I am the facilitator expressing market movements through trades
Chin: This is my role as trader, facilitator and I do not need my ego’s help for
Collarbone: It is about the ultimate fusion between market energy and my trading
Under arm: They both unfold as one if I allow it
Crown: They are one as long as they are free from outside interference Take three
deep breaths and continue
Crown: I am the perfect facilitator of the markets
Eyebrows: The markets are expressing themselves directly through me
Side of eye: My ego understands this now and takes a back seat
Under eye: This is the magic of being in the zone
Under nose: I am free from cumbersome projections and totally in tune with one thing
Chin: I experience the market for what it is
Collarbone: A machine of energy reflecting collective consciousness
Under arm: This is what I trade, this is what I facilitate
Crown: This is my role when I trade
Take three deep breaths and continue
Crown: I am nothing but a receiver
Eyebrow: I receive the signals from the market
Side of eye: I let go of the ego’s need to protect me. I act beyond my ego
Under eye: This is the real power and my real strength
Under nose: I can always rise above my ego whenever I choose to
Chin: I use it in its rightful place whenever it is appropriate
Collarbone: I always notice when my ego wants to interferes with my trading
Under arm: Because I am in tune with myself and know myself well
Crown: Every day I can deepen the relationship with myself just by seeing my ego
for what it is and keeping it in its rightful place
Take three deep breaths
Here is a suggestion for Micro EFT. Use it whenever you notice that your ego is getting
out of control. It will help you to maintain equanimity and stay detached from the
markets as well as from your feelings and emotions.
Crown: I am becoming more fully aware whenever my ego interferes with my trading
Collarbone: And hone this sensitivity
Sternum: Because I appreciate the control I have over my emotional self and use this
to control my emotions