LCRW Guidelines

We do not accept email, multiple, or simultaneous submissions. Response time is about six months. We read everything, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Our apologies for reading so slowly. At the moment we are only reading paper submissions. If six months has passed and you contact us we will try and reply with our decision.

We occasionally solicit work but most of what we publish is work that comes in over the transom and we are very happy that we have generally published a couple of new writers in each issue.
We continue to seek out work by women and writers of color.

We recommend you read
Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet before submitting. You can procure a copy from us or from assorted book shops.

We accept fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and black and white art. The fiction we publish most of tends toward but is not limited to the speculative. This does not mean only quietly desperate stories. We will consider items that fall out with regular categories. We do not publish gore, sword and sorcery, or pornography. We can discuss these terms if you like. There are places for them all, this is not one of them.

We recommend at least one rewrite for both our sanities.

Please follow standard ms format: 12 pt Courier, double-spaced, numbered pages, &c. and an SASE (with a Forever Stamp) for our reply.

We buy first North American serial rights (and very occasionally we solicit reprints), nonexclusive electronic rights, and a nonexclusive anthology right. The paper and ebook editions of LCRW come out twice yearly. This website, although we very occasionally publish something on it, is not a paying market.

Fiction: US$0.03/word, $25 minimum. Poetry: $10/poem. Paid on publication. Contributors receive 2 copies of the issue in which their work is published and can buy further copies of that issue at a 40% discount (i.e. $3 per copy).

Thank you.

Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link

Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet

150 Pleasant St., #306

Easthampton, MA 01027