The significant amount of honey in these lavender-infused peaches means that the variety you use will have an impact on the flavor. Honeys sourced from clover, orange blossoms, and sage are all good choices. Buckwheat honey is very strong—save it for barbecue sauces and baked goods.
1. Bring a large pot of water to boiling. Working in batches, carefully lower peaches into boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds or until skins start to split. Using a slotted spoon, transfer peaches to a large bowl of ice water. When cool enough to handle, remove peaches from ice water. Using a small sharp knife, peel skins off peaches. Cut peaches in half lengthwise; remove and discard pits (if using pint jars, quarter and pit peaches).
2. For syrup, in a large pot combine the 4 cups water, honey, wine, lavender buds, and salt. Cook and stir over medium heat until honey is dissolved.
3. Using a vegetable peeler, cut 2- to 3-inch strips of peel from lemon, scraping off any white portions with a paring knife. Reserve the lemon for another use.
4. Pack peaches, cut sides down, and lemon peel into hot sterilized quart or pint canning jars, leaving a ½-inch headspace. Ladle the hot syrup over the peaches, distributing lavender buds evenly among jars and maintaining the½-inch headspace. Wipe jar rims; adjust lids and screw bands.
5. Process filled jars in a boiling-water canner for 25 minutes for quarts, 20 minutes for pints (start timing when water returns to boiling). Remove jars from canner; cool on wire racks.
PER 1 PEACH: 77 cal., 0 g fat, 0 mg chol., 22 mg sodium, 19 g carb., 2 g fiber, 1 g pro.