Session Nine – Winning Attitude

Developing this winning attitude is what trading and life is all about. In this book you will have learned a lot about the factors that stop us from having that winning mind set and entering this state of mind at will and fully congruently, free from the self sabotaging little gremlins that can make even the best trades turn sour. Use this session any time you notice that your mental attitude is somewhat lacking. Maybe a position did not quite turn out as you expected in a certain time frame and you are wondering whether or not the original reason for the trade is still valid. This session helps you to centre yourself and be realistic without exuberance that overrides reason, harmony and balance. A winning mind set is not about mega positivity, but about realism, opportunity, creativity and harmony.

Start with tapping the K.C.P. and say the following set up phrases:

Even though my mindset is not quite at its best right now, I choose to accept this and know that I can change my mental state right now

My inner talk is becoming sounder with every time I use this session and I feel comfortable and confident with this certain knowledge

I am happy to hone realistic assessments in the now, be balanced, have vision and harmony and see high probability trading opportunities whenever I choose

Continue with the sequence:

Crown: My mind has the power the produce mastery in all areas of my life

Eyebrow: My inner direction gives it strength

Side of eye: I hone my inner voice to sound upbeat and calm

Under eye: I am working on the certainty that I am on the right track

Under nose: I am not the victim of my circumstances

Chin: But the master of opportunity

Collarbone: My creative vision is expanding all the time

Under arm: I feel the strength of certainty inside me

Crown: I connect to my creative centre with every tap

Take three deep breaths and continue

Crown: I hone an inner self assurance

Eyebrow: I know with certainty that I am on the right track

Side of eye: I do not need to see external proof all the time

Under eye: My inner game provides the road signs

Under nose: My inner game is balanced and free

Chin: My inner vision is clear and notices every opportunity

Collarbone: I have the strategies that work for me securely anchored in my mind

Under arm: I am unfazed by unexpected market moves and see my trades through with an attitude of detached calm

Crown: I have natural flexibility and my exit plans

Take three deep breaths and continue

Crown: I always interact with the markets seamlessly

Eyebrow: Free from judgement and free from anxiety

Side of eye: I focus on what is right for me

Under eye: I focus on trading my own trading style

Under nose: I am in my own centre and connected to the market simultaneously

Chin: For this is my personal winning strategy

Collarbone: I have all the details for each trade in the subconscious mind

Under arm: I act synergistically and automatically

Crown: The actions I take are always appropriate and work for me Take three deep breaths and continue

Crown: I am self reliant and free and trade profitably in the now

Eyebrow: I rely on my own assessment, because that is right for me

Side of eye: I am uninfluenced by what goes on around me

Under eye: I make up my own mind, see what I see and let it be okay

Under nose: There is no excessive noise inside my head

Chin: I interact with the markets seamlessly

Collarbone: My trading is harmonic and I always know when to stop

Under arm: I am tune with the markets and myself

Crown: This is my natural state. I enjoy it and I hone it now

Take three deep breaths

You can of course also use Micro EFT for regular boosts. It will certainly help to build a sound foundation for to your mental winning attitude. Here is an example:

Crown: I am continuously working to improve my winning attitude

Collarbone: I recognise negative patterns before they can take hold

Sternum: I see this as opportunities to strengthen my winning attitude and always produce winning strategies